14.- Globalization and Renunciation
was born when the wireless communications began to use satellites like
axes to information turn around. When the enormous financial power of
the system was obvious, and companies converted their administrative structures
into mechanisms of the cybernetic world-range space, the establishment
became a more and more totalitarian and excluding reality. An important
Chief of State can control all details of a nation from his desk, and
even beyond, according to his military capacity. Israel has just placed
a spy satellite with high recording capacity to look continuously at what
is happening in Palestinian streets, even to follow persons individually.
Likewise, in big companies, an auditor can make touch at once with every
one of thousands of PCs of his business web, and even can interfere, give
orders and receive answers. Moreover, it is under consideration in the
United States to implant a subcutaneous microchip in every citizen (particularly,
black men, immigrants and suspects); a simple control is sufficient to
know what this citizen is doing. Globalization lays nothing aside; they
use vehicles, financial movements, whales, migratory birds, excursionists,
soldiers and potentially any moving thing and being.
Globalization is a political-financial weft, its factors in world economy
are interconnected and compromised one another, from drug traffic to art
work auction at colossal prices. They support and relate one another by
means of a single and efficient international instrument, without face,
moral and scruples; an intangible instrument: money. Every one of those
parts of the globe fight and compete with one another, by absorbing and
destroying them, and forming societies; but they do not affect the general
structure; on the contrary, they strengthen it. In fact, globalization
is perverse by itself and grows on evil: it impedes freedom, annihilates
individualities, obstructs creativeness, and creates mass mind and mass
feelings; it is a perfect Communism in a capitalist society.
Diverse groups that defended the environment, protected an undernourished
childhood, protested against ethnic discrimination and fought economic
injustice, now are united against globalization. They are particularly
combatant and prove it frontally every time the powerful reunite to strengthen
their power (Seattle, Genoa, Manhattan), but cannot do anything before
the power emerged from the global Empire.
The Teachings in the Global Village
Some persons,
formerly in touch with the Order founded by Master Santiago (Cafh), are
openly against divulging the Teachings by means of Internet, according
to what Jesus recommended to his Apostles, “Not to cast pearls before
swine”; in their view, people was not prepared to receive them.
These persons are mistaken since the Master insisted on expanding the
idea of Cafh all over the world, because many souls expect anxiously the
Message of Renunciation, and it was an urgent necessity.
These Teachings have entered the globe by means of the most powerful vehicle
in the world, Internet, without fears or warnings, in search of predestined
beings of the New Age who are in the dark. These Teachings have their
own intrinsic and untouchable power, which enables them to wander without
danger from outskirts of Singapore to slums of Rio de Janeiro. These Teachings
come from the bottom of the times, projected toward the future of Aquarius
by the hand of a Master of Wisdom who, because he loves Humanity, has
incarnated only for this. These Teachings do not aspire to remain untouched
in an ivory tower like shining jewels of spiritual life. They are liberating
messages wherever man is, physically, socially and spiritually. Their
worst destiny is to remain unmovable, and it is this what happened for
forty years, locked in secret chambers of mistaken minds. Now these messages
are finally free, and teach how Renunciation will save men, talk nonchalantly
with people, and walk everywhere.
In 1957 Full Moon Message, Master Santiago says, “Sons of Cafh,
look at the valley of the world, whose souls claims for their salvation
and as an answer they receive darkened light beams, roars from profaned
abysses, prophetic destruction voices and hope voices uttered by intermediaries!
Sons of the Mother!, why don’t you descend and stay among men to
teach your experience of Renunciation? Sons of the Mother, Sons of Cafh:
bring your Message of Renunciation to this anguished and expectant world!”.
No answer to this exciting request; every one kept what he has learnt
by treasuring greedily his spiritual possessions. So the Master himself
walked by the street mixed with persons of any condition, and by means
of his ineffable ministry, he is teaching the world the doctrine of Renunciation
and the way to practice it. It was true, necessity was tremendous and,
at these moments, about the middle of 2002, more than a million of Teachings
downloaded from Internet in forty nations of the globalized planet are
guiding men to freedom.
These Teachings
are immune to outer aggressions; they are such as they are, invariable,
mature and perfect. Their author died many years ago, and nobody can touch
them any more. Here the popular motto is relevant, “Take them, or
leave them!”. Their gestation is different for familiar terrestrial
works; their source is foreign, as Master Bovisio explained in Book XVIII,
“The Divine Way of Renunciation”, Chapter 11. A paragraph
reads: “A Divine Master dealt with imparting these teachings so
that they may be engraved on minds and hearts of those who have to give
them: this Divine Master is the Monitor. The Monitor has given the Teachings
of Cafh through the Founder of Cafh. This Founder has given them to a
group of souls; later if these souls did not understand these Teachings,
never mind; He has given these Teachings”.
As you can see, these Teachings are inalterable. One can set printed pages
on fire, delete hard disks and cancel informatics servers, but we cannot
adulterate them. They are foreigners, not from another planet, but from
other time and from other dimensions, in which Great Initiates live and
guide Humanity. This is why they go wherever at will, –light, aerial,
ever equal to themselves; they remain where are received; and they move
away where are rejected.
In the Global Village, these Teachings approach men and women of any condition:
workers, entrepreneurs, military men, students, thieves, dying persons
and drug-addicts, for all need this Message of Renunciation, suffer a
big deal, are slaves of the Empire, and need redemption. These Teachings
anticipate and announce the Great Solar Initiate’s work; they cannot
be stained. In this living hell, as the Master usually would say, these
Teachings seek predestined beings to accompany the Redeemer. A Great Being
never comes alone; hundred of Faithful Disciples are around him and develop,
complete, disseminate and widen the Great Work. Let’s not forget
this: we are on the threshold of an era that will last 24,000 years, whose
task is to harmonize pairs of opposites, spirit and matter. This work,
which now is a seed in Maitreya’s bosom, has to germinate and extend
through all areas of life –inner, outer and even planetary areas.
Master Santiago walks through Earth with a flame on his forehead illuminating
all corners, looking at all faces, searching for predestined beings, –magnanimous
souls willing to take part in building a new world and following the Great
Initiate Redeemer.
Seeking Faithful Disciples
Where are
they? Who are they? In retires, lectures and courses, the Master addressed
to his Sons, –souls united with Him by Vows. The Sons ever were
his interlocutors; the work founded by him, that is, Cafh, has ended many
years ago. But the central mission of taking the Message of Renunciation
to the world and helping Maitreya, still remains unfulfilled. This mission
was in charge of the Sons; so he educated them with rigor (the majority
of those spiritual heritors are dead or very old, or moved far away).
After forty years of inactivities, this mission necessarily passed to
other souls, –Maitreya’s Faithful Disciples.
These disciples are not identified, nobody knows where they are; they
don’t know either. Master Santiago says many Beings, Lunar Initiates,
of Fire, and Higher Disciples are in unknown and scattered places, but
when Maitreya reveals his divine identity, those Faithful Disciples will
recognize him. In Book V, Chapter 6, 7, he says, “The Solar Initiate
of Fourth Category affirms his divine incarnation during his lifetime
with unequivocal words, with particular works, with miraculous facts,
and prophecies fulfilled, before witnesses and openly, in such a way that
his memory among men is imperishable”. In Chapter 12, he states,
“Buddha is surrounded by thirty-two Lunar Initiates, and has Initiates
of Fire as propagators to preach and disseminate all this through the
world. Christ has twelve Lunar Initiates, who are Twelve Disciples, and
seventy Initiates of Fire, who are his disciples”.
Master Santiago is everywhere in the world by means of his Teachings,
in homes, because this characterizes the instrument he uses, by seeking
Faithful Disciples and exhorting them to join the redeeming work of Humanity.
We hope the dissemination of these Teachings may increase more and more,
like at present, so that nobody is unaware of the good news. These Teachings
will never become over-extended; it is impossible because they are the
Renunciation itself. Their destination is every individual so that, in
solitude, he may now the message and look at his heart. The Redeemer is
already on Earth. Enemies of Humanity are preparing the final horror,
new weapons, new wars and terminal holocaust to perpetrate the Apocalypses
announced by the Evangelist. The waiting time is so short. Those men who
accede the Message of Renunciation should know how to open their souls
at this crucial moment, and serve the Great Initiate from their hearts,
becoming Faithful Disciples.