18.- Crisis
The verdict
of Alan Greenspan, president of the United States Federal Reserve was
categorical, “Corruption and fraud destroy capitalism and free market,
and in general, the foundations of our society”. Not only North-Americans,
as direct victims, are protesting and wondering in anguish what will happen
with them, but also the whole world is restless about what will happen
henceforward. The whole political system –brilliant and immense,
domineering and hegemonic after the cold war– broke out as a bubble
of false values, so as ten years ago the powerful Soviet Union collapsed.
The communist collapse in the very bosom of the USSR, Pollitburo and party’s
nomenclature, by covetousness, immobility and unstoppable will-to-power,
is the same phenomenon that has led the United States to a crisis: limitless
money hysteria, nonsense, fraud and falseness in Wall Street and rules
of that country. In a globalized and homogeneous world it is impossible
to understand the North-American crisis in an isolated way; you should
study it in a wider circle, which may include the Soviet Union’s
fall and what is happening in China right now. In fact, we should analyze
it in a planetary way, not only as to finances and terrorism but as to
all layers of change experienced by the planet and Humanity, their basic
parameters, their fatal trends, their chances, and the proposal of the
new age that began right now.
Since the First and Second World War, in the past century, human society
is mixed up, even in its littlest details, by communications, commerce,
egalitarian life style, irruption of masses in public life, and other
factors. Very aggressive ideologies, like Capitalism, Fascism, Nazism
and Communism, made and make a difference as to outer forms of their axioms,
but are equal as to their fight for the domination of the world. What
does mean to speak about winners? No; the Axis countries lost the war;
but totalitarianism, made by them, overcame everywhere. There is a power
higher than that of nations, which regulates their process of social development
and on which they depend: forces of change from a time that ends, and
another force is coming. If one does not understand this context in which
peoples make their local experiences, we cannot understand the latter
either, and disoriented people will suffer a great deal. This is the case
with North-Americans, with crushed Afghans, with Argentines and their
enormous crime rate; in short, with everybody. In this Reflection we’ll
speak about the crisis of change, when we see how Pisces becomes Aquarius.
To understand
For those
who want to live in peace it is essential to understand what happens to
men; a realization does not eliminate pains or joys, but places them on
their just site, and they can become our amiable companions. When one
ignores or is mistaken, a subjective anguish takes possession of our mind
and we do not know what to do. Men have the right to know the truth about
what happens in the world, here and in other regions. There is a factor
that produces ignorance: to know only a part, which grazes us physically,
while the rest is in the dark. This situation derived from selfishness
distorts a diagnosis of the reality, and leads to general misfortune.
Everything is vitally united by a permanent game of causes, effects and
individual freewill. It is a serious mistake, not only as to world leaders
but also as to an ordinary man, to think that the North-American crisis
is a problem of the North-Americans.
The Message of Renunciation, given by Master Santiago Bovisio, comprises
Humanity as a whole, not only present Humanity, but also coming men from
the age of Aquarius. The magnetism of the Solar Initiate Maitreya embraces
the whole planet and will last during the same cycle. There is no Chinese,
or Russian, or North-American, or capitalist, or socialist, or Islamic
solution, or from any other ideological side. This solution will be universal,
or won’t be. Read the Book XVIII, “The Way of Renunciation”,
and the Book XIX, “The Messages”, and there you will find
a wide explanation about universal concepts.
Understanding is participating. It does not mean to be informed about
international news, but to be able to overcome the personal and exclusive
circle of matters affecting superficially the individual, family, money
and diseases, and to feel interest in things experienced by men as if
these things were our own. Humanity is more than 6,000 million people
inhabiting the Planet; it is also a lone being suffering and living like
everybody and, although nobody knows him, he is a person, with a higher
destiny at the end of the times.
One-sided judgements are incomplete, therefore mistaken, because the man
lives alternatively a pair of opposites: good and evil, negative and positive,
active and passive, in a permanent dynamic game producing inescapable
results as a whole. Excess in a factor unbalances the process, and its
effects are wars, misery, crimes and civilization fall. So, in the last
two centuries, a surplus of production –without compensations, pride
of those who proclaim materialist views– has led Humanity to the
edge of the abyss, irreversibly, when foundations of a new way to live
are announced.
Perhaps Argentina
is the country where the crisis of change comes up more acutely than elsewhere,
and where people reveals the most patent disconnection from the reality.
Argentines live in a pure illusion, seeking refuge in the nostalgia of
other times, believing they were the best, dreaming of a golden future
in the first world, and invading the streets and banging on pots and pans.
If they obtain something, they smile; if they lose, they start crying.
Crisis in Argentina is mental, not economic, because they are unable to
place themselves on this time of transformations. As long as they think
of unreality and utopia, they will suffer.
An Argentine is socially immature, incomplete and provincial. If he lives
on a quarter of Buenos Aires, on the outskirts, he feels he is the center
of the nation and refuses to know beyond the small circle in which he
moves. He lacks consciousness and love, therefore he does not understand.
According to a usual popular motto “Me, Argentine”, this means
he refuses any compromises, and he calls this to be free. The same happens
in cities of the interior, where every one feels satisfied in his locality.
The Argentine crisis is psychological and individual, with unjustified
pride on the one hand, and enormous irresponsibility on the other. From
this conformist nature, the misfortune undergone by the people, which
nobody can understand: military coups once and again, surrender to foreign
powers, first to England and later to the United States, corruption on
all layers of the society and State, horrible misery and dirt in slums,
excessive production of wasted food, crime by the streets day and night,
and so many other crazy phenomena.
What chances an Argentine may have to find his own identity? First, to
confront the reality, with his soul, with what he actually wants, examining
his conscience about what he is and what he is not. Second, to descend
from his pedestal; life is not made of illusions, estimations and appearances,
but of crude realities of every day, –sometimes good, other times
bad, and other times very bad. He should be cruel regarding self-piety,
assuming the responsibility and being a man. Third, he should accompany,
help and share. In Argentina, the needy are majority and share misery,
suffering, loneliness, disease and misunderstanding. Solidarity is the
main Argentine instrument to go forward. Master Santiago has dealt many
times with this subject about the lone man in search of his way. We recommend
particularly three Books: II “Sacrifice”; XXIX “Discursive
Meditation”; and XXXI “The Good Way”.
c. The Highest Law
If a man
wishes to get some day permanent peace in society, and personal happiness
in himself, he must know and live the Great Revelation given by God in
the beginning of the Aryan Race, preserved by religious traditions and
by the original Order of Fire. Its seven postulates are expounded in the
Chapter 13, Book XXV “Theology”.
The Third Revelation says, “The liberation of man, which he has
to achieve by himself, not suddenly but through stages, dying, reincarnating
and passing through hells, purgatories and heavens”. Sixth Revelation:
“The man will found his whole existence on the concept of good and
evil, using his rational mind that has no more elements than those provided
by his animal mind, and by flashes of his intuitive mind”. Seventh
Revelation: “So the Aryan man will be inherently in need of moral
development and wishes for improvement, perfection and dignified actions”.
Seven are the stages to fulfill by the Aryan Race since its beginning
120,000 years ago with the Many Vaivasvata to fulfilling its mission.
We live a crisis of transformations from the fifth stage to the sixth,
and if we want to understand these successive world changes, since we
cannot alter them, we must know the permanent Law of the Race: conquest
of the reason by means of a fight between pairs of opposites. We recommend
to study the Book IV “History of Man”, and all its Teachings,
since it will enable to understand the causes of the present world crisis,
and their characteristics in every item of human activities, even those
intimate, personal and secret items. If one does not accept the request
of Master Santiago claiming for a complete, reversible and transforming
ethics of good and evil, we will never understand the Highest Law, and
men will jump for a shore to another of the stream of life passing in
The great historic stream is like a torrential river in which we are immersed;
it is a fruitless nonsense to oppose to its power, and stops the human
evolution. It is lethal as much in society as in the individual to continue
the inertia of the old world with his axioms and trends, money, confrontations,
ideologies, competitiveness and so on. The masses will continue with their
primitive impulses and will be destroyed by their own contradictions,
such as it is happening now; but the individual can be saved if he follows
the Way of Renunciation “inherently in need of moral development
and whishes for improvement, perfection and dignified actions”.