Number 48 New Ordering Soon we are going to attain four years since the initial expansion of the Message of Renunciation in the world by spreading the Teachings through Internet, since the first day of the third millennium, which have reached the cyberspace such as they were in our hands in those days, that is, unfinished and with mistakes. Irrespective of any deficiency, the Message swiftly traveled through the world, hastening every issue, and in July past attained French Polynesia with 20 visits. In seventy countries of all continents, Master Bovisio’s Teachings are read and studied, and thousands of copied files are transferred at a rate of 2 million monthly Kbytes. In the course of time, generous and friendly hands gave us courses unknown to us, which we added to the collection until completing 47 books which are available to public. Also, those persons delivered us an almost complete collection of Xerox copies of original matrices, which were kept in a secret and inaccessible place. With all this material in our hands we are preparing the canon of Teachings, correcting mistakes, unifying versions, simplifying the design, eliminating unnecessary things, like forewords, and so on. It is our intention to offer, in the beginning of 2005, a new reordered bibliographic material by Internet and, as soon as possible, to release it duly printed to main libraries in the world so that the Master’s word never may be adulterated; this canon edition will constitute the best assurance of the Renunciation Doctrine. As a forthcoming of the new format for the work, we have divided it into six disciplinary parts, recovering the first names of Courses and Teachings, eliminating numbers in paragraphs, forewords, sentences to remember, and inserting a short French indention in the beginning of each paragraph for a clear reading. Classification is as follows: FIRST PART Course I Spiritual Development Course XIII Asceticism in Prayer THIRD PART Course XXIII History of Man FOURTH PART Course XXX Philosophy FIFTH PART Course XXXV Archaic Symbols SIXTH PART Course XLIV Superiors of Community These six parts constitute the Canon of Master Santiago’s Teachings, and probably no other text so far unknown should be added. Otherwise, it would be spread “out of the Canon”, which remains unchangeable. The Renunciation Doctrine, such as it was stated by Masters of the Order of Fire from the hereafter, has been given by Master Santiago while alive; it contains ideas, symbols, traditions and prophetic statements which were collected by his followers since the first foundation in Mount Kaor, in the beginning of the Teutonic Sub-Race, 24,000 years ago, and which has just finished in the birth of Aquarius. Such fiery tradition has been secretly preserved by Secret Orders, but Master Santiago has delivered it by writing on the Teachings, and asked its spreading all over the world. This occurred so since the first day of the third millennium, so that every man may know new forms of existence. This is the third stream of expansion. Because of the spiritual need of this dreadful time in which we live, we have started another stream, which allows a dynamic flow of the Great Current between Masters and souls, by the creation of a direct relationship with spiritual entities of America –which are many– through the three languages of the continent, that is, Spanish, English and Portuguese, from three emitting centers, mountain of Mendoza, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, Brazil. By means of our proposal, we are calling together to leaders of Orders, Lodges and Brotherhoods, and to outstanding personalities of society, so that they may add themselves to salvation efforts of Humanity in times of destruction. Nations devoured by fire of war, social chaos and insecurity are collapsing; peoples are corrupted by famine, hard drugs, prostitution and ignorance; the Planet is degraded by abuse of its natural resources; and those who are responsible for the whole world do not find solution to such serious evils. Men of God who preach love and fraternity should conciliate among them their ideas, beyond their individual position, and work for the salvation of Humanity, in every area: written and TV press, education, enterprises, State, Universities, in a direct relationship with men. So that this may come true, it is indispensable to surpass the frame of personal activities and approach others with positive proposals. People long for a fraternal word of common good. The second stream to spread the Teachings –which now is flowing through America– fosters this community task. Cyberspace navigator: this convocation is for all; in family, at work, in the street, everywhere we can talk about and convey an idea of Renunciation, of salvation. In fact, as more souls adhere to Maitreya’s cause and promote peace, it is more likely that destruction may no be so big and a portion of Humanity may be saved. Devils have prepared everything in order to kill, but Maitreya is the Master of Justice who will overcome them. By the help of Master Bovisio’s Teachings, we men of Aquarius are building the New World. September 2004 ![]()
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