Teaching 1: Formation of the Aryan Race
Teaching 2: The Aryan-Aryan Sub-race
Teaching 3: The Return of the Sons of Manu
Teaching 4: Narada
Teaching 5: Formation of the Aryan-Semitic Sub-race
Teaching 6: Seven Ramifications of the Early Aryan Race
Teaching 7: Aryan Semitic Sub-race
Teaching 8: The Tower of Babel
Teaching 9: Aryan-Iranian Sub-race
Teaching 10: Greatness and Power of Aryan-Iranians
Teaching 11: Formation of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race
Teaching 12: Aryan-Celtic Sub-race
Teaching 13: The End of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race.
Teaching 14: Birth of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race
Teaching 15: Development of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race
Teaching 16: Early Aryan-Teutons Peoples

Teaching 1: Formation of the Aryan Race

During the full development of the Atlantean Race, one of its sub-races, the Semitic sub-race, had appeared with the special mission of forming a physiological and mental man of a type eventually fit for the formation of the type belonging to the Aryan Race.
The Atlantean Semitic Sub-race began after the Tolteca deluge, 850,000 years ago.
This race was more and more differentiated from the rest of Atlantean peoples and assumed its own characteristics.
After the third great Atlantean deluge, 220,000 years ago, the Atlantean Semites started receiving among them some prototypes of the future Aryans. And after their defeat by the Akadians, 150,000 years ago, we can say the true formation of the future Race began; a higher and higher number of entities of the new type were incarnating among the Semites.
Manu Savarna –a Solar Initiate, belonging to the fourth Atlantean Race-Root– descended into the community to crystallize the Idea-Mother of the Absolute Divinity and stated: “All is God. Man is God. All emanates from the Divine Fountain and comes back to Him”, in order to establish those beings who had to found the race of the Aryan mankind.
Fleeing from the Akadians, He guided them through a large valley on the banks of a great river, for many days, always to the Southeast, till they reached a splendid land, full of promontories and of an oasis, encompassed by a kind of natural rampart, of pure coral.
Gradually the above mentioned river flooded the valley and separated people guided by Manu Savarna, from the land of the Akadians, and a large island was formed, whose name was Coral Isle. This was a privileged island as much by its exuberant vegetation as by its mild climate.
We may suppose they went from the present Australia to the region now occupied by New Zealand’s islands.
Atlantean migrations were always made from Northeast to Southeast, while invasions were made to North.
When the Sun, rent the clouds and appeared at the sight of those who inhabited the Atlantean Continent, shone more brilliantly on the Coral Isle.
>From 150,000 to 120,000 years ago, Aryan types increased noticeably and eventually were almost the half of the total population of the island.
Of course, so outstanding and diverse idiosyncrasy among Atlantean Semites and early Aryans brought quite intense inner fights. The physical body of the Aryan ancestors had become extraordinarily beautiful, and this would produce envy among Atlantean of the old type. These fights caused many migrations; and the Atlantean had to seek new lands.
Between their large island and the new continent that was emerging from the waters, a great number of islands and rocky isles appeared.
Following this route, they settled on the coast of the new continent, in the site of the present New Guinea and Borneo islands.
The cycle was about to be fulfilled. New cosmic forces would steadily fill the lands to Southeast of Asia. The Great Initiates of the Aryan Race prepared themselves to descend and guide the chosen to their new abodes.
118,765 years ago (in Gregorian calendar, 1937), Manu Vaivasvata incarnated among men to select Aryans and found the first Aryan sub-race, the “Aryan-Aryan”.

Teaching 2: The Aryan-Aryan Sub-race

Asia, the first land that the Aryan man had to explore, would emerge among coral plateaux and rocks not trampled underfoot yet; it was adorned by a exuberant –though dismal¬– vegetation, and crowned by very high mountains, as a sign of enigma and mystery for those who had to conquer it.
This land proudly raised its crests to the sky as if it were challenging it because man should adore and worship it.
In certain areas of Asia, especially in areas surrounded by the sea, in large islands, colonies of Atlantean Mongols stayed, but the center of the continent was entirely virgin.
The First High Solar Initiate of the Aryan Race, Manu Vaivasvata, descended into Coral Isle, to lead the new race for the conquest of the mysterious continent.
This extraordinary being, which in the course of centuries became a symbol and idea, truly lived in physical form among the early Aryans.
But in his early youth he left the Atlantean land for the coast of the new continent. There he remained until his old age, educating the people, giving laws and organizing one thousand young men to become eventually heads of the fantastic expedition that he proposed to start.
Of these one thousand young men he selected ten privileged by their spiritual rank, who would be his direct representatives; their names were as follows: Marichi, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaka, Angryas, Kardama, Dakcha, Vashishia, Bhrigu and Narada.
When Manu Vavasvata was one hundred fourteen years old and his white beard would stand out on his swarthy face, he started the long march.
Aryans were divided into ten large groups that started successively the march with an interval of one Moon between one and another. Every one of these groups was led by a Rishi or Sage; and at a time they were divided into one hundred divisions each; every sub-division was led by one of the one thousand who had been chosen and its total number was one thousand people. Then one million people followed the Manu Vaivasvata that was in the group of the Sage Marichi, who served him in all.
These early Aryans had not the physical configuration of the present man, although they were similar. They were more than two meters high and their skull was big and flat, with little eyes, big mouth and ears, and big and flat nose. Their arms and legs were strong and well proportioned, but little resistant. Their skin was rather dark, and their hair was lank and long. They spoke a language of synthetic type, called Arypal.
When Manu Vaivasvata made the great migration to the unknown land, he thought the Aryan could be able to organize again other expeditions and eventually to lead the whole population of the coast to the new land, but the old lands became more and more marshy, unhealthy and hot, and constantly attacked by the Atlanteans.
Neither Manu Vaivasvata knew the glorious and tragic destiny which waited for his chosen people.
So, the sign of Aries represents a ram with its head turned backwards, looking at the point it left, as if there it had left its heart.
Those caravans defiled with frightening difficulties across marshes, swamps and wild beasts unknown to them.
They crossed those islands sited on the present Southern Sea of China and entered Asia through Indochina, traveled through the rocky and waste regions of Siam and Burma, and arrived at the feet of the Himalayas.
In his heavenly visions, Manu Vaivasvata had seen the Great Temple, a chain of very high mountains; and the Divine Voice has said the Promised Land was behind them.
So they bordered the Himalayas looking for a passage, until they found it; this occurred 118,765 years ago (1937, in Gregorian calendar).
So far the number of the dead has been small; but when those ten groups entered the Himalayas, after a mild time there was a glacial period of time.
Frightening tempests of snow closed the passage through which they had got in; and uselessly they were in pursuit of a way-out. Cold, famine and lack of resistance decimated them.
The Aryan people claimed to Manu for their return to the primitive land. But all this was in vain.
Survivors painfully bordered the Himalayas, always in quest for a way-out; by following the coast of the Kuenlun, finally they reached Altyntag; from there they saw the Turkestan, massif which they called “Abode of the Gods”. And before them a wonderful land extended, a true Promised Land, which at its centre had a sea, the present Gobi desert.
Manu Vaivasvata sang there the Anthem of their Liberation.
He instructed the ten Sages, who have survived, to send their men to conquer those lands. And along with some few followers, he climbed the Sacred Mountain of the Gods.
This migration lasted seventy-six years.
Meanwhile, a strange phenomenon occurred in the physical bodies of men. Because of a violent change of weather, or by emotional motives, their dark hairs became white.
This was a signal of an eventual change in the color of the hair and skin pigmentation; this happened during the following millennium.
During this period of time, the Aryan-Aryans conquered Mongolia, the Chinese Turkestan and the Tibet; and banished Mongolian Atlantean colonies by destroying or assimilating them. And they became absolute owners of these regions in the heart of Asia.

Teaching 3: The Return of the Sons of Manu

The ten tribes, lead by the ten Sages, took from these Sages their names.
The tribe of Marichi remained in the Tibet.
Tribes of Atri, Pulatya and Pulaka settled in different parts of Mongolia.
Tribes of Agryas, Kardama and Dakcha populated the Chinese Turkestan.
Vashishia’s Tribe entered the Russian Turkestan.
Bhrigu’s Tribe settled in Afghanistan, and Narada’s in Kashmir.
This dispersion of Aryan-Aryan migrations was slow, and thousands of years had to pass before these Tribes were settled in the above mentioned lands.
During these millennia, these men changed entirely and definitely; their sense of smell developed, their stature diminished and the color of their skin became clearer, as well as the color of their hair, especially in those of Vashishia’s Tribe. Also the color of their eyes changed.
They had lived for centuries in the snow. They had to fight against famine and cold, and to conquer the earth, forcing it inch by inch. So they learnt to love the earth.
The treasure of their lives was sleeping under a white sheet; and this was the first symbol of their Divinity; the White Goddess, the sleeping Mother, Nature hiding her treasures.
After the above mentioned glacial era of the migration period, seasons became milder; the Earth, by becoming dry and wrinkled, formed large plies, which were natural barriers between one people and another.
Language changed. The Arypal was only preserved by Marichi’s Tribe as priestly language –very changed and called Zenzar.
The other tribes spoke different languages, whose only memory is Sanskrit.
If Tribes separated definitely, they maintained however a common cult: the adoration of fire and worship of Nature.
The divine and human worship was already infiltrated into them.
The worship of fire –a fire that so painstakingly they had to get– would recall them, like in a dream, their origins and the warm country from which their ancestors migrated, where volcanoes in eruption vomited fire and forest would burn for months when they were devastated by all-devouring fires.
Also, the memory of Manu Vaivasvata, the old giant with swarthy face who took the fire in his hands, would recall them their divine origins.
From the beginning, these peoples constantly waged wars, and we can say finally four Tribes won: the Tribes of Marichi, Atri, Vashishia and Narada.
But Naradas’s tribe prevailed, extended all over India, and conquered the inhabitants of Afghanistan, of Bhrigu’s Tribe, and waged war against the Tribe of Atri, which had appropriated the North.
But it had another glorious destiny: that of conquering again the land from which they had gone out.

Teaching 4: Narada

Vashishia’s Tribe had left the Sacred Land being attracted by the mystery of large deserts and forests, and gorges of huge mountains that they saw on the horizon.
For millennia this tribe had to strive and seek the North of Asia, bordering the Caucasus and entering Europe, in those regions which were not fully formed for human life, waiting for the fruit of their efforts.
But the conquerors would belong to Narada’s Tribe, those warriors who had left for the South, who had defeated the strong Tribes of their brothers and were destined to conquer and mix with the last remnants of the Atlanteans and to found the second sub-race, the Aryan-Semitic sub-race.
They conquered a land extraordinarily beautiful and fertile; its name was “of the Five Rivers” (Kashmir).
The Naradas remained there for many years, believing this was the earthly limit. But time and again, some gigantic black gods, who were like the gods of the Naradas –that is, Manu Vaivasvata– appeared on the summit of the mounts, and with their airy weapon –a deadly beam of some kind– destroyed lands and cities of the Naradas that were highly civilized in those days.
They had forgotten that those men were their true ancestors, and took them as wrathful gods.
Meanwhile, other enemies –Bhrigu’s Tribes– who took refuge on mountains of Afghanistan, continuously harried these early Narada’s colonies. But these, with the help of Great Initiates, were able to wage war, become strong and appropriate the whole centre of Asia.
The Great Initiates had taught Aryans how to make Sacrifices; and Sacrifices were accompanied by chants –from which the Vedas derived, which were recited in choir and produced great ethereal power thanks to their extraordinary vibration; and the Aryans would notice that through their own songs, the black hordes came to a standstill in their attempts.
A magnetic force was neutralized by another magnetic force.
Holding this power, they stopped fearing those black people descendants of the Atlanteans, from which the Aryan man had been formed; and they saw how they were able to overcome them easily and physically because Aryans had higher skill, ability and control of their stability.
The desire of conquest came with the first victories. Groups of men guided by priests –as usual in those days– and Initiates-Soldiers, started way to the conquest.
The first failed time and again. But at the end, bordering the Northern Himalayan slopes, they found a passage, crossed it and then descended through Burma and Indochina, which were marshy regions in those days. Black men would live more toward the North of these marshes and swamps, in large islands, trenched behind marshes and caves protected by very high palm trees.
Vegetation was so exuberant that formed real galleries, whose roof was of creepers concealing the sky. The soil was marshy and full of reptiles that would damage the Aryans, because the Atlanteans did not fear reptiles since in their blood they had a chemical substance as antidote that would protect them against the effects of bites of reptiles.
Narada’s sons would try to conquer this land year by year; every failure was a spur that stimulated new men to overwhelm the people of Ravadan.
By a deeper knowledge of these strange lands, they were able to avoid dangers, kill reptiles and hold sway over apes that were everywhere in abundance.
But the true conquest, marking the beginning of the Aryan-Semitic sub-race, occurred 100,000 years ago. Therefore, the sub-race had approximately lasted 18,800 years.

Teaching 5: Formation of the Aryan Semitic Sub-race

When Manu Vaivasvata’s Tribes abandoned the land on the coast, in the Asian Southeast, they left there a population that was quickly losing Atlantean characteristics.
They had to be prepared in order to belong to the Aryan Race and become founders of the second sub-race, the Aryan-Semitic.
With this purpose, they were led by a Solar Initiate of First Category, who later passed to history, in diverse Geneses, with the name of Noah or Nueh.
These peoples stood serious climatic troubles.
The sea was constantly invading the islands and coast where their cities were built and their posts established, while the existing swamps –among the rocks of Burma and Indochina– were gradually dry.
But during the glacial era, when the passage remained closed –preventing the emigrated from coming back to Tibet– an extreme weather of strong hot and intense cold prevailed, and this facilitated the formation of a fertilizing layer on this earth.
These peoples orally preserved traditions of the Atlantean wisdom not expressing graphically their ideas, but could develop a higher civilization than that of Aryan-Aryans.
During the Narada’s invasion, these peoples had considerably degenerated, although preserved the prestige and wealth of old grand days.
They were tall, and their stature was about two meters high; their skin was dark and glossy, their hair long and lank; and their face flat, with very protruding cheekbones, which expressed much detachment and wickedness.
Their feet were flat, and they walked with ease; young men leaned on spears of fight and old people on canes.
For their defense, hills and exuberant vegetation in the limits of their territories were their protection, but gradually they were completely and definitely defeated by Narada’s Tribe.
The Aryan-Aryan, intelligently destroyed only the third part of these men, and forced the rest to learn their art, religion and science.
Aryan-Aryans mixed with these descendants of the Atlanteans, pure and genuine types disappeared by themselves, and this way an entirely new type remained.
Those Aryans who invaded this land also disappeared, and appeared an entirely Aryan man, but with dark skin: the Aryan-Semitic sub-race.

Teaching 6: Seven Ramifications of the Early Aryan Race

Aryan-Aryans of Marichi’s Tribe, who did not start the conquest of the coast, got certain characteristics eventually emphasized in the period of time between the end of the first sub-race and the beginning of the second one.
They would dwell on the Tibet and in surroundings of the Gobi Sea; and later were definitely absorbed by the Iranians.
The group of Aryan-Aryans belonging to Atri’s Tribe, who would stay in Mongolia, extended their control until the Caspian Sea, in those days more extended than today; and to the North until the banks of the Frozen Sea, now Siberia.
But those people of Atri’s Tribe remained almost hidden during the second sub-race, and those who did not mixed with Vashisha’s Tribe were eventually absorbed by the Iranians.
Aryan-Aryans of Narada’s Tribe went to the South, mixed with pure Atlanteans and formed the Aryan-Semitic sub-race.
Those of Vashishia’s Tribe migrated to the North, bordered the Frozen Sea, and went to an island approximately sited in the present Central Europe. They remained hidden, and the Aryan-Semites were unaware of their existence.
A group of these Aryan-Aryans of Vashishia’s tribe migrated, crossed Ruta island, which was separated from Central America only by a channel, joined to the Atlanteans and formed a genuine type that later was absorbed by the Iranians.
Another group of Vashishia’s Tribe migrated to the South, crossed large islands where today is Central Africa, and reached the Southern part. They tried to destroy the Atlanteans, but also they were destroyed, remaining only one little colony where the Atlanteans prevailed.
Atlantean Mongols inhabited the other part of the continent.
These seven ramifications can be named:

BLACK PEOPLE: Atlantean Mongols;
SWARTHY PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Narada’s Tribe;
COPPERY PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans; Marichi’s Tribe;
YELLOW PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Atri’s Tribe;
RED PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who migrated to America;
DARK PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who migrated to Africa;
WHITE PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who remained in Europe.

Teaching 7: Aryan-Semitic Sub-race

The Aryan-Semitic sub-race began one hundred years ago.
These peoples saw how the earth was disappearing under their feet, because the sea was quickly devouring Atlantean islands.
The Aryan-Semites were relatively peaceful and under the guide of Great Initiates, disseminated throughout the cost of the Pacific Ocean, founded colonies and dried marshy territories.
These lands were extraordinarily fertile, and the Aryan-Semitics could get from the hands of Instructors the seed of wheat and sow it with excellent results.
Gradually they became farmers, and did not waged war constantly but sporadically against some near tribe that tried to overwhelm them.
Their weather was relatively mild and they were completely isolated from the ancient Aryan-Aryan tribes.
In contact with Nature and earth, and living a more regular life, they embellished noticeably their physical bodies. They were handsome, with dark and glossy face, big black eyes, and protruding cheekbones; in general, their features were attractive.
During the Aryan-Semitic sub-race, teeth experienced a fundamental change, for from being naturally prognathic, the Aryans experienced a transformation and their incisors had as similar vertical position as today.
Also their hands changed. Usually, three middle fingers of their hands had the same size; by those days, only the middle finger would protrude.
Also the abdomen changed; it has been excessively prominent because of the big quantity of food ingested; later, it was bodily proportionate.
Wheat brought a blessing from Heaven to Earth.
Bread changed certain instincts –entirely wild– in the man, by alternating these instincts with wishes of stability and harmlessness.
The conveyance of wheat –from Higher Planes to Earth– occurred this way: Great Initiates preached the coming of the new food which would put an end to a heavy toll produced in the region by the unhealthy air of marshes.
For days and days, electric storms fell on earth. Thunderbolts pierced it, leaving their metallic track everywhere; as time passed by, these electric discharges produced voids hermetically locked by a chemical element unknown that, as its covering decomposed in contact with the earth, would form the wheat seed.
When thunderbolts would leave their metallic track in perforations made on the earth, necessarily one has to think that high voltages brought about by mutual discharges –from clouds of terrestrial minerals, where they are attracted, and from the latter to the former– were forces destined to transmit atoms of metals to an agglomeration of elements which constituted molecules of large mass, like the type of proteids. Since the latter already existed in the planet and formed living beings, the new creation took place to give rise to a new kind with its own characteristics.
With the formation of a spherical and isolating husk around new atoms, with an intermediate hollow space, we may suppose an electromagnetic system more localized and established with subtle and constant energies. The object was to gather these proteids in the sense of manifesting creative and assimilative forces.
When the process reached its maturity, the capsule –already useless– broke and the so-called element came in contact with ordinary substances of the earth and with corresponding energies. Then, a new adaptation to the environment made come into being a cell with individuality and autonomy; a germinating cell of a new plant: wheat, the plant of gods.
The Initiate taught the Aryan-Semites how to select these seeds, and developed a bigger plant, though similar to our present wheat.
For generations and generations, Aryan-Semites exclusively sowed wheat, because their mission was to carry this treasure throughout the following sub-races.
During the last times of the Aryan-Semitic sub-race two currents were formed: that of black people and that of white people.
The beautiful swarthy type –formed by the contact with Aryan-Aryans– was disappearing; Atlantean Mongol infiltrated and mixed more and more with Aryan-Semites that became blacker and blacker; and there were many wars among them.
Black people became stronger and devastated the lands of swarthy people that were forced to escape to India, to annihilate its inhabitants and to appropriate their lands carrying with them the standard of this civilization, that is, wheat that was its sacred symbol.
Black people –more bellicose and powerful– would found the Iranian sub-race.

Teaching 8: The tower of Babel

Under the sway of the Aryan-Semitic sub-race, the fourth and last sinking of Atlantis occurred, 87,000 years ago.
Aryan-Semites –who from farmers had become strong and mighty peoples and started allowing their assimilation by the Atlanteans– built powerful cities, although they did not work in them.
They took Atlantean slaves and made them work under their direction. The Atlanteans used their stature and strength, and the Aryan-Semites their intelligence.
They built immense pyramids in the center of their cities like immense towers seemingly challenging the sky.
On lines and measures of these giant monuments they wrote the history of the Universe with signs, measures and lines, the history of man and men to come.
Compared to them, the pyramids of Egypt are Pygmy.
But a constant promiscuity with the Atlanteans, the Aryan-Semites felt attracted by the strong animal magnetism of the former and infected by their evils, ambitions and black arts.
The power of their civilization was so high that these men even believed to be like God and their temples would challenge Heaven because contained the whole wisdom. So, they permitted to be dragged and assimilated by Atlantean-Mongols.
They perverted the sacred tongue and used again the monosyllabic and guttural language of the Atlanteans; so, diverse tongues were formed.
But it was time for Atlantis to disappear definitely under the waters. And the fourth deluge occurred.
For days and days it rained torrentially on the Earth; a furious sea grew as a fiery monster to devour it.
For forty years there was continuous flood, submersions and climatic changes.
The Great Initiates took peoples to a refuge in areas that they knew as promised lands for the new sub-race.
Aryans of Vashishia’s Tribe, in South Africa, perished. Aryans of America remained separated by the Ocean from the rest of the continent and eventually were absorbed by the Iranians.
Aryans of Marichi’s and Narada’s tribes were almost entirely overwhelmed by waters that descended from the Himalayas, and later were absorbed by the Iranians. Aryans of Atri’s Tribe remained almost hidden, but also they were absorbed by Iranians in due time. Aryans of Vashishia’s Tribe, who remained in Europe, would their time without any harm.
After the Great Deluge, the Aryan-Semites very weakened– were more and more absorbed by the Atlanteans, until they formed a new type: an Aryan man of black skin.
These Aryan-Semites, of black skin, would harass the rest of Aryan-Semites. Remaining Aryan-Semites also wage war against the last Aryan-Aryans that gradually were disappearing.
Climatic accidents and changes produced on Earth by seismic movements had destroyed the fertility of fields, but men carried the seed of wheat, sowed it and taught to the defeated how to grow it until the appearance of the Aryan-Iranian sub-race.

Teaching 9: Aryan-Iranian Sub-race

Previous to the fourth Atlantean deluge, the hydrographic systems of continent and islands were deficient as much in relation to lakes as to rivers.
There were no lakes of sweet waters; those that existed –really great marshes– were salt lakes by their connection with the sea.
Rivers were very short, because they flowed into the sea near their source or because their waters were absorbed by the soil. Seemingly these characteristics mainly responded to the porosity of the earth. Successive temperatures, very high or very low, would produce a crack in the ground, preventing the water from gathering at the surface.
The fourth deluge brought a fundamental change; we may believe that continuous rains gave rise to a less extreme weather and also influenced some other factor to turn the earth impermeable; perhaps big quantities of organic matter, especially sea-weeds, dragged and deposited.
The point is that, from those days, waters from rains or springs, which remained on depressions of the soil and were not absorbed, formed lakes of sweet water. Also first great rivers appeared when, by seeking their level, waters would find a passage to cross their encompassing heights and formed this way the first great riverbeds.
Meanwhile the Aryan-Iranian sub-races were gestated whose definite appearance occurred 75,000 years ago.
These black Iranians, bellicose and savage, devastated everything they found. They just respected wild animals, and were the first to use them for work and to grow wheat.
They conquered the present India and absorbed definitely the descendants of Narada’s Tribe, as well as Marichi’s and Atri’s.
From India they continued their conquests, following the riverbeds opened by waters like great furrows across the earth.
A column of Aryan-Iranians, from India, bordered the Persian Gulf, traversed with rafts the sea that covered the present Arabia, until an island placed where today Egypt is. They bordered to the South the sea, today Sahara desert, until approximately Mozambique’s latitude. From mountains of Ethiopia already were descending waters that would form the future Nile River.
A second column followed a route like that of Vashishia’s Tribe; crossed over islands that still would remain in the Atlantic Ocean and were sinking; they arrived at America where definitely absorbed the Aryan-Aryans. Mainly they settled in the area watered today by the bowl of Colorado River, in the United States of America.
A third column followed the valley of a great river, called Haneioc, which many centuries later would become two rivers, the present Euphrates and Tigris; they held sway over the area of present Mesopotamia.
The fourth column of Iranians, called the unfortunate or failures, went to certain great mountains, possibly in the area of bowls of present Volga and Don Rivers; but they were defeated at once by the Vasishia’s Tribe that preserved their race pure; and disappeared forever in the course of two thousand years after being reduced to servitude.
The fifth column of Iranians –most great and powerful– from the area now occupied by India, went to Northeast toward the Gobi Sea, bordered its Southern, Eastern and Northern banks, and finally settled to the Northeast of it –present Chinese Turkistan– a virgin land just emerged on the bank of a river which flowed to the frozen sea of the North, whose bowl is today watered by Ienisei River and its tributaries.

Teaching 10: Greatness and Power of the Aryan-Iranians

Iranians scattered in different directions by holding sway, after one millennium, over the whole world known to them.
Atlanteans had disappeared forever from the continent and would dwell on two great remaining islands of a sunken continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean; Iranian peoples would know them rather as myths than as really existing peoples. But later, new sunken lands would force Atlanteans to look for new lands and these were already occupied by Aryans.
Iranian columns that conquered lands that later would be of Egypt and those that occupied the bowl of Haneioc River, settled in those areas, although later they were conquered, and their lands devastated by Iranians who lived in the present bowl of Ienisei River.
But they had no contact with Iranians that perished in the present bowl of Volga River or with those who went to America.
Meanwhile, Iranians of the bowl of the Ienisei River grew extraordinarily in force and power. They had the slyness of the Atlanteans and the physical-cerebral strength of the Aryans. They were tall, well proportioned, with long hair that for them symbolized strength; they were quick, handsome and bold. Their face was not beautiful for their skin was black, their face flat, and their eyes oval, and constantly would denote a malicious smile.
They were cold-blooded and extraordinarily courageous. In war they fought with big wooden spears whose points were of black stone, and with huge maces –also of wood hardened in seawater. They did not leave the combat until the destruction of their enemies; they fought hand-to-hand like wild beasts, and had long, very sharp teeth and sunk them in the skull of their opponents. Their clothes were only a loincloth of vegetal fibers.
They lived continuously militarized; and unlike Aryan-Aryans and Aryan-Semites, they did not choose king in certain dynasty but among their most brave generals.
Being accustomed to cold weather, they erected huge stone cities without any planning and added rooms according to the need. The result was a great mass of stone that sometimes became an impregnable fortress. Military men were divided into two large groups, –the oldest and the youngest men constituted the reserve and defended the grown lands and cities. Wars were continuous, and the occupation was male par excellence; and crops of the land were exclusively in charge of women.
They had a special art to tame wild beasts; they rode on white elephants, with large body and short trunk that they painted in black in case of war.
They had no temples or worship properly said; they worshipped the fire that they kept continuously kindled in the center of their cities and homes; women who kept the fire were considered saints and privileged. Only these virgin priestesses had the right to dance in the presence of soldiers during great solemnities. Soldiers could dance apart among them as a privilege.
Their writing consisted of imprints of the hand or of another part of the body on vegetables.
War would constitute the life of these men. So, great conquests started under the lead of different Great Initiates that were true condottieri.
In those countries invaded by them, they not only destroyed persons but also cities, but respected crops and animals.
Halfway through the sub-race, these Iranian invaded the bowl of Haneioc River, finally conquered it, and later invaded present Egypt. As this area was very far away from is original place, gradually they forgot their country and ancestors.
Some previously established colonies of Aryan-Semites could flee from disasters by mixing with Iranians and sowing the first seed of this extraordinary people that during the Aryan-Teutonic sub-race would be the Egyptian people.

Teaching 11: Formation of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race

Aryan-Iranians that occupied the area at present watered by the bowl of Ienisei River, boarded the Frozen Sea and later came down in the area of Haneioc River, which they subdued and devastated.
A colony of Aryan-Iranians that were there established migrated to Northwest, in an area that mainly would occupy the place of the present Mediterranean Sea, although also considerably extended more to North, since remnants of it are mountain areas in Scotland and Basque Provinces, as well as in Sicily and Calabria.
All this land was surrounded –like a great amphitheatre– by extinct volcanoes, being limited to North by the Frozen Sea and to East by a huge river that separated it from the area of Haneioc.
The area of present Mediterranean Sea was alluvial earth, very fertile, with a mild and variable weather, which provided its dwellers with huge crops and grass for animals in abundance.
But 57,000 years ago, a noticeable change of climate occurred, along with important seismic phenomena.
Volcanoes came into action and in the beginning launched so much quantity of ash that darkened the sky for weeks; later, craters vomited fire and, at the end, great currents of lava rushed through slopes dragging everything, which along with intense seismic movements opened the river bed of the Eastern river that also enabled waters of the Frozen Sea to invade the fertile plain.
Thousands of inhabitants perished, and some of them saved themselves by fleeing to the mountains.
After this time of convulsions, in the place of a fertile earth a sea remained, which later would be the present Mediterranean Sea, although being sowed by beautiful and fertile islands.
Some few survivors started a new life and fought continuously against the sea and Nature.
The rest of Aryan-Iranians –defeated, overwhelmed and almost totally destroyed by Nature– were destined to be the beginning of the Aryan-Celtic sub-race.

Teaching 12: Aryan-Celtic Sub-race

The Aryan-Celtic sub-race came into being in the area now occupied by the bowl of the Mediterranean Sea, 50,000 years ago.
This land had not its present aspect. It was truly wonderful; the sea was surrounded by very high volcanic mountains hermetically locked, with the exception of a little strait, seemingly in the area of present Macedonia, which communicated with the Frozen Sea.
It was like a great amphitheatre when, at the foot of high mountains, there were fertile valleys of alluvial earth.
A lot of islands dotted about the sea; the main islands were three: Serg Island, which would cover present Corsica and Sardinia; Penelpon Island, very extended, approximately in present Greece and separated from Macedonia by a great river; and Eterias Island, later Etruria. All of these islands were fertile and beautiful.
Aryan-Celtic people, because of the geographic situation, were very far away from Iranian peoples and unaware of Atlanteans that in those day would live hidden in their great island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
A divine destiny was reserved to this sub-race: that of sowing peace and prosperity, and to place mind at a high reasoning position, so that the bridge between instinct and intuition could be a free passage for the soul.
Aryan-Celtic people achieved an extraordinary civilization, beyond any description.
To them, religion was the art of cultivating beauty and the gift of thinking and analyzing thoughts.
Their cities were very beautiful and the first that were planned by tracing diagonals. Each house had a little park and certain comforts completely unknown in our days: thermal baths, devices covered with marbles to apply sunbeams for the sake of health, and aired seats, of vegetable fiber.
Halfway through this sub-race, it had such an intellectual progress, that different peoples solved their disagreements by discursive wars. They had no kings and were not ruled by a matrimony system; they were governed by a senate of 71 old men and by a group of younger leaders, who could be named deputies.
Physically they were like today, 1,80-1,90 meter high; they were beautiful, with oval faces, blond, brown or black hair, wide forehead, long, aquiline nose, and refined appearance.
So neat was their life and so ordered their food that they had a perfect glandular function, and preserved their youthful aspect until old age.
In case of overpopulation, old people would offer themselves voluntarily to the fire, so that young people could enjoy the benefits of a more reduced community; and they did like that as a sacred deed, after drinking certain anesthetic liquor.
But the most noticeable trait in this sub-race was that they would try to conquer the nearer Aryan-Iranians not through war but by flooding their territory with waters. This sub-race was named “it tried to form a sea”.
They built a high slope on the Northern part of present Black Sea, communicated by a strait with the Frozen Sea; by damming its waters, later they discharged them on the valley occupied by the Iranians, present Caspian Sea. But as time passed by, this area became dry and lands lose their fertility. Years later, Nature took advantage of the work of man; rains and overflowing of the sea formed there a great lake, until the slope they built gave in; waters of the Black Sea overflowed, and by joining to waters of the Penelpon Lake, formed the present Black Sea.

Teaching 13: The End of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race

Aryan-Celts were not numerous; and if their mission as lineage of the subsequent sub-race is achieved, this was due to physical characteristics of lands they inhabited, which were surrounded by very high volcanic mountains.
But in the end of this sub-race, everything –Nature and men of the Aryan-sub-race– seemingly agreed for their total destruction.
What today we call Mediterranean Sea was extremely rough; its storms would flood and sink an area of lands and expose other new ones.
Eterias’s island remained united by its Northern part to the continent and a new island emerged, where present Sicily is; also another wonderful island emerged in the place now occupied by Greece.
Aryan-Iranians have been relegated to the East by the skilled tactics of Celts who, although their were lesser in number, were terrific in every art of thinking and leading.
But when seas opened gaps between mountains, letting waters invade the lands of Celts, the Iranians made the same, and a cruel fight followed.
This coincided with the gradual sinking of islands inhabited by Atlanteans in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean; and this forced them to look for other lands, and certain tribes of them were able to contact Iranians and Celts, frightening them, because the latter believed the former to be extinct.
These giant black people were mistaken for avenging demons, which spread panic among multitudes.
But weather became harmful to Atlanteans, who again looked for a refuge in islands of the West.
This appearance had produced a truce between Celts and Iranians; but after the retreat of the Atlanteans, war broke out again.
Meanwhile, on coasts of Celtic islands an intricate net of rivers, channels and swamps had been formed, especially in an area between present Sicily and Greece.
Celts perfectly knew this land and established there a kingdom, named Minota, led by a Great Initiate, a defender of the sub-race. Celts would attract Iranians to these swamps, and because they were unaware of dangers threatening them, thousand of them perished.
From these events, the legend of Minotaur and the Labyrinth arose.
But, despite all all this, more and more numerous Iranians finally overcame Celts, burnt their cities, and abducted their women, and from the union of Iranians and Celts, the glorious sub-race of Aryan-Teutonic sub-race emerged, which radically would destroy the Atlanteans.

Teaching 14: Birth of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race

Aryans had come into being to wage war.
The era of war with Atlanteans would begin; the so-called “War of one thousand five hundred years”.
The change of position in the axis of Earth enabled the Aryans to defeat totally the Atlanteans that disappeared from Earth forever.
Since Celts and Iranians had noticeably degenerated during this time, because of their mixture with the last residues of Atlanteans and, during the fight of 1,500 years against them, as a result of it the emerging Aryan-Teutonic sub-race, which would become so beautiful, was very imperfect in the beginning.
The first sprout of Teutons was of horrible aspect. This mixture of Celts and Atlanteans brought as a consequence a natural insufficiency in the hypophysial gland.
We can state all of them were acromegalic, with small skull, big jaws, sunken eyes, protruding cheekbones, thick lips and big hands and feet. Their mental powers were little developed; they lived in an almost savage state, like true men of caverns and of the Age of Stone.
Seemingly all greatness and splendor of the Aryan Race had finished; but since nothing perishes, even this greatness and culture did not perish; the power of reasoning, a quality of Aryans, was like a seed in the womb of these peoples, and it would sprout with extraordinary strength.
Geographic changes occurred in those days were as follows:
The Frozen Sea disappeared and instead a desert of ice and snow remained.
Main great rivers, ramified or divided, consequently became smaller.
Eterias Island, already united to the North with the continent was adopting the form of present Italic peninsula until the area of Campania.
Also Greece stopped being an island, by uniting itself with the cold continent, as well as Thessaly, Macedonia and Ukraine.
The great central island in the Mediterranean Sea was disappearing under waters, leaving a small island that, divided into two, united the Iberian area with the Celtic area.
The African coast, free of great volcanic chains, was a fertile, beautiful, promising land, totally different from the present desert.
This land grooved by rivers that emerged from the great river –present Nile– had in its neighborhood large islands of beautiful vegetation.
There the early Aryan-Teutons settled down and very quickly evolved; while the most left behind would dwell in the North: Italy, Greece or Iberia.

Teaching 15: Development of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race

Aryan-Teutons that inhabited the North of Africa –of course, always led by Solar Initiates of Second Category– 25,000 years ago gradually founded races and nations entering the African continent.
In the center of Africa there was then a great lake, perhaps in the present bowl of the Congo.
There the civilization of certain peoples emerged: with coppery skin, called Tamirafik, which achieved a great culture and spiritual evolution, though the latter was based upon reason.
They were peoples that lived in community, something like Spartans, being unaware of currency.
Their most appreciated gifts were physical development and art of thinking.
They lived isolated from other numerous peoples that inhabited the continent; and would fear to acquire any idea of them because considered them impure.
Then Africa had not the present savage aspect and its weather was milder.
A very noticeable fact: none of these peoples was destroyed. Gradually they disappeared by physical weakening of their inhabitants, by invasion of the desert, by changes of weather produced by warm sea currents, and by similar causes.
We may say that the Lacaedemonians were the last expression of these early Aryan-Teutons.
Egyptian peoples were not direct descendants of these Teutons but mixed descendants of precedent sub-races; we could say that they were heirs of Atlantean-Turanian characteristics and of those Aryan-Teutons that civilized the center of Asia and 15,000 years ago settled down in the valley of Nile River.
Another column of Teutons, scattered through diverse lands of Asia, founded peoples and nations. Of them, the most outstanding was the column established in India 15,000 years ago.
These white Teutons had a different way of life from those who inhabited the center of Africa; they would live separate, by clans or nomad tribes seeking to graze their cattle.
They were very strong and able to stand any kind of hardships and the severest weather.
When settled down, they founded millenary nations –perhaps the most ancient in the world– whose existence could be historically proven.
Aryan-Teutons with lesser racial purity were perhaps black-skinned. They lived in not very large islands, in Indian and Atlantic Oceans, not far away from South Africa. They were cruelly pursued by the rest of Teutons; in the latter, murder was a holy duty; something like Spartans with Lacaedemonian slaves. For it they were blessed by Heaven.
Consequently, this black Teutons had to flee continuously; and crossing their islands, finally they settle down in America; from their union with Aryan-Teutons already established, they formed a race which could be named red.
Also they achieved an advanced civilization; the conquerors of Mexico totally witnessed it.
Aryan-Teutons migrated to Malaysia also founded a great civilization, the yellow race.

Teaching 16: Early Aryan-Teutons

You should not suppose that when a sub-race develops –as in this course has been described– the rest of the Earth remains uninhabited.
When remnants of previous sub-races did not disappear, have survived or renewed themselves with diverse luck although always eventually they were always conquered and absorbed by the domineering sub-race.
In the beginning of the Aryan-Teutonic sub-race, these men scattered throughout North Africa and, after wars and migrations, mixed with other types and reached the heart of Asia.
Gradually they could perfect themselves for ten thousand years, until they achieved a body exactly equal to that of present man.
Those who inhabited North Africa evolve noticeably and extended their civilization throughout Eastern Europe and Northwestern America, mixed with those other early Teutons that inhabited Greece, Italy and Iberia.
But those who got more increase were Aryan-Teutons settled down in India 15,000 years ago.
All these Aryan-Teutonic peoples were already divided into five prevailing types: Black, Coppery, Red, Yellow and White. Approximately they would dwell geographic places of their respective present expressions: the black, in disappeared islands that bordered Africa; the red, in the emerging America; the red, in Malaysia; and the white in Southern Europe and Asia.


Teaching 1: Formation of the Arian Race
Teaching 2: The Aryan-Aryan Sub-race
Teaching 3: The Return of the Sons of Manu
Teaching 4: Narada
Teaching 5: Formation of the Aryan-Semitic Sub-race
Teaching 6: Seven Ramifications of the Early Aryan Race
Teaching 7: Aryan Semitic Sub-race
Teaching 8: The Tower of Babel
Teaching 9: Aryan-Iranian Sub-race
Teaching 10: Greatness and Power of Aryan-Iranians
Teaching 11: Formation of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race
Teaching 12: Aryan-Celtic Sub-race
Teaching 13: The End of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race.
Teaching 14: Birth of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race
Teaching 15: Development of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race
Teaching 16: Early Aryan-Teutons Peoples


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