Teaching 1:First Four Root Races Synthesized
Teaching 2: Uranian Race
Teaching 3: Hyperborean Race
Teaching 4: Stages of the Hyperborean Race
Teaching 5: Lemurian Race
Teaching 6: Three First Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 7: Fourth and Fifth Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 8: Sixth and Seventh Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 9: Glacial Miocene Era
Teaching 10: Atlantean Race
Teaching 11: Rmoahalls
Teaching 12: Tlavatlis and Toltecas
Teaching 13: Fourth and Fifth Atlantean Sub-races
Teaching 14: Last Two Atlantean Sub-races
Teaching 15: Fight of 1,500 Years
Teaching 16: Additional Information
Teaching 1: First Four Root Races Synthesized
There are seven Root Races in the Terrestrial Round.
Beings had perfected their astral body in the Lunar Round, but were in need of a physical body to achieve a perfect material experience.
They tried continuously to mould and occupy a body, but failed time and again during the first two Root-Races.
They were able to form a real human body in the second half of the Third Root-Race, and the souls of those beings that experienced it entered their real human bodies in the Fourth Root-Race.
The First Root-Race is Uranian.
The astral body of beings, covered with a tenuous physic-ethereal emanation, intended to animate gelatinous monsters (i.e., first human attempts); but these monsters perished and could not come into true contact with the souls.
Sub-races of this Root-Race are not enumerated because they are unknown.
Present Antarctic was the continent of the Uranian Race. It flourished 18,000,000 years ago.
The second Root-Race was Hyperborean.
This Race molded human forms, but their astral bodies were immense monsters that could not be standing and looked like wheels.
This Root-Race had seven stages.
First stage: the human form looks like a serpent-fish.
Second stage: brain starts taking form.
Third stage: tentative formation of the spine.
Fourth stage: formation of the man-monster.
Fifth stage: perfect hermaphrodite achieved.
Sixth stage: monsters try to stand up, but fail.
Seventh stage: monsters are able to stand up.
The Continent of this Root-Race flourished in present Greenland, 11,000,000 years ago.
The Third Root-Race is called Lemurian.
The first sub-race is called Za; they were very much alike Hyperboreans.
Second sub-race, called Za-Ha: quite closely guided by leading entities, man forms his spinal-brain system.
Third sub-race, called Za-Mi: this sub-race marked the real transition from animal kingdom to human kingdom.
Fourth sub-race, called Za-Mo: man starts walking.
Fifth sub-race, called Za-Moo: one can speak of a race of men with mind.
Sixth sub-race, called Moo-Za-Moo: this sub-race comes into closer contact with the astral body and the physical body, and excludes any retarded and degenerated type.
Seventh sub-race, called Moo-Za-Moo: this sub-race possesses its own mind, developed a nervous system and perfect their blood circulation.
The Lemurian Continent was on present Pacific Ocean. This Root-Race lived 5,000,000 years ago.
Fourth Root-Race, called Atlantean; this Race flourished 2,500,000 years ago.
First sub-race, called Rmoahall: this sub-race developed instinctive mind, bladder and genital organs.
Second sub-race, called Tlavatli: this sub-race developed memory.
Third sub-race, called Tolteca: this sub-race developed rational mind.
Fourth sub-race, called Turanian: this sub-race perfected physical body through exercise and war.
Fifth sub-race, called Semite: physically, this sub-race was the most perfect of the Atlantean sub-races. The fifth Root-Race derives from this sub-race.
Sixth sub-race, called Akkadian: their astral body was perfectly one with their physical body.
Seventh sub-race, called Mongolian: this sub-race marked the degeneration of the Atlanteans. Gradually they lost there their great psychic and astral forces, for an eventual transformation of man into a purely human being.
Teaching 2: Uranian Race
The Lunar Round had achieved its mission and granted perfect human bodies to monads, but it needed to take the last and more important step, because those beings had to descend and know the gross, material word.
So they needed physical bodies.
Thence it transferred its entire potentiality to the young Earth, which for numberless millennia rotated immutably as a fiery balloon with an axis that was exactly perpendicular to the ecliptic.
All their hopes were centered there.
Patiently they waited for the time when the beneficent Uranus would harden the terrestrial crust, providing with a Continent to the first Root-Race –a vast continent, located on one of present poles, surrounded by a red ocean of fire and vapors, where powerful reddish reflections of electric discharges illuminated the atmosphere.
The light did not exist in those times because vapors and gases surrounded the Earth as a whole; but inner embers and discharges of the cosmic ether illuminated the planet, which formed large roving balloons; these illuminated balloons collided with one another and produced frightful explosions and crashes.
Suddenly, the first Root-Race, called Uranian, was terrified.
Immense monsters pullulated on the lava of those seas, –an offering of the elemental mindless Nature to the new surge of life. Most of those beings refused inhabit those monstrous bodies, which perished by lack of vital and mental sustenance. But they are already tied to the Earth and, in spite of being separate from their monstrous bodies, remained tied to them.
Ethereal bodies were taking form by the power of the astral body of those beings and also by the elemental constitution of those monsters, which projected themselves onto the Earth just as immense shadows since their nature was very subtle.
Throughout successive eras, these early races remained tied to the Earth just by a reflected terrestrial shadow; but in the last times, these “egg-skins” of the Uranians grew physically tougher by the help of powerful electrical currents that gradually were shaking and cooling the planet; finally shadows gave birth to other shadows, by dividing themselves exactly into two parts. This division into two was brought about during the three last rounds of life.
Whereas these ethereal shadows had no “senses” in the true meaning of the term, however they had a vivid perception that could substitute the present sense of hearing of the last Uranian sub-races.
Aeons and aeons had passed. Gradually the Earth grew cooler, but at the cost of great quakes that displaced its axis and brought a glacial era.
Gradually this glacial era invaded the planet; simultaneously, vapors around the Earth ceased, the boreal light appeared –after this light, the Continent was called “the earth where the sun never sets”, and developed the most luxuriant vegetation ever known. But finally, ice covered all as a white shroud and turned the eternal springtime into an endless winter.
So, the ice destroyed, or rather buried the first Continent as a relic.
All religions would remember this Root-Race as owner of the Earthly Paradise, of the Lost Eden; and also its luxuriant vegetation, its fantastic scenes illuminated by the multicolored Great Element, where the light (a fruit of terrestrial energies) competed with the Solar light hidden behind a curtain of shadows around the earthly aura.
The Hindu would sing their most beautiful hymns by calling it “earth of the Pole Star”, divine Zveta-Dvipa, abode of the Chaya.
A torrid, deadly wave covered the planet. Nature had failed by trying to offer a body to its Divine Dwellers. Seemingly all was lost, but death is life, and defeat becomes victory in the evolving Cosmos.
And earthly movements become normal again; a centrifugal heat of the Earth overwhelms its cold crust, its surface grows softer again, and later, red oceans take form and gaseous whirlwinds cut through them.
The bluish green light of Vayu illuminates everywhere, and a new Continent has appeared –real human Continent, abode of the first beings in spirit and flesh.
Teaching 3: Hyperborean Race
Aeolus, the swift god of the winds was cleaning the terrestrial atmosphere of all its impurities from one place to another; and the Sun was constantly shining with clearer luminosity than today.
But thanks to this wind and to these ceaseless air currents, the Earth grew dryer, vegetation was normally colored, and the new Hyperborean continent could be called properly “the earth where the sun never sets”.
Plachka –this was the term the Aryans used to name this sacred earth– was located entirely to the North; and Greenland, North-west of Asia and Spitzberg are remainders of the mansion of the second Root-Race.
Those monads that repelled the Uranian monsters and previously failed to occupy a physical body tried it again. Helped by Vayu (the element air), these monads gathered together quite numerous physical atoms around their ethereal bodies in order to penetrate into that mass as soon it took form.
But their desired experience did not correspond to a renunciation to ethereal goods, –they desired to live the physical life, but not to lose their spiritual attributes.
So, Nature was not animated by their spirit, in the true sense of the term, and again they did not succeed in the formation of the real human man.
You should need Verne’s fantasy or Prophet Ezekiel’s clairvoyance to describe these fantastic monstrous men. They were immense folded up bulks, with large wings helping them move. But the spirit was not in them, but beside them.
In Ezekiel 1:20, we read: “Whithersoever the Spirit was to go, they went; thither was their Spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels”.
They procreated by bud; rather, they left vital residues, immense drops of sweat that produced fantastic runs; immense quantities of sweat drops crystallized and gathered together in piles, vital sperm of their entire being that, hatched by Sun rays, gave birth to other similar beings.
These sexless real Jupiter’s sons had no more senses than those of a vibratory sensation related to hearing and touch, which they obtained through velocity.
By the middle of this Root-Race, at its summit, the Earth achieved a beauty beyond description.
Imagine a light green sky, flooded by Sun rays, reflected in a virgin earth where vegetation was orange-colored by virtue of its much exuberance and vitality; and waters of the sea entirely emerald-colored.
But this did not last long. Immense reservoirs of gases nested and condensed under the earthly epidermis, started bursting and diving this continent into vast islands, and the ocean into two vast seas: Pasha and Pahcshala.
At that time, the Human Wheel ceased to be sexless and became hermaphrodites; so, they did not let fall a drop of sweat, but a real egg.
Now the spirits of the future men lean on the hollow heads of those monsters, and ready to enter the prison of flesh.
First efforts are made to fold and stand up. Kundalini, the goddess of the vital energy, already has tended her nets and is ready to climb the Mount Meru. This means she has traced the image of the spine and human skeleton on the body of those monsters, and just waits for the good rain from the sky to condensing and hardening it.
But a devastating wind blows as never before. Air draughts sweep the continent of the gods. Ceaseless subterranean gases break the earth, and finally the Hyperborean continent disappears under the waters by the action of air.
Teaching 4: Stages of the Hyperborean Race
An exact division of its sub-races is unknown in the anthropologic development of the Hyperborean Race; but one can differentiate a series of evolutionary states that could be called “stages”.
The large Fish-Serpent appears on the Green Continent during the first stage. It is quite difficult to determine exactly the dimension of this monster that aimed at humanity, but ancient texts described it as immense and beautiful, in spite of its gelatinous and transparent body that reflected a multicolored light.
It had not more sense than that of perception, but noticed atmospheric states; when currents became unbearable, it lived in the thick waters at those times, and when frightful hurricanes were not so violent, then it crept over the half-soft soil of the Continent.
But those monsters guided by their spirits, which hardly inhabited the waters during the second stage of this developing Race, started their great work –by forming the human brain. Opened as immense fans, their heads exposed a future protoplasmic brain.
When the Sun was stronger, they climbed promontories and put over them the sperm-sweat if their bodies and the Sun fertilized them.
These monsters did not die, but regenerated and transformed themselves on their own.
Since they had to obtain the sense of touch, certain fins, as those of fish, took form, which would become future human extremities.
To obtain their new sense, simply they had to go through vast extensions and to come back following their route by retrogression.
Instead of sleeping in the water, they slept in immense caves and for quite few hours, since the light was almost continuous on the Hyperborean Continent.
In the third stage, monads started drawing lines of the spine on those bodies and forming internal channels, or blood vessels, which would produce the circulation of air currents, and the condensation of gelatinous matter.
They were more and more rapid and formed a sort of human head around the hollow where the brain protoplasm was placed as a treasure.
It is here, in the fourth stage that men-monsters appear.
Time and again they try to fold up, and finally their bodies become wheels. Their fins turn into oars, which will let tem run more and more quickly.
Also a real matrix is formed at those times on an end of their bodies, and they placed in it, on their own, their drops of sweat.
The perfect hermaphrodite appears in the fifth stage.
Ends of their bodies touch one another; and desire and satisfaction derive from grazing. A little fit organ appears; it is a gem to the matrix. Now eggs can be placed, which always under Solar heat, give birth to men-monsters of this Race.
In the sixth stage, after the great seismic movement that divided the continent, these men try to stand up, but fail. It is a war to death, and thousands and thousands lose their lives when they want to climb the Mount Meru; as soon as they try to stand up, these beings get broken and die.
At those days, monads wept over their bodies; and an ancient text says they claimed to heaven to get fit abodes and not to fail in attempting perfection.
They achieve this in the seventh stage.
Now, the type of the future race is defined. Whereas their brain is already open, two cavities prepare the abode of the eyes on their face; and the spine, with all its nervous ramifications, is being more and more defined.
Those wheels, lent on trunks of immense trees, can remain standing up. Now, without fins, they have stumps and they use them as arms and legs.
The Hyperborean Continent was on the point of disappearing. Frightful explosions shook the Earth and opened deep grooves in it and also in faces of the new Hyperborean men.
The ethereal perception is overcome by the atmospheric electric perception, and the place of the future human ears develops through two large grooves formed of those men.
This Race achieved all and reached the summit. Those monads glimpse that their mission is on the point to finish and soon they can occupy new abodes.
The Spirit of the Lord descends to His Temple when this Temple is already built. Verily, the spirit these monads were about to descend and occupy new physical bodies.
Under the half-liquid waters of the oceans, Pasha and Pahcshala, a new continent is ready to give abode to real men.
Teaching 5: Lemurian Race
Buried under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, a land that mainly formed a part of the Lemurian Continent remains intact.
The student may use more easily the name the continent of the third Root-Race “Lemuria”, after the geologist P.L. Sclater, but ancient esoteric writings call it “Zalmai Patala”.
Whereas the Hyperborean monsters had been destroyed by hurricane and swallowed by oceanic currents, they have not perished as a whole. A select group had avoided this destruction in order to establish on the new continent a Race of men conquerors of the mind.
Days with Son and perennial springtime faded away as a legend or dream. Fiery forces and centers of the Earth had started their glorious era of boiling.
The oceanic waters, composed of water and numberless chemical elements, boiled in a prodigious way in order to displace chemical elements for the sake of those two unique elements of the present water.
A thick and heavy atmosphere, charged with vapor, was over and around the Earth; and whereas there was Solar light over the planet, the sunrays came filtered through thick layers of clouds.
Gradually, monsters were becoming men, –giant men that moved heavily and spent a part of their lives lying on the ground and striving to stand up. Since these men did not bend their knees, while standing they have to lean on the trees; and when they started walking, they could do just by using heavy canes.
The journey of the Lemurian men is splendidly marked by Wagner’s symphony, “Gold of the Rhin”, when the giants go up and demand from the Gods the price of Walhala’s edification.
Progress toward conquest was slow and painful. The luminous yellow skin of the Lemurians –inherited from the Hyperboreans– became gradually paler, while the body acquired density and the skin became quite red.
By the middle of the Race, the Lemurians stopped the egg-procreation, there was separation by sexes, and the monads entered the Lemurian body and granted the gift of the mind.
But monads did not occupy continuously these physical bodies; they entered and went out at will. When they went out of their bodies, they worked by means of the glands hypophysis and epiphysis, or third eye; when they in themselves, they used physical eyes, which started glimpsing shadows and figures around.
Also, their skulls entirely exposed the crown of the head, and the characteristic physical aspect was of “headless men”.
Greatness and at the same time destruction and ruin of this Race are the product of separate sexes.
The inner terrestrial fire caused the Earth to crackle and explode everywhere. Every mountain was a volcano throwing continuously fire and lava. Most advanced types started experiencing the carnal pleasure, and they joined to the most retarded types, still deprived of mind. This brought about a terrible degeneration.
Of the union of minded-types and mindless types, monsters are born that preceded animal vertebrate species, such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and dinosaurs.
The curse of the Race occurred and brought its destruction and death.
Immense cataclysms and earthquakes destroyed gradually Lemuria.
The three large oceans were invading the three parts of the Lemurian Continent, that is, Zampa, Zampata and Zalmali Patala.
But this Race had achieved great victories, that is, sexes separated, mind conquered, a fit body to proper abode of the spirits, and the spine perfected.
Kundalini ascended perfectly from the base of the spine to the brain on the last sub-race of the Lemurians. And this sub-race finally defeated the mindless races or animals, and established an insurmountable barrier between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom, by granting to man the real right of Humanity.
Teaching 6: Three First Lemurian Sub-races
The first sub-race, called Za, evolved while the Lemurian Continent was being formed; this sub-race was totally like the last Hyperborean sub-race.
These beings were almost continuously lying down, and their reproduction was through eggs.
Blood became thick and skin opaque by stabilization of blood vessels and torrid heat.
Some 6,000,000 years ago, they inhabited the vast continent called Zalmali in ancient writings; this continent covered all Australia and centre of present Pacific Ocean, and extended to part of Africa, southern Asia and South America.
This extremely monotonous territory, with quite poor vegetation, just much later will develop the giant Lemurian flora.
Sometimes earth and sea did not differ because the earth was a vast sea of mud, which boiled continuously.
Mountains were not such, but certain protuberances formed by volcanic gases from inside upwards.
A continuous viscous vapor ascended from this mass of earth and water, and formed a perennial atmosphere of nebulae and weightiness.
Heat and vital essences formed multiple insects in depths of the sea: from monstrous amoebae to starfish, from little mollusks to the biggest were gestated during the first Lemurian sub-race.
But the compound of mud was really characteristic and different from present mud because it was earth and iron that became alternately hot or cold under certain chemical elements deposited in it by certain gases.
The giant flora starts developing in the second sub-race: immense green layers, which gradually became ferns and, over all, a characteristic plant used by the Lemurians for their canes and to remain standing up; this plant got hard by the terrestrial heat, not because of its internal elements. This took place in a peculiar way: under the external layer of the terrestrial crust there were certain liquid deposits of spheroid forms, the roots of these plants reached those deposits and, as it were, they remained to soak.
This tree was distantly similar to present eucalyptus, but immensely bigger and its leaves had a more penetrating perfume than the flower of the magnolia.
While the second sub-race, called Za-Ha, progressed, the first continental earthquakes took place and divided Lemuria into two large parts, besides islands and rocky isles.
The monads demanded their bodies to stand up; in short, to perfect the cerebrospinal system. Now the spine was perfect and hard, and all nervous nets were tended. The encephalic mass just needed to come into contact with minds of human monads; so, the wonderful organism would work. First efforts were in vain. Men were unable to stand up as long as they did not retain the gestating egg within; but they could lean on the trees that, as it were, became the houses of the Lemurians.
Two opaque points on their hollow faces denoted how the sons of the mind strove for an organ of vision outwards, as soon as the abode of the mind was prepared. And they developed their sight thanks to continuous shakes, thunders, ligthnings, volcanic eruptions and powerful luminous meteors that emerged from the terrestrial mud.
During the third sub-race, after new seismic movements, the Zami leaned again on the trees, and did not expelled eggs; even though they were bisexual, some of them perfected the female side and were able to retain the egg until expelling the foetus.
Lemurian men can be clearly defined on this sub-race.
After so many changes and metamorphoses, this Race could happily switch from animal to human.
The student may imagine a man two meters eighty centimeters tall, but disproportionate. An immense body supported by legs relatively short, and immense half-round legs, flat, with short toes.
A typical remainder of the ancient Lemuria is a race entirely extinct and descendant of the Lemurians, the Patagonian of South America, described by Magallanes’ companions.
The arms of the Zami were very long, almost until their feet –indispensable to stand erect.
Their head was very small in relation to their big jaws, wide ears, and wide and flat nose.
Their eyes were no more than two dead points, prepared for a future development, their forehead was one finger high, and their skull was entirely open, but protected by strings of skin covered with fuzz, which did not hide it.
As we said, their skin became compact and hard by a prevailing blood circulation and by the torrid atmospheric temperature; at birth it was especially red, as that of a boiled shrimp; later, it became darkish as the result of time and dirt.
Teaching 7: Fourth and Fifth Lemurian Sub-races
It was the solemn hour for the cycle of angels made men. As a result of more and convulsions of the planet and the Solar light filtered through thick curtains of clouds, there was a significant polar aurora on the reddish earth, and this indicated that certain extraordinary event was about to occur.
The fire roared in the womb of the Earth trying to escape everywhere, and purified everything as gold in a crucible.
Over the dark terrestrial atmosphere, the beautiful Venus had confronted the mighty Mars; the two stars reflected one another their lights, turned this lights to the Earth, and their conjunction was of benefit to it.
Thousands and thousands of beings belonging to the Human Host had gone out of their ecstasy to look at this great event.
Those monads –that evolved on the Lunar Round and strove for so many centuries to build a physical house for themselves– now have finished it and can enter it.
Slowly, those red monsters made men –men of the fourth sub-race Za-Mo– leave their trees and staggering and leaned on their thick canes go through the swamps of Moo; and even though monads can enter and leave their abodes at will, every time they are retained more time.
One more time, where they felt they have found a glass filled with the liquor of death and materiality, which they feared so much, they found a cup filled with the balsam of oblivion and love.
Kundalini, the goddess of the vital power, has granted them the gift of manifesting their inner powers outwards; but she demands suffering, pleasure and death as payment. So, there is a gradual separation of sexes, which results in a fever of pleasure and sensuality in the flesh of the new men.
Gradually they forget the divine abodes and intuitive powers previously at their disposal, and just desire the pleasure of the flesh.
They are eager for mating, and this new pleasure brings a new fruit: two beings of opposite sex are able to procreate.
But monads did not enter every Lemurian body; they had selected just the fittest. Being left to their own devices, the understanding and physical appearance of the unfit quickly decay.
During the fifth sub-race, called Za-Moo, there is an extraordinary difference between a minded Lemurian and a mindless Lemurian. The Masters, guides of mankind, instruct the Lemurians when the latter are sleeping.
The Lemurians had the right to procreate just with minded females: “If you eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, or if you mate with females of degenerate races, you will die and lose the fruit of your race, since you will be fathers of monsters, not of human beings”.
But mindless females tempted the Lemurians while the women of the latter were gestating; the Lemurians were cursed, and those monads that waited for their turn to dwell among men, refused to occupy those half-human abodes.
Immense Lemurian monsters were born of this damned union of minded men and mindless women: the plesiosaur, or sea serpent; the ichthyosaur and the dinosaur, the meekest flying monster that the Lemurians used to ride.
This is the beginning of our present zoological scale.
Teaching 8: Sixth and Seventh Lemurian Sub-races
The sixth Lemurian sub-race, called Mo-Za-Moo, started with the fight of men against monsters. The latter prevailed on the west side of the Continent, and creeping, flying or swimming periodically invaded the central Continent and destroyed thousands of Lemurians.
The nervous system of the Lemurians grew stronger thanks to their fear to be invaded by those monsters, they acquired a normal blood circulation, and the Botal’s hole remained closed forever –human nature was unable to standardize it since the Hyperborean Race.
Their eyes started glimpsing lights and figures, which contributed to the union of the Lemurians in their common defense. But they alone would be unable to defeat those monsters, and high spiritual entities incarnated among the Lemurians to guide and lead them to the victory.
The defense and attack against those monsters was as follows:
Males formed up on a wide front; followed by a row of females, another row of males, another of females, and so on. Men had heavy canes as weapons, and women carried their children and food in bags of vegetal fiber.
Guided by Divine Instructors they got going. Their heavy and ordered march produced a vibration that scared and misguided those monsters and opened in their vanguard immense crevices on the earth, where the half-blind monsters sunk.
Year after year, the Lemurians marched this way until a final victory over these monsters; of the latter just the most degenerate or bestial remained.
On the western end, an immense island appeared; surrounded by a great abyss, and called Sacred Land or Moo-Za-Moo, was inhabited by the most chosen Lemurian type. This would be the beginning of the most advanced sub-race, the Moo-Za-Moo.
The seventh sub-race, Moo-Za-Moo, witnessed how the Lemurian men, already owners of their instinctive mind, with a quite balanced nervous system and perfect blood circulation, made considerable advances in their new experimental lives.
In those last times, seismic movements had displaced and centered the Lemurian life in the west, even though there were other quite important islands where the Lemurians migrated in order to establish progressive colonies.
The oceanic water, divided into three large oceans, even though effervescent and continuously boiling, was of the same chemical compound as today.
On these islands, and especially on the Sacred Island –Moo-Za-Moo–, great granite temples were erected, –some sort of enormous vaults supported by monoliths.
In the beginning, these monoliths were clocks before being transformed into gods, as during the fourth Atlantean sub-race; the Lemurian put an immense faceted stone, balanced upon the point of the monolith, which with oscillations and movements marked different hours, atmospheric movements and volcanic eruptions; the latter was extremely dangerous to the Lemurian cities.
Lemurian women stayed in those great locations (granite vaults), in charge of children of the colony and preparing food.
Lemurians were strictly vegetarians; from the fruit of certain trees obtained some sort of nutritious flour that they stirred in mortars to prepare big cakes cooked by the sunrays filtered through the clouds.
They expected the sunrise and then they cooked they food, tidied up and intuitively communicated with the spiritual world from where they came. This time could be called hour of material food and spiritual food.
Streets and roofs of the great vaults were covered with an especial mud, –mud from swamps of the land of Moo, which contained so many chemical elements; mixed with water and exposed to the sun, this mud grew harder and became yellowish, tinsel-colored. Streets, sidewalks and roofs of the Lemurian cities were made with this material.
At the center of the island they had an immense granite wheel that, as a wind-mill, was rhythmically in motion; this wheel alone, smeared with a radioactive substance, illuminated the island.
Lemurian men hunted their powerful cane as a weapon and their winged dinosaur at their side. They traveled through great distances, and guided by their secret sense of orientation, killed wild and harmful beasts and tamed dinosaurs. But they did not eat meat, and used the hide of those animals, properly inflated, to adorn their cities.
Among them there were sculptors –considered privileged, priestly beings. These are the authors of monoliths and statues; one of the latter remains on the Easter Island as a relic.
In the beginning of the Race, the Lemurians created their physical abodes through their self-consciousness and operated on the phenomenal will; but in the end, they begot in a normal way, through male will, operating on the female consciousness.
But, day by day, generation after generation, volcanoes howled and vomited lava –slow lava continuous and implacable that gradually was devastating and destroying the whole Lemurian Continent. Finally, the merciful waters covered it and smothered the fire.
Teaching 9: Glacial Miocene Era
After the destruction of Lemuria, the oceanic waters covered almost entirely the globe, because the new Continent, where the Atlantean Race stayed, slowly emerged from the seas and was like immense lakes; this new land was destined to gestate under the ice.
Then, a greatly rarefied atmosphere brought about a glacial era on the globe. An immense ice belt was around the whole Antarctic, and seemingly life had disappeared entirely from the world.
Much later, 850,000 years ago, during the sub-race of the Atlantean Toltecas, there was another glacial era, but less intense.
But during the first of the above-mentioned glacial eras, the Moo-Za-Moo Island remained partially intact, protected by immense snowy mountains against hurricanes and tempests.
This island ceased to be the last flourishing and beautiful bastion of the ancient Lemurian Race; compounded by large rocks and caves, the preservers of the human kind lived there, –they were the sons of Yoga, or will.
As if they were Noahs, generation after generation, those beings expected there the end of an icy deluge in order to set out for the new promised lands.
At the end of this glacial era, Saturn, the dark planet of suffering, was in conjunction with the Moon, the pale mother of the Earth, as symbol of the new Race that was about to come; compounds of this Race would be called sons of God and sons of Satan –white men that became black as a result of their sin.
Then, after impressive floods and as a result of the heat that went from the centre of the Earth to the surface, the thaw began, and remainders of the last Lemurian sub-race, which at this period of time were unusually changed, scattered on four main points of the globe, guided by the Great Initiates of the Race, to founding the new Race on four different places of the Atlantean land.
Heat was more and more intense, and slowly dried the lands of the new Continent and slowly covered totally the scene with thick clouds and mists.
Vegetation woke up from its sleep, and the seed, which was sleeping under ices, came back to life.
A new emotion shook the Earth, –now, the Earth was ready to serve the new man, giant man, three-eyed man.
Teaching 10: Atlantean Race
There were two great glacial periods during the Atlantean era, followed by other less intense periods, which lasted one Saturn year (30 years). This was a natural reaction against quite torrid periods on the Earth.
Tejas, the element fire, prevailed on the Earth with intense heat and cold, and after affecting the human body, caused the Kundalini flame to go from the fundamental or basic Chakra up to the brain.
The Atlantean Continent extended from Iceland to Brazil and from Texas and Labrador to Africa. But continuous thaws, during periods of intense heat, produced deluge after deluge, and flood after flood. The influence of Tejas on the Earth brought that of Apas, the element water.
There were four great deluges during the Atlantean era:
The first deluge took place at an undetermined era.
The second deluge occurred 850,000 years ago; it caused Atlantis to sink, –all its northern area.
The third deluge took place 220,000 years ago and divided Atlantis into two Continents, called Ruta and Diatya.
The fourth and last deluge occurred 87,000 years ago, sunk entirely the Continent, and left as the last remainder a plateau on a mountain of Ruta, called Poseidonis Island, which Plato described on his Timaeus.
The Atlanteans were already perfect men.
They walked erected, but seemingly inclined forward; their skin was deep red.
These beings did not know any human or phallic religion, but worshiped God in Spirit and Truth; or they were knowledgeable chemists about terrestrial powers, called maggons, who would descend from black magicians.
They divided their daily living into two stages: during the day, material life, and during the night, spiritual life; while they slept, rapidly left their physical bodies, entered the astral world, and listened to Great Masters’ voices and teachings.
But gradually they lost this gift, for their mission was to know the matter.
The first three sub-races –Rmoahalls, Tlavatli and Tolteca– were of this type.
The fourth sub-race, the Turanian, was yellow-colored and even more human.
After the latter, Semite and Akkadian races came; their skin was white, and the fifth Root-Race, the Aryan, would emerge from them.
The seventh sub-race, Mongolian, was yellow-colored and origin of degeneration and decay.
While in the beginning the Atlanteans were able to see God face to face by means of their third eye or developed pineal gland, gradually they were losing these spiritual gifts.
These Sons of God were precipitated in the depths of matter, becoming sons of Satan.
The element Apas, which prevailed during the development of this Race, granted the gift of a perfect porosity to Humanity and made their bodies fit to stand and fight against elements and temperatures, and able to the conquest of the Earth and life by their own means during the fifth Race, and also to the conquest of the beautiful goddess Prithivi, who was asleep and expected her redeeming God.
Teaching 11: The Rmoahalls
While Lemurians lived intuitively and half-detached from their physical bodies, their material life was purely instinctive.
Human brain was a divine mass at the disposal of men, and they had to record on it little by little. The instinctive thread was already traced, and the Atlantean man had to outline the periphery of the rational mind.
The Rmoahalls, beings of the first Atlantean sub-race, hardly had reason and were also exclusively guided by their instinct. They were tall Herculean men, with receding forehead and deep red skin.
Their offspring was numerous and their growth quite rapid.
They inhabited the great Atlantean Islands, where there was an intense heat after a glacial period.
Now they did not stay in the rocks, as the Lemurians, but on trunks of giant trees or under roofs, which they built on their own, surrounded by fences.
They did not have the speech under control; so they emitted guttural sounds influencing their consciousness and awakening several instincts. “Rrr-mo-hal” was a cry and symbol of “death to inhabitants of Moo”; this roused their combativeness and pushed them to fight. They fought frenetically until the destruction, and when their rage was over, they forgot the event and became normal again.
Water was the element where they spent many hours of the day. Excellent swimmers, they developed a porous skin by holding their breath.
Also they developed gladder and genital organs, and reached a higher physical perfection by eliminating quite rapidly elements of the urine through their kidneys.
They hunted the whole day and felt like checking monsters that pullulate on their lands; and while they did not eat meat of animals, certainly drank their warm blood.
Basically, they feed by rotten fish because their sense of smell was little developed. Also they feel like eating their own excrement, and the sick were given excrement of children as a remedy.
There were silent and continuous storms as a result of the atmosphere that was torrid, closed and thick, –electricity, as fiery balloons, bounced and slid through mountain slopes until the water. They loved to look at those immense electric balloons, and noticed they were able to attract or reject them by observing them. Thence the Atlantean science, knowledgeable about characteristic natural phenomena of their times, which was used to founding terrible schools of black magic, which would bring destruction.
By those days, the Atlantean landscape was quite beautiful and its horizon grew wider –immense ranges, high mountains, lakes and more lakes, numberless rivers and streams, all of them opaque and red-colored by the heat of infrared rays; all those waters prevailed by virtue of thick clouds covering the entire Continent.
By an intense earthly heat, a purer and more crystal-like water than that of today sprang up. Water became the Rmoahall therapy in an almost exclusive way.
They slept during ten, twelve and even fourteen hours, and then wandered throughout astral planes quite easily, and met the Guides of their Race and got their instructions.
Surprisingly, these Atlanteans did not fear death at all; in fact, they had no idea about death because to pass from one incarnation to another was to them just a longer sleep than as usual.
Almost continuously, individuals of this sub-race would chew leafs of a tree unknown at present, called Somihshal, which gave them unusual vigor. If they ceased to use this leaf, then they slept almost continuously.
This sub-race had grown beyond measure and could not be stable, and since its features derived from the foundation of the Atlantean Race, this sub-race had to disappear totally under pressure of other younger races that were appearing to the north of the Continent: the Tlavatlis.
Teaching 12: Tlavatlis and Toltecas
A powerful race was emerging among rough and uninhabited Atlantean ranges.
The Tlavatlis grew stronger and more tenacious, agile and resistant under the rigorous Saturn winter, in need of everything and bound to fight against elementals and antediluvian monsters.
As an unachievable dream, they saw plains filled with woods, rivers, swamps and men to be subdued; and this desire, conveyed from generation to generation, became ancestral, and developed the incipient memory of the Atlanteans.
After a rigorous winter, when heat filled again the atmosphere with terrestrial smoke, vapor and mists, those strong Tlavatlis time and again descended to the plain, exterminated entirely the Rmoahalls after fighting during three hundred years, and were owners of lands and abodes of the Rmoahalls.
But memory of the Tlavatlis was not perfect, and they mixed and mistook their memory of present life for that of past lives in such a way that were unable to determine exactly their present real life and their real past lives.
The Aryans were destined to the divine and sacred gift of forgetting the past and of being able to deal with the day of one life alone.
But this vague memory preserved in certain way a memory of courageous and heroic events, and this brought into being a sort of worship of the ancestors.
Also, men became conscious of their worth and of differing from others by virtue of this memory, which filled them with ambition and frenetically strove to conquer. So, the Tlavatlis had warlike habits, chieftains to fight and guides to family life.
Unlike the first Atlantean sub-race, which disappeared rapidly, that of the Tlavatlis preserved its descendants until the end of the Root-Race; and while the new Atlanteans defeated successively them, and their reddish skin grew blacker, they prevailed for numberless centuries on the mountains to the north-west of Atlantis.
Gradually, a new Atlantean sub-race flourished in the centre of Atlantis: the Tolteca.
They were men quite tall, harmonious and handsome; their skin grew lighter, with a pretty golden-tanned color.
Now they had memory, and also remembered their past lives.
Intuitive knowledgeable about the powers of Nature and clairvoyant by heritage, the Toltecas founded the most powerful and lasting nations ever seen on the Earth.
They were the first to practice the adoration and Divine Worship in a regular and methodical way.
They substituted caves and wooden fences of their ancestors for beautiful buildings crowned with numberless pillars. Their constructions were of orichalcum, a compound of gold, bronze and volcanic dust, totally unknown today, and they made large radiating blocks with this mixture.
Their Temple was built on the supreme city and was surprisingly high, crowned with a dome representing the Solar disc; because of all this, the Tolteca Capital was called “City of the Golden Gates”.
In the centre of the Temple there was a pillar where the laws of the Spiritual Guide were symbolically represented with images, figures and graphs.
Their king was not heir of certain blood line, but the spiritual heir of the former dead king.
Of all aspirants to the Initiatic Priesthood, the wisest one was selected to assist the king and to learn from him those teachings by which he would be fit to rule. If the aspirant was unfit, then he was sent back at once to the Priestly College, and was replaced by another man.
The Toltecas had just Divine Laws, because the society laws were given just on certain occasions by Initiated Kings. When these Kings sentenced, ordered or gave laws, they did after spending in ecstasy one night in the Temple.
Later, their clairvoyant power grew weaker and then they drunk certain potion to condition their nervous system for the ecstasy and clairvoyance.
There was no war among different Tolteca nations because their kings were confederated, but they continuously fought to protect themselves against savage hordes from the mountains. During their combats, they did not use men but explosives, which they launched quite far away by means of powerful machines.
Their most noticeable point was its way of watering. They built a reservoir in a mountain hollow by forming a vast lake that overlooked the city, and by an unexplained method, the water descended from the mountains through three channels, and as a result they never had floods; these channels were around the city, as ornament and defense. Following other course, those waters came back to the lake for their purification, absorbed by secret suction pipes.
The Toltecas were knowledgeable about mechanics: they have vessels and airships –immense ships crossing sea and air.
All this progress was slow, but later its fruits disappeared almost completely, not by wars or destruction, but by virtue of the glacial period that ensued.
Teaching13: Fourth and Fifth Atlantean Sub-races
850,000 years ago, an icy belt surrounded the Earth as a deadly enemy and destroyed any sign of life.
Those great Toltecas, their City of the Golden Gates and their memory of a splendid civilization had been swept by the waters to the depths of the oceans, or had been buried under layers of snow. Few human groups migrated, –those who could survive after such a frightful cataclysm.
In the area extended at present from Peru to Mexico, quite high mountains had formed a sort of oasis, where certain small human groups could survive –they were the ancestors of the Turanian sub-race. Other groups had migrated to the north-east.
While terrestrial heat was coming back from the centre to the surface and becoming half-normal, in those enormous mountains, on those grand snowy steppes, a strong and fierce people was taking form –they had to strive to survive and their instincts were ferocious; they were the fourth Atlantean sub-race of the Turanians.
This was the people that imposed the very war.
They waged war against small groups of surviving Toltecas, who had sought refuge on this oasis; and they fought against themselves, harassing one another continuously.
They were millions and millions, gradually expanded throughout the Continent; finally, they grew greater and prevailed by sheer strength.
Vanity and thirst of conquest darkened their clear astral vision, which they had inherited from the Toltecas, and just desired the dream vision in order to glimpse the place where their enemies waited; so, they destroyed them.
They created the black magic and strengthened their evil nature in such a way that had long-distance devices, quite powerful and destructive.
Dark-skinned, very tall and quite fierce, they walked slowly, by jumping, by virtue of their habit of climbing mountains. They used their disproportionate arms –which sometimes reached below their knees– as weapons when they were in need of them.
They fought against the new Semites and, even though were defeated by the latter, never were destroyed but remained as their conquerors as a detached race, called Black Race.
The Toltecas, who during the Flood has migrated toward a temperate area, to 50-60 grades latitude north, gave rise to the Semites by the end of the Miocene period. On the Atlantean land –Kalpashal, present Ireland, Scotland, England and English Channel– was being born different race from the Mother Race as to is main features. The race of the Atlantean Semites, even though very tall, was smaller compared with other races.
For quite many centuries, this race remained half-savage and waging war among them..
As future Aryans had to descend from this type of Atlanteans, with pale skin and different gait, this sub-race remained longer on the Continent because finally they were defeated by the Akkadians just 150,000 years ago.
While the Atlantean Semite civilization had a long infancy, the Turanians reached the summit of their warlike civilization. The Turanians defeated the Semites while the latter did not learn to fight, but later they learnt so well that overcame the Turanians.
The Turanians were not confederated as the Toltecas, but had territorial divisions by constantly fighting.
It is in those times that the two types of the Atlantean man are defined: those emerged from the first four sub-races, with black skin, and those who emerge from the fifth sub-race, the Semite, with white skin.
220,000 years ago the third Atlantean destruction ensued, which divided the Continent into two great islands: Ruta and Daitya.
Then the Semites started declining.
Teaching 14:
Last Two Atlantean Sub-races
The new sub-race of the Akkadians has emerged throughout the eastern coast of the present Atlantic Ocean.
They grew up slowly, while the Semites were fighting against their deadly enemies, the Turanians, called the Rakshasha in the Ramayana.
The Akkadians lived on vast plains and were a type of white Atlanteans, but burlier than the Semites.
In their infancy, the Akkadian witnessed how a part of Atlantis was destroyed 220,000 years ago, and there a people –perhaps the first– that could be called marine.
Entire peoples lived at immense rafts of a material hardened in contact with water. Sometimes these rafts were so large than they build two or three houses on them, and were crossed from one to another through bridges made with very resistant vegetal fibers.
Fishing was an art and main product of these peoples, which in times of prosperity and civilization, had sea cities built on rafts and also powerful fleets.
But as their power grew up, they were harried by the Semites and there was a millenary war with alternate victories and defeats; finally, the Akkadians defeated and destroyed the majority of Semites 150,000 years ago.
While the Continent was sinking and transforming continuously, other lands were emerging from the Ocean, and the Semites had already sowed in certain tribes the seed of the Root-Race Aryan. So, the Mongolian sub-race, the last sub-race of the Atlantean Race, inhabited totally lands of the new Continent.
This race grew up in present Asia, developed its power on the Salt Lake of the Gods, present Gobi desert, and particularly devoted to commerce, agriculture and guerrilla. It was the first agricultural people.
In these times, the Atlantean Race already underwent a surprising decadence. Giants had lost height, strength, agility and energy. And as if this Race wished to examine itself backwards, it had impressed on the Mongolians certain similar features to those of the Lemurians.
Moreover, their skin was yellowish and their eyes, small and almond-shaped, as one can notice it in their present descendants, that it, Malays, Chinese and Japanese.
85,000 years ago, the whole Atlantean Continent had disappeared and sunk in the Ocean with all its memories, except for Poseidonis Island.
But the Atlantean men resisted their own destruction. This decadent Race, which remembered its past grandeur, tried to enliven their flaccid bodies with residues of powerful mystical currents that their grandfathers had managed.
But the Great Work had to be achieved. The Atlanteans had to make room for the owners of the new Continent.
So, finally the last Atlantean tribe was defeated during the Great Fight of One 1,500 Years.
Teaching 15: Fight of 1,500 Years
The Atlanteans lost totally their power by the year 23,927 before Christ and one can say now the new Aryan Race ruled over the whole world.
But a colony of Atlanteans was safe and sound in Atala Island, where it tried to conquer again the world.
They founded the powerful school of the magoons, and since they possessed the secrets of the ancient magic, selected and instructed the most gifted of them for the time of destruction.
They made iron men, who animated by elementals obeyed blindly and totally their orders.
They worked strenuously for centuries, by making electric missiles, powerful airships and corrosive and destructive acids of any kind.
They discovered a fluid to become invisible because were knowledgeable about 192 basic chemical elements.
Well prepared and ready to destroy the world, they started off on the land of Abelton, present Africa. And the “Fight of 1,500 years” began.
Black magicians fought against white men, and the Aryans were killed. While the latter defended themselves with courage, millions perished before those seemingly invincible iron monsters guided by black magicians.
The Atlanteans said, “we shall conquer the Earth again, and shall abduct women of the white men, that we have coveted so much; we shall create a beautiful race, a pretty race like those women that we shall abduct, and this race shall possess our wisdom and power”.
But in those days, a great number of Initiates incarnated amid the Aryans to prepare them for the victory. Seven hundred Initiates of Fire re-incarnated and all together were ready to fight. But in spite of all, the Atlanteans were gaining ground; finally, Nature came and assisted those men who had to colonize the new land.
The earthly axis changes position when a sidereal years ends up, and this occurred in those days.
Water and fire fell from the sky for forty days; finally, the Earth was under waters.
Peace was re-established and the Atlanteans wanted to follow their way, but being unable to walk, lost their balance and fell to the ground because their brain centre was altered.
On the other hand, the Aryans made the most of this change, since their brains were ready to new terrestrial metamorphoses.
The Aryan Initiates deprived the iron men of the “elemental” power, and then the Atlanteans could not keep their lives safe.
The Flood had swallowed Atala, the land of sin, and the Aryans ruled over the Earth at the end of this fight that lasted 1,500 years.
The Initiates quitted and founded colonies of students on seven parts of the globe.
The first colony was on Poseidonis Island, a relic of the Atlantean Continent, which disappeared 11,000 years ago.
The second colony was established on the “Roof of the World”, Tankaton, present massif of Tibet.
The third colony was on the shores of a lake, present Gobi desert.
The fourth colony was amid rocks in the people of Abelton, near Madagascar Island.
The fifth colony was on the land of Arantua, present San Luis Sierras, Argentina.
The sixth colony was on the land of Miahenthar, present Grand Colorado Canyon.
And the seventh colony was on present mountains of Scotland.
Teaching 16: Additional Information
A Root-Race begins and develops at several places, and seven groups of this Race emerge at seven different parts of the Globe.
Always it occurred this way, since the first Root-Race.
Each Root-Race has seven sub-races, and each sub-race has seven family sub-races; each family sub-race has seven group sub-races.
At the present Round, men preceded all animals, and likewise it occurred in our Globe, because the Uranian shadows preceded those monsters. At the Lunar Round, these shadows had given birth to their astral bodies. A physical body never could be born before the astral body.
Life evolution is very slow and started on our Solar system 1,955,884,741 years ago; individual beings started forming their own astral bodies 301,000,000 years ago.
But human evolution dates back just 18,618,769 years.
The first Root-Race lasted 7,000,000 years and was speechless.
The second Root-Race lasted 6,000,000 years. Even though it was speechless, its entire body had a sense that emitted a set of sounds.
The third Root-Race lasted 3,000,000 years, and monosyllabic cries started being known. At the end of this Race, there was a sort of language with cries combined with aspirate consonants.
The fourth Root-Race lasted 2,500,000 years. Their language was agglutinative, and the Toltecas knew a language with inflexions.
Until our days (year 1941), the Aryan Race is 118,769 years old.
Atlantean migrations always took place from north-west to south-east, while invasions were to the north.
The inhabitants of the Atlantean Continent could see the Sun shining with more intensity on the coral island.
From 150,000 years ago to 120,000 years ago, the Aryan types increased considerably, and they were almost half of the total population of this island.
Of course, Atlantean Semites and the first Aryans had so different idiosyncrasies that fierce intestine fights ensued. The Atlanteans of old type envied the physical body of the predecessors of the Aryans because this body was extraordinarily beautiful. These fights brought about the first migrations, and the Atlanteans of Aryan type had to go in quest of new lands.
Quite numerous islands and rocky isles emerged from the waters amid the island inhabited by them and the new Continent.
Following this route, they settled on the fore-coast of the new Continent, where at present you find the islands of New Guinea and Borneo.
The cycle was about to end up. New cosmic forces filled with new strength the lands to the south-east of Asia. The Great Initiates of the Aryan Race were prepared to descend and guide the chosen to their new abodes.
118,765 years ago (Gregorian calendar, 1937), Manu Vaivasvata incarnated amid men to select the Aryans and found the first Aryan sub-race, the “Aryan-Aryan”.
Teaching 1: First Four Races Root Synthesized
Teaching 2: Uranian Race
Teaching 3: Hyperborean Race
Teaching 4: Stages of the Hyperborean Race
Teaching 5: Lemurian Race
Teaching 6: Three First Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 7: Fourth and Fifth Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 8: Sixth and Seventh Lemurian Sub-races
Teaching 9: Glacial Miocene Era
Teaching 10: Atlantean Race
Teaching 11: Rmoahalls
Teaching 12: Tlavatlis and Toltecas
Teaching 13: Fourth and Fifth Atlantean Sub-races
Teaching 14: Last Two Atlantean Sub-races
Teaching 15: Fight of 1,500 Years
Teaching 16: Additional Information |