Teaching 1: The Tarot Source
Teaching 2: Egyptian Tarot Figures
Teaching 3: Both French and Italian Tarot Figures
Teaching 4: First to Fifth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 5: Sixth to Tenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 6: Eleventh to Sixteenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 7: Seventeenth to Twentieth-second Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 8: Suits
Teaching 9: Heart-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 10: Club-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 11: Spade-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 12: Diamond-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 13: Key Words to Tarot Figures
Teaching 14: Tarot-Figure Combined
Teaching 15: Tarot Spreads Squares
Teaching 16: Tarot Key
Teaching 1: The Tarot Source
The twenty-two Tarot figures and their cosmogonic, anthropogenetic and theologic symbols are originally Atlantean.
All Aryan peoples have reproduced these 22 figures on their diverse temples, and gradually modified them.
The Egyptians recovered them from the dark, by giving them back their pristine artistic and significant beauty, and even confounding these images with their own gods. And all religions have taken figures and symbols from the Tarot.
The Tarots describe: formation of the Universe and World, creation of man, his steps toward evolution and Initiation, and powers related to life and development of being.
Every one of these figures has certain characteristic magnetic current, which has taken form through thoughts of sages who have venerated and studied them for millennia.
During the reign of the Ptolomies, the Tarot figures were reformed. Ptolomy II, founder of the Library of Alexandria, ordered to compile and interpret esoterically these images to certain Jewish sages, who mixed Biblical symbols with figures, and numbered them according to their alphabet.
Figures of the reformed Egyptian Tarot are lost in the Middle Ages, and entirely replaced by Christian symbols; but they came again to life thanks to: Tomaso Campanella (1568-1639), in Italy; Guillaume Postel (1510-1581), in France; Michael Mayer (died in 1622), in Germany; and Francis Bacon (1561-1626), in England.
In fact, the Italian Tarot is non-existent; its reconstruction responds to assumptions and statements taken from well-known writers.
Those figures known in our days belong to the Italian Tarot and Postel’s Tarot; the latter were created by Postel according to his own visions and dreams.
Several Tarot figures combined and based upon different geometric figures beforehand traced produce magnetic shocks favorable to magical operations. Generally these figures are used by left-hand magicians, or magicians of evil.
Therefore, one has to be quite careful not to produce again the same current of black magicians.
Teaching 2: Egyptian Tarot Figures
The twenty-two Egyptian Tarot Figures are as follows:
1 ALEPH “OSIRIS” (The Navigator).
3.In the center of the figure there is a young man, with long, curly hair, standing on the waters of the sea; he is in white, his head covered by a big hat, and a luminous aura around; his right arm extended downward; his left arm raised and holding a little wand. At his feet and in front of him, there are spades, hearts and pentacles.
2 BETH “ISIS” (The Woman).
In the center of the figure, a woman sitting on a throne between two columns of the Binary; at her feet, the sea covered by lotus flowers trodden by her; she wears a triple crown on her forehead, with two horns; her face covered by a veil; a purple robe covers her back, a book of wisdom rests on her knees, which is hidden by the robe; she wears the golden Solar Cross on her chest, and the right hand traces the signal of Blessing with three fingers.
3 GHIMEL “BASILISA” (The Queen).
A woman seated on a big easy chair; she wears a crown, like the cap of Pharaohs; she is in blue with mottled stars, and covered by a red robe; she has two wings; her left hand holds a scepter with the symbolic Globe on its end; her right hand holds a shield; an eagle has been painted on it.
4 DALETH “BASILEI” (The King).
A king sitting on Pharaoh’s attributes; his hands hold the scepter with the globe on its end; on his chest, a big triangle; his legs are crossed forming a cross.
5 HE “RA” (The Great Hierophant).
In the center of the figure, the High Priest sitting between pillars of Hermes and Solomon; his right hand traces the three-finger signal, his left hand holds a three-pole cross. She wears a triple crown, and two ministers are kneeling at her feet. This figure has to represent a pentagram as a whole.
5 VAU “SAT-KE-ASAT” (The Man between vice and Virtue).
In the center of the figure, a man in red; on the right, virtue, and of the left, vice; both of them are grasping his hands; they try to attract him; over his head, a big shining sun, and in its center, an Angel of love as if this Angel tried to wound him with an arrow. Beneath this man, there is a wide and fierce sea.
7 ZAIN (APIS-RA) (The Chariot of Hermes).
Hermes, winner and guide, standing on his chariot. This chariot is cubic, with four pillars and blue curtains covered by stars. Hermes wears a golden five-pointed crown; he wears a blue-and-white cloak fastened on two diamonds, Urim and Thumin; his right hand holds the golden scepter with the globe; and his left hand, a square with a triangle in it.
The chariot is hitched up to a double sphinx, being black that f the left and white of the right, which are lying down on their bellies. On the chariot there is the figure of a lingam; the winged wheel of Mercury overlaps this lingam.
8 CHETH “HATHOR” (Justice).
In the center, a woman, standing, in light blue, a golden veil on her head and wearing a red hood; above her hair, a star. Her right hand wields a sword, and her left hand holds a scale; she is barefooted. Her big wings are wide open; she is about to start flying and looks down at the earth.
9 THET “THOT” (The Initiate).
A man, his face covered, entirely wrapped in a large light blue cloak; his right hand holds a lamp; his left hand rests on a seven-knot cane.
10 JOD “AMON” (The Wheel).
In the center of the figure, an eight-spoke wheel; in its center, a thousand-ray rosette. The wheel appears against a white background. Four rays are red, and four, light blue; y and the end of each one is a six-petal flower. The whole wheel has a golden strip around. Behind is the Seer with three crowns: the golden crown on his head, the light blue crown on his right hand, and the red crown on his left hand. On the right of the Seer, the sign of Hermanubis, and on his left, that of Typhon.
11 CAPH “HARMAKHIS” (Strength).
In the center, a being, perhaps a that man or woman, in red suit, with a shield, and wearing a light blue cloak; he is looking at the infinity. At his feet, a lion shutting its jaws without effort. He wears a wide hat, forming the figure “8”.
12. LAMED “HORUS-OSIRIS” (The Sacrificed one).
A man hanging from a foot; the other foot is free and forms a cross with the former; his hands are tied behind, so that his body forms a triangle with its point downwards on the level of the heart, a wound is bleeding; a green cloth covers the private parts.
13 MEM “SERAPIS” (Death).
A meadow with high green grass. In the middle, a skeleton which is looking left and cutting with a scythe.
14 NUN “GABU” (Temperance).
A radiant angel in white and with folded wings; on his chest, the sign of the septenary. His right hand holds an empty cup, and his left, a full cup, pouring the content of the latter into the former. At his feet, a blooming almond tree.
15 SAMECH “HELIOPOLIS” (The Ram of Baphomet).
The head of a ram with big red horns, exposing its deep red tongue; it is seated on a tube of two colors: the red tube on the right, and the blue on the left. On the level of the Solar plexus, a red tuft; it wears blue trousers and its knees are raised. Its beard is red. Red right hand, raised; blue left hand, down.
16 AIN “TYPHON” (The Tower).
Sky filled with thunderbolts and lightening. In the center of the figure, a tower, with three windows, fulminated by a thunderbolt. Nemrod is expelled from the tower along with his fraudulent prophet. Nemrod holds a bow which, in its fall, forms the letter “ain”.
17 PE “NUIT” (The Sky).
In the sky, five stars: one large star with sixteen points and four small stars, with eight points. Nuit, with two amphorae, pours the liquor of eternal youth. Far away, a green palm tree. Amphorae are red.
18 TZADDI “SOKHARIS” (The Moon).
At night, a dog and a wolf howling to the Moon. Between both of them, a crab; on a green field the dew gets reflected by moonlight; a little path, mottled with blood, is lost far away. On the right, a brick castle, with blue cornice, over an abyss. On the left, a red castle, crowned with six spears, over the peak of a mount.
19 COPH “FTAH” (The Sun).
In the center, a radiant sun emitting eight red tongues, eight blue tongues, and a thousand golden rays. Two twin children are nude and shaking hands, riding a white horse.
20 ROSH “ANUBIS” (The Doomsday).
An angel blowing a trumpet and holding it with the right hand; his left hand holds a book of destiny, closed by a cross. The dead are leaving the tomb: on the right, a man; on the left, a woman; in the center, a child.
21 SIN “GHINI” (The Crown).
A laurel crown fills the figure; on the sides, four animals: bull, lion, eagle and angel; in the center of the figure, the Truth, shaped like a naked woman; her head is covered by a subtle veil, with the crescent moon on her hair, and crowned with twelve stars.
22 TAU “HORUS” (The Walker).
A ragged man walks at random, and holds a bag on his shoulders with the left hand; his right hand rests on a cane; he wears a buffoon cap. A tiger is after him and bites his buttocks; you can see the flesh.
Teaching 3: Both French and Italian Tarot Figures
Next a description of both French and Italian Tarot figures; in the event names are different, first the French name appears.
In the French figure you see the boatman in his barge; one hand touches the edge, and the other raises the oar.
In the Italian figure you see the Shoemaker with seven devices on a square table; his right hand raises a cup full of wine, and the left hand grasps a last.
On both figures, the man wears a wide hat.
2 B THE POPE [Joan].
In both figures, a woman sitting on a throne; a papal tiara covers her head and a purple cloak her body. In the French figure, she blesses with three fingers of the right hand, and in the Italian one, she holds a closed folder.
A woman in light blue and with red cloak, seated on a large easy chair; one hand holds the shield with an eagle, and the other the scepter with the sign of the world. In the French figure, she wears a five-pointed crown, and in the Italian one, a biretta.
In the Italian figure, it wears royal attributes; on his chest, a red band crossed by another golden band, forming a triangle; he holds a scepter with the globe, and his crown is like the crown used in Rome to crown emperors of Germany.
In the French figure, he holds a scepter with the lily flower, and his crown is like that of Reims.
In the two pillars of the Temple, you see the Sovereign Pontiff sitting, with tiara, pallium, three-pole cross, and showing three fingers of the left hand. In the French figure, at his feet, there are two acolytes kneeling.
In both figures, in the center, there is a man in red. Behind him, Vice is calling him, and Virtue appears in front of him. Vice wears a crown; Virtue is in yellow. Over the head of this man, an angel throwing an arrow to Vice.
A king wearing a five-pointed crown, shield and blue cloak; he guides a four-pillar chariot, adorned with red flowers; the chariot has the sign of Mercury in the center.
In the French figure, the king holds a lily flowers with the left hand; the chariot is hitched up to two horses; the horse, on the right side, looks at the other.
A woman in light blue, with open wings, wearing a seven-pointed crown; her right arm raises a sword, and her left one, a scale. In the French figure, at her feet, you see the Earth.
In the French figure, a capuchin, his head covered by a hood; he holds a lamp with the right hand, and a little cane with the left one.
In the Italian figure, the capuchin wears a blue cloak.
In the center, there is a eight-spoke wheel; spokes are alternatively red and blue; over the wheel, the Initiate wearing a golden crown, and holding the blue crown with the right hand, and the red crown with the left one. On the right, an Angel with a flame over his head; on the left, a bluish flame that looks like a bear. In the Italian figure, the red crown has been replaced with a red cane.
A woman in red, blue and yellow, closes the jaws of the lion without effort; she wears a wide brimmed three-colored hat.
A man hanging from a foot; the other foot is free and forms a cross with the other; a green cloth covers the private parts; the body remains hidden behind the trunk of a big red tree.
A skeleton holding the scythe and looking left.
An angel, his wings are half-open; he pours water with an amphora held by the left hand into another amphora on his right side; on the left, a branch of almond tree.
In the French figure, a red devil with other devils around; he wears a yellow cloak and holds thunderbolts. In the Italian figure, the devil has the sign of a monster on his chest; he wears red jacket, blue trousers, and the left hand holds of lantern of life, which is out.
A tower, with three windows, struck by a thunderbolt; drops of blood fall from the sky. In the French figure, a dragon expelled by blazing sword
A nude woman with two amphorae and a five-star crown; far away, a palm tree.
Two dogs barking at the moon; on right and left sides, two castles. In the French figure, a way mottled with blood.
In the center, the sun emitting thunderbolts and flames; below, two twins shaking hands. In the French figure, instead of twins, a woman seated; she is spinning.
An angel blows the trumpet, surrounded by blue and red rays; he holds the seal of destiny; the dead raise from the tombs.
In the Italian figure, a nude woman, a crescent moon on her hair; she is in the middle of a garland of flowers and laurel leaves, watched by an angel and an eagle In the French figure, the woman stands over the world, watched by the angel, eagle, lion and bull.
A man wearing a hat is after a butterfly; he holds a net to hunt it; apparently he staggers, but stands up with a cane.
In the French figure, a dog bites his buttocks.
Teaching 4: First to Fifth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Figure 1
The man in white is the triumphant man, the man God; it is he who came to control the Great Element. This is why he is over the waters.
He has achieved this control through harmony with the powers; this harmony is represented by his left arm raised and the right one extended downward.
His achievement –denoted by his wide hat and luminous halo– is the result of a serene vision of God.
At the same time, he is the microcosm, image of the Macrocosm.
Cosmogonically, the water is Primordial Substance; the hat, manifest Universe; and the man, Cosmic Energy.
In Latin Mithology, he is Mercury, who flies over the earth; in Christian religion, he is the Triumphant Christ, rising from the tomb.
Also he is Horushatum, who possesses the beginning, end and preservation of the Universal Creation.
Figure 2
This figure is symbol of duality, both positive and negative agent, masculine and feminine, man and woman.
But notice that, instead of two figures, here only one figure comes up, that of the woman. This is so because the first differentiation point is ever potential; this is why its emblem is the feminine aspect.
The potential and active power of duality rules over the Universe; the woman with two horns, seated between two pillars, confirms this power.
The red cloak means that where there is manifestation and duality, there is life, and the secret of life is: mobility, change, attraction and repulsion, “solve et coagula”; in short, duality.
This image is the Egyptian Isis, the Greek Aphrodite, and the Latin Venus.
Figure 3
This figure is the Divine Mother, the Manifestation under three different expressive forms: spirit, mind and matter.
Her attributes express the ternary as a whole, the Trinity.
She wears a red cloak, symbol of life; and also a light blue cloak, symbol of the divine source of the Creation.
Her hands hold the globe, with wings as a symbol of the flight of the spirit; on the shield there is the picture of an eagle, since matter constantly tends to return to its original fount.
Spirit and matter are united in this figure by the female image, which is like a link between sky and earth.
This is the image of the Immaculate Conception.
Figure 4
Particularly see in this figure the triangle on the chest of the Emperor and the square tended below by the cross formed by his crossed legs because here the spirit is in the matter, the power of life is in the human manifestation.
The Emperor wears on his chest the triangle, the band, sign of power, but he can use it just according to a human restraint, because his legs are not free but crossed.
It is the last point, the Nadir, where one arrives and gathers strength for the return.
Christ said to Peter, “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church”. He means; “You are matter that has to be vivified, you are the initiated material man”.
When the spirit settles upon the matter, the transmuted matter becomes spirit.” “You are the gate of Heaven, Guardian of the Threshold”; in short, matter in its highest vibration, when is going to be absorbed by the spiritual vibration,
Also the symbol of this sign is the two keys of Ahehia, which are crossed, and open gates of Heaven and Hell.
It is the Hebrew“tau”, which opens gates of Heaven.
The crossed legs of the Emperor also symbolize the four cardinal points, and the four earthly elements.
Figure 5
The Great Hierophant is symbol of the pentagram, of mental powers; power to know the matter, to know the astral essence, the radiant essence, the heart of beings and power to know their capacity.
This symbol is philosophy, religion, ethics, history and language.
The Master can teach all, but he cannot give Spiritual Realization.
The great Priest can take the soul to the gate of the place where judges of death will examine the soul that however must enter by itself.
The Great Hierophant controls both lower and higher worlds: two pillars in the background of the figure; he has material, astral and mental power.
But the spiritual power only belongs to God.
Teaching 5: Sixth to Tenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation Figure 6
The Man between Vice and Virtue represents the two great laws, that of Consecutive Predestination and the Free-will Law of Possibilities, since man ever fights between fatalism and his individual personality.
It is the pair of opposites, which emanates from only one essence, and as soon as he is balanced, his expression is of perfect harmony.
Also it is a symbol of movements of both attraction and repulsion of the cosmic substance, and the reciprocal physiological love of beings.
Figure 7
This figure represents the King Initiate at his summit and success. In the Bible, the Psalm 44 describes him.
The golden five-pointed crown represents power over fear, over enemies, over love, over riches and over steel.
All these powers are material, but used to achieve the Divine Power, symbolized by the triangle in a square, which the king wears upon his chest.
The two sphinxes, or horses, are the two currents of Bohas and Jakin, which are indispensable for the power; they are parallels that never meet.
The lingam, along with the holy wheel of Mercury, symbolizes that the power of the King Initiate is essentially masculine and controls the feminine element. Also the Psalm 44 describes it.
Figure 8
It symbolizes curses and blessings, courage and fear, good and evil, Divine Power and human power.
This figure is Michael in the Revelation Book, and Saint George, in Christendom.
One of these two powers has to overcome the other: the one that succeeds is angel of light and the defeated one is angel of shadows.
Figure 9
This figure represents the Spiritual Initiate. His head is entirely covered; this means that he sees all, as a clairvoyant.
His cloak is light blue, because he embraced the highest renunciation and achieved serenity and peace.
His right hand holds the lamp, representing experiences acquired in past lives; he will use these experiences to guide those who come after him.
He holds a ten-knot cane; these knots represent his control over inner powers; he rests on the cane in order to show that he is not proud of the power and uses it wisely.
Figure 10
It represents the personal God, Supreme Being, Creator, Horushatum.
The three crowns represent power over mind, energy and matter; they represent God as Creator, preserver and destroyer.
The wheel represents the destiny of Humanity, the karmic law of cause and effect, which causes it to revolve since the beginning to the end.
The sign of Hermanubis and that of Typhon denote that in their hands is both the virtuous and wicked man, both the saint and the damned soul.
Teaching 6: Eleventh to Sixteenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Figure 11
This figure in red represents the power that gives and takes, vivifies and kills. Her eyes look at the infinity because truly a powerful and strong person makes all fearlessly, with only one reference point, the dream or ideal kept in mind.
This fortitude, founded upon a hypothetical point, which is her vocation, causes all impediments to yield; this is why she closes the jaws of the lion without effort.
Also, the one who is strong creates a continuous contact among those forces that he uses and the force to which he directs his action, establishing a true magnetic current, a flowing current symbolized by the “8” in the hat.
Figure 12
So that the spirit may absolutely succeed, matter has to be sacrificed; rather, material particles should be transmuted and become astral particles.
This disappearance of the matter so that it may become higher matter, is symbolized by blood emanating from a wound. The triangle, with its vertex downward, confirms the belief that there is energy and mind even in the heaviest part of the matter. Personally, it is image of sacrifice, a sacrifice spontaneously made so that another person may gather the experience.
Figure 13
The skeleton on the green field denotes a continuous revival of life, and reincarnation and continuous changes.
This image is Kali, the Hindu goddess who, holding a bloodstained knife, dances around the body of the god, his husband, after killing him a little while ago. This means that the body has to perish so that the spirit may be liberated. The goddess symbolizes with her dance the joy produced by the liberation of the spirit; at the same time, it is image of black magic, which uses the moment of death to vivify memories of the operators.
The moment of death is of the greatest elation, pleasure and magnetic force for just when an individual being dies, he can truly enjoy because of his instantaneous conviction that is immortal.
Figure 14
This figure represents that the secret of possessing life, health and youth rests on adjusting to continuous change of life itself. An individual being wishing to remain in certain law, is against the great Law of Life, which is continuous change; this is why he lacks harmony, falls ill and dies.
The septenary is image of seven centers continuously gone through upward and downward; a perfect transmutation denoted by the cup. At his feet, a blooming almond tree, denoting that he has achieved of eternal youth and vigor.
Figure 15
The devil is image of Kundalini, vital force, which wants expansion through imagination. The instinct moves Kundalini that has to sustain the physical body; the will guides Kundalini that has to raise man to Divine Spheres; and the imagination moves Kundaluni that creates physical forces.
The devil has a demonic symbol upon the chest because more often than not the imaginative creation is based on the instinctive desire and rejects activities of the higher will.
The light of life is out because Kundalini is not used as a link between the lower and the higher world but to give pleasure to senses, and moves to the astral world. So, it symbolizes sexual magic, irresistible force of the nerves and ethereal body, and regeneration power.
Figure 16
The tower is the physical body, symbol of reincarnation and continuous becoming of life. The three windows in the tower symbolize the three powers of man: physical, mental and spiritual.
The thunderbolt against the tower is the implacable destiny, Karma, which is after him, and destroys him when he is not necessary for the Work.
The blood rain symbolizes human suffering.
Human figures, and animals, ejected from the windows, symbolize that, in spite of the apparent death of the physical body, always something old, something evil, something hindering the progress appears to be thrown away.
Also it symbolizes the divine wrath that punishes, and even mercy of God because man receives punishment to improve and go ahead.
Teaching 7: Seventeenth to Twentieth-second Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Figure 17
The nude woman symbolizes life in its state of preservation. The two amphorae, in her hands, symbolize creation and destruction.
To preserve endlessly one’s life, we have to control quite well the two amphorae of the beginning and end with perfect transmutation, and to transform matter into mind, and mind into matter.
The five stars crowning her head symbolize the five inner powers to use for preserving life.
The other two stars are too subtle and, at certain moment, destroy material life for the sake of spiritual life.
The wilderness is image of uniformity, peaceful indifference, lack of varied panoramas or pairs of opposites, where just the palm tree of immortality blooms, which can be achieved through detachment from material pleasures, but not renouncing to possess life. Also it symbolizes the great art of Astrology.
Figure 18
This figure symbolizes not only earthly night, but also potential life.
The moon is image of a seemingly dead point, which has passed its active force to another center, keeping just its potential part; while the two barking dogs are guardians of the laya centers; they represent efforts of the active matter to absorb and attract force of the potential substance.
Castles denote as it is above, so is below; as it is in the Cosmos, so is in life of man; the potential force is mother of every force already expressed or active, that that force has symbolically confined in inexpugnable castles.
The road mottled with blood denotes the extraordinary value emanated from living men, which can take them from earth to heaven, from small to biggest.
Also, this road is image of Chemistry, of the power of elementals and collective forces.
Figure 19
In the French figure, which is more correct, you see a woman seated that is spinning; it denotes karma, destiny of men.
Through different roads and multiple forms, man becomes spiritually independent; so, from a subaltern individual he becomes a unique being, the man: center of his mental and spiritual system; microcosm in front of the macrocosm; truly made like God.
Also this figure symbolizes that when the man, the Rebel one, the Sun, recognizes his power and divinity, he breaks any ties of karma and gets rid of wheels of causes and effects.
When man achieves his own liberation, finds the true Philosophical stone. He is the cornerstone: Petrus. He is the cornerstone, foundation of his future and destiny, the true Philosophical Stone.
Figure 20
This figure symbolizes reincarnation, resurrection of the flesh. What is dead comes again to life; and the dead live again.
Also it is image of Retrospective Examination and of the plane of the sleeping ones, or sixth plane of the Astral World.
Figure 21
This figure symbolizes Triumph; redemption of the Spirit over the flesh, or matter.
A true triumph is not such if it is not complete. The one who controls must have fought any obstacles and overcome them all in order to wear the crown of victory.
Laurel symbolizes triumph.
The woman, image of a liberated soul, symbolizes her triumph over the four elements, and even over man himself. The four elements are represented by the lion, bull, eagle and earth: respectively, fire, earth, air and water; and the man is represented by the angel.
The crescent moon over the head of the woman is image of hidden forces and clairvoyance.
At the same time, Triumph is Truth, and Truth has no secrets for the one who conquers it; this is why the woman appears completely nude.
Figure 22
This figure is image of instinctive life.
A man overpowered by passion is like a child going after butterflies, or like a madman chased by dogs. Being blinded by the impulse of his passion, he forgets even elementary things.
This forgetfulness pays tribute to the flesh that, even for a while, controls completely the spirit.
Also this figure symbolizes divination, and even gray or sexual magic.
Teaching 8: Suits The 22 Tarot Figures symbolize, as you see, both cosmogonic and human powers under diverse forms and aspects.
At the same time, they are an enumeration of 22 liberation keys or paths.
Every path has four stages, or scales; and these four stages are symbolized by four suits. Each suit has ten numbers, from one, or Ace, to ten, and four figures: Jack, Knight, Queen and King.
Also every one of these cards has different meaning, according to the upright or upside-down position, symbolizing two great movements.
The twenty-two Tarot figures, and four suits, and the two movements, form 28 powers.
Every one of these 28 powers can be applied to every one of those figures, suits or movements, in diverse and multiple senses. Here are the twenty-eight powers:
1st Discovering mines of diamonds and gems.
2nd Tracing seven parts that divide the planet.
3rd Dividing petrography into four parts.
4th Putting in tune its mineral plexus with different mineral centers of the planetary system.
5th Perceiving magnetism of earth.
6th Knowing diverse qualities of metals and their combinations.
7th Transmuting one matter into another.
8th Ruling over winds.
9th Calling the water and knowing subterranean streams.
10th Controlling tempests.
11th Possessing the deadly thunderbolt and being incapable of burning.
12th Knowing diverse virtues of plants.
13th Knowing the plant that preserves life.
14th Ruling over vegetal lymph and transmuting it.
15th Subduing fierce animals.
16th Charming serpents.
17th Understanding the language of birds.
18th Subduing wild animals.
19th Changing his human form for another.
20th Changing water to wine, and wine to blood.
21st Knowing wheat ears and changing bread to flesh.
22nd Increasing objects.
23rd Materializing and dematerializing things.
24th Ruling over objects.
25th Knowing Gnomes, Undines, Sylphids and Salamanders.
26th Possessing the magical wand.
27th Having a white winged horse.
28th Forcing Nature to reveal all its secrets.
Generally the four suits are called: hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds.
Cup reveals negative power of primordial substance: image of matrix, descent, gestation dream, and material things. In Ancient Egypt, its symbol is the forty-nine bead necklace of Isis.
Club is active and positive manifestation of life; image of generation phallus, ascent, awakening and fullness. It is efforts to ascend to higher worlds, and spiritual yearnings.
Spade is union of matter and spirit, lower and higher, woman and man; it is collision, friction, fight, energy.
Diamond is mystical ring of gods; image of the mind, control of higher worlds, Paradise.
These four figures are image of humanity, precedent races, and future development of man. The King is the man; the Queen is the woman; the Knight is androgynous; and the Jack is asexual.
As for the two great movements: the upright figure represents positive aspect; the upside-down figure, negative aspect; first movement is mobility, activity; the second, rest, immobility.
According to sages of Ancient Egypt, a combination of these suits, figures and movements, applied to the number related to power, gives the solution of a problem.
Teaching 9: Heart-Card Suit Meanning
Here is the meaning of upright heart-card suit:
ACE means: matrix, domestic things; intimate troubles and family events unknown to strangers; a new idea takes form and grows in the mind.
TWO: expansive love; in the event of an idea, search of a mate; in the event of a secret, its tentative revelation; in the event of love, search of the corresponding person.
THREE: intimate love-matters; ideal; exalted, noble and spiritual thoughts. Love becomes worship; idea transformed into ideal; art or religion becomes intimate bliss.
FOUR: intimate suffering, secret tears, sorrows that cannot be told, love-pains, misunderstood love, unrequited love, spiritual vocation, secret yearnings, inner bitterness, unrealizable ideals. Works derived from intimate things or secret yearnings.
FIVE: a son; fruit of intimate things; result of our affections, feelings and ideals. In a house: established home: mother, siblings and relatives. Everything is inside.
SIX: experience in love; knowledge about love; a wife who knows what she expects from his husband; a mother who know why she loves her son. Spiritual guide; adviser; true friend; intimate friend.
SEVEN: triumph. Triumph related to mother, love, fecundity, feminine aspect as a whole, even in man. Triumph in art, beautiful things, ecstasy. Maturity, fullness.
EIGHT: inner harmony. Harmony in sentimental values; triumph of serenity over love and enthusiasm. It is image of a love that renounces and gives; love of Initiates; confidences.
NINE: success without exaggerated displays of feeling; true victory of Initiates of Fire. Mass victory, collective victory, victory of Nature and cosmic forces.
TEN: intimate things in a city, nation or race; happenings in a city or nation where one lives or in our own race.
JACK: in a house: maid, boy, servant, youth. In a city: urban public services. In the world: communications.
KNIGHT: students, apprentices; all those things that return to their previous state; an expedition, journey, or mission.
QUEEN: a woman at the height of her life; a mother; an idea at the height of its development; a mature idea; fruitful love.
KING: A young man; in love; enthusiastic; a mature man to create ideas, but before he realizes them; a man whose ideals are taking form. At home, a young man, a father.
Here is the meaning of upside-down heart-suit cards:
ACE: intimate things frustrated; unrest, worry; wasted efforts; the desire for getting rid from certain relationship with society, school or family.
TWO: any unrealized subconscious desire; vicious desires that cannot be told; love-desires that cannot be told out of shyness or illicitness; the desire for being what one cannot be.
THREE: worship of beauty; dedication to art; love for Nature; sentimentalism.
FOUR: worries; preoccupation derived from rearing children and from reciprocal tolerance in married life. Patience; senile love.
FIVE: sacrifice for the sake of the beloved; renunciation to agreeable and pleasant things. Religious or spiritual vocation.
SIX: detachment from excessive material affections; to be tired of material pleasures and of bitterness that they produce; desire for pure and spiritual loves. Fruit of affective meditation. In the event of spiritual guides, success in their labor.
SEVEN: a woman, along with all her feminine and potential values; decent and diligent wife; loving bride; love of a mother for her grown-up children.
EIGHT: death of a human love; love, affection or friendship that came irremediably to an end; sentimental links broken up.
NINE: change of mind as for feelings; spiritual conversion; passion for arts or sciences in mature age; new love replacing another precedent love.
TEN: love for one’s neighbor, fellow men, and humanity. Priestly love. Initiatic love. Divine Love.
JACK: prostitute; a person who commits illicit acts in love; false love; treason in love.
KNIGHT: transaction, treaty, deal, documents signed; business of any kind.
QUEEN: an artist; a woman pleasant to a community; a woman in public charge; governess.
KING: active and enterprising man; chief, director, foreman.
Teaching 10: Club-Card Suit Meaning:
Here is the meaning of upright Club-card suit:
ACE: phallus; power creative of life; expansion from inside outward; willpower; revival; inception of an enterprise; hard situation taken through violence; to gain access to an impervious place.
TWO: robbery; something stolen unexpectedly, suddenly: this may refer to love, business or a trip.
THREE: pleasure in life; comfort enjoyed through possession of money, art objects, and reading; even because a person knows he is beautiful, smart, rich and wise; self-admiration. Narcissism.
FOUR: to make one’s way through life in spite of troubles; to overcome impediments; to win something among many participants; prosperity and social preeminence through efforts and fight from a quite modest beginning. Spiritually, absolute control of fear.
FIVE: brutal sex force; in a man, irresistible desire for possessing; in a woman, desire for being possessed. Unsatisfied sex desires; blurred intelligence; control of the flesh over the spirit. Wrath; fight; imperiousness. Physical sport game.
SIX: experience in life; gift of old people, parents and those who suffered a lot; rest, tranquility; ability to wait for he exact time. In business: future favorable changes.
SEVEN: voice, ability to talk, convince or impart a lesson in a class, keeping the attention alert; to give lectures; timely sentences; command; voice above any other voices. Certain timely word solves a troublesome situation.
EIGHT: temporary disharmony; change; movement; going back and forth; change of ideas, houses, jobs, states. It is a scale in motion.
NINE: success in business, though in moral sense rather than in financial sense; successful candidature; inheritance, legacy; important professorship has repercussions on vast sectors.
TEN: foreign countries; remote countries; events in remote countries have repercussions all over the world; earthquakes; whatever repercussions on the whole earth; a nation standing out against others in due time.
JACK: student, disciple, novice, son; the one who is free but dependent upon somebody to complete his education and culture; a boarder in a college.
KNIGHT: a soldier; a warrior going to fight; a son leaving the parent’s home; an emigrant, the one who is on a journey. In a man: age for military service; in a woman, age to marry.
QUEEN: matron; housekeeper; housewife; principal in a college; abbess; feministic leader.
KING: father, patriarch; priest; abbot; principal in a college; president of a nation.
Here is the meaning of the upside-down club-card suit:
ACE: shyness in love, impotence; wait, delay; relaxation; abandon. Procrastination. Patience.
TWO: jealousy; hidden and shady manipulation; counterfeiters and swindlers; wicked persons. Envy.
THREE: incomes, wellbeing; soft living; to enjoy earnings of others; easy deal; earnings by chance; discovery of a treasure.
FOUR: money; prosperity; earnings by iron and, particularly steel industry; heavy industry. Migration.
FIVE: chastity; control of passions; transmutation; control of moodiness; celibacy; monastic vows; seclusion. Peace.
SIX: time; hours; periodic and cyclic changes; an event will not happen again; at last, something began. In a child: physical development; in an adult, the end of a profession; in a man, stable business; in an old man, retirement, the end of business; in an adult woman, menopause.
SEVEN: indecision; a delay to start something; hesitation; sluggishness; hesitancy that may be fatal; irresolution.
EIGHT: bankruptcy; heavy loss in a deal; gamble loss; money loss; money stolen from you; any hereditary loss.
NINE: a delay; longevity; imperishable success; achievement; strong old age.
TEN: promotion; success; happy outcome; party; joy, carnival. Ceremonial; worship.
JACK: servant.
KNIGHT: intriguer, schemer; the one who steals the bride from other.
QUEEN: sorrowful woman; old woman; forgotten woman; woman without charm.
KING: an Initiate; a saint; an irreproachable moralist; a theologian. The Perfect Man.
Teaching 11: Spade-Card Suit Meaning
The upright Spade-card suit means:
ACE: victory through arms; victory over destiny, in life, and over a group or collectivity.
TWO: friendship, pact, alliance, oath, promise, marriage; union of two families, association of beings to start a work; alliance between two nations.
THREE: disappointment; memory of the past; to live recalling past successes; a great man of yore, has been forgotten today.
FOUR: mobilized army. Military men. Troop gets moving; patrol. Victorious soldiers.
FIVE: treason, disloyalty, vileness; not to honor a promise or oath; to tell lies; to cause a friend to fall into a trap.
SIX: ambition. A mission that demands courage and also to have courage to fulfill it; to scorn the dangers; the one who protects oppressed and helpless persons; the one who punishes an individual for being rash or cruel. Knight-errant.
SEVEN: degradation. Loss of possessions; loss of rank, or dismissal, out of incompetence. Degradation and loss of chevrons, in a military man. In a woman, gossip, backbiting. Scandalous love affair.
EIGHT: disease. Inner physical discomfort; ageing, defacing, heaviness; loss of elasticity, to go gray.
NINE: To win a battle at all costs. In life, to be promoted at the expense of others; to get rich by exploiting the weak.
TEN: Unpleasant experience, loss, sorrow, loneliness; in a warrior, to leave arms; in a woman, forsaken by her husband or lover; in an old man, death.
JACK: Spy, prying person, informer.
KNIGHT: Socialization. Social, fashionable person, habitué in parties.
QUEEN: Matron, widow; secluded woman; cloistered nun; domineering woman; spinster.
KING: Righteous man. Judge; high-rank military man; powerful person that inspires respect; domineering man that stands out by virtue of his courage and moral authority.
Upside-down Spade-card suit means:
ACE: Defeat. Defeat in combat; dejection; overwhelmed by destiny.
TWO: Jealousy out of friendship or status, divorce, promise not honored. Broken relationships.
THREE: Peace through efforts; tranquil old age: retirement; pension; seclusion.
FOUR: Confinement, cloister, forceful seclusion or inactivity. Reclusion.
FIVE: Life, night job. Fight between two persons alone.
SIX: Humbleness. Silent work; anonymous charity. Patient work. Work that requires a lot of time.
SEVEN: Conversation. To give lessons and teach, to organize and discipline.
EIGHT: Stability; preserved health: vitality up to old age. Prudence, discretion, saving, economy.
NINE: Disappointments; deception; bitterness, demoralization, defeat.
TEN: Death. Total loss of something; to interrupt something finally.
JACK: Beggar, tramp.
KNIGHT: Artist, sport-man, swordsman, arrogant man.
QUEEN: evil, loose-tongued, mean woman; procurer, pander.
KING: Evil, quarrelsome, domineering man.
Teaching 12: Diamond-Card Suit Meaning
Upright Diamond-card suit means:
ACE: brilliant intelligence; quite balanced mind; self-control; mental control over others.
TWO: business, pleasure, study trip. Advantageous journey. Future successful two-person society.
THREE: successful deals; money: good job; prize in lottery.
FOUR: legacy, donation, inheritance through will; unexpected amount. Spiritually, to receive and understand spiritual teachings.
FIVE: in man, he pays cash for love; in a woman, marriage in a biased way. Renunciation to love out of attachment to money.
SIX: luck; earnings through gambling; deals out proportion.
SEVEN: brilliant professional prospect. Spiritually, achievement of psychic powers. Mentally, ability to think and reflect. At home, children, happiness, wellbeing.
EIGHT: comfortable status; ecclesiastic hierarchy. Spiritually, Initiation.
NINE: entertainment. Recreation tours; socialization, happy and indulgent life, parties; joy.
TEN: a lot of money. Money. Good stock-market deals. Sure money, solid wealth.
JACK: young and smart professional; he will thrive.
KNIGHT: messenger brings good news. Letter with money; check. Mentally, discovery of the path, to know how to act.
QUEEN: rich woman; housewife; wife; elegant woman; businesswoman.
KING: rich man; happy husband; person of independent means.
Upside-down Diamond-card suit means:
ACE: financial control. Spiritually, inner richness.
TWO: letter, document, writing, good reading or study book.
THREE: discontinued deal; impeded work; bad faith in business; lack of credit; bad reports.
FOUR: gifts, jewels, objects. Gifts of Nature: beauty, health.
FIVE: disorder, wastefulness, bad management. Bankruptcy.
SIX: stranded deal, bad luck in gambling.
SEVEN: general lucky strike; ability in office or profession. Good taste.
EIGHT: prayer. Serenity. Inner control; soul richness.
NINE: long business journey. Formation of an important world society. Usury.
TEN: nobility; famous lineage; human touch; brilliance; sociability, conviviality.
JACK: buyer; good assistant; good employee; steward; efficient subordinate person.
KNIGHT: a relative coming from far way; stranger; men with other habits, another race, another lineage.
QUEEN: matron, mother-in-law, old mother; philanthropic lady; dear grandmother.
KING: Patriarch, father-in-law, grandfather, old father; philanthropist.
Teaching 13: Key Words to Tarot Figures
Tarot Figures |
Upright |
Upside-down |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
IX |
X |
XI |
XV |
XX |
Tarot Figures |
Heart-suit |
Upright |
Upside-down |
Tarot Figures |
Club-suit |
Upright |
Upside-down |
Tarot Figures |
Spade-suit |
Upright |
Upside-down |
Tarot Figures |
Diamond-suit |
Upright |
Upside-down |
Teaching 14: Tarot-Figure Combined The following Tarot figures and suits are upright, provided we say otherwise.
Tarot I with ACE of CLUBS and ACE of HEARTS means birth of a male.
Tarot II with ACE of CLUBS and ACE of HEARTS means birth of a female.
Tarot III with eight of HEARTS and nine of HEARTS means a prosperous year, and good harvest.
But Tarot III with two of SPADES and five of HEARTS means to gain a friend for life.
Tarot IV with six of DIAMONDS and six of CLUBS means ruling over men, to reach a kingdom.
Tarot V with TEN of DIAMONDS and TEN of CLUBS means Supreme Spiritual Realization.
Tarot VI with TWO of HEARTS and TWO OF SPADES means marriage.
Tarot VII with TEN of SPADES and NINE of SPADES means war.
Tarot VIII with TEN of SPADES and TEN of DIAMONDS means the end of a period of time and the beginning of another.
Tarot IX with EIGHT of HEARTS and EIGHT of CLUBS means complete detachment from the world.
Tarot X with THREE of CLUBS and THREE of SPADES means to recover from a serious disease.
Tarot XI with FIVE of CLUB and SIX of HEARTS means to overcome the enemy finally.
Tarot XII with TEN of SPADES and NINE of SPADES upside-down means prison.
Tarot XIII with TEN of SPADES upside-down and NINE of SPADES upside-down means death.
Tarot XIV with NINE of SPADES and NINE of CLUBS means to move finally.
Tarot XV with ACE of DIAMONDS and TEN of DIAMONDS means extraordinary, high power.
Tarot XVI with TWO of SPADES and SIX of SPADES means enemy destroyed.
Tarot XVII with TWO of SPADES AND FIVE of CLUBS means intense enjoyment.
Tarot XVIII with SEVEN of SPADES upside-down and TWO of SPADES upside-down means intense sadness.
Tarot XIX with TEN of DIAMONDS and NINE of HEARS means excessive money earnings.
Tarot XX with ACE of CLUBS and ACE of HEARTS means to win a case.
Tarot XXI with NINE of HEARTS and NINE of CLUBS means a late victory.
Tarot XXII with ACE of CLUBS upside-down means to lose a case.
Teaching 15: Tarot Spreads (Squares)
You can use the Tarot by forming Spreads with Figures and Suit Cards taken at random, according to the following rules:
 Use this spread to discover political, religious, hidden, shady, dark or difficult matters.
These matters can refer to whatever twenty-eight powers.
First, separate at random 30 cards from the pack of cards, placed on the table according to the distribution of Diagram 1.
Particularly separate from these cards Figures that are placed at the left column: in Diagram 1, 2, 3, et cetera. If they are more than six, place them at the second column: 7, 8, 9, et cetera. The rest of Cards, Suits, will be placed horizontally, for instance, if they are six Figures; 7, 13, 19, 25; later 8, 14, 20, 26, et cetera.
Once you place the above-mentioned 30 cards, take from the pack so many cards, according to the number of power used. So, for instance, if you use the 27th, take successively 27 cards and the 27th card will decide. It will be the principal card.
Interpretation rules of Saturn’s spread:
First horizontal row reveals chances of the matter considered.
Second row, next chances.
Tenth row, its chances.
Fourth row, immediate consequences of the result.
Fifth row, future of the matter.
Sixth row, its term, and consequences.
Here are separate interpretation rules for each horizontal row:
Figure or card on the left, 1, 2, et cetera, in the Diagram, is the principal, or decisive card; that on the right, 25, 26, et cetera, their counterpoise. The pros and the cons.
If in the Spread appear three cards related to some of those combinations, the said combination, or combinations, will have a higher value than whatever other figures or cards, with the exception of the decisive card, which corresponds to the power used.
Diagram 1 – Saturn’s Spread
 SECOND JUPITER’S SPREAD – Diagram 2
Used for financial matters, Stock Market speculations, inheritances and legacies, and business in general.
Twelve cards taken at random, they are placed horizontally, as in Diagram: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, et cetera.
Later, according to reference to Saturn’s Spread, you get the power corresponding to the power to use, which is the principal power.
After this card, combinations acquire importance.
Take as reference the first Figure to appear –after it, from right to left, value of cards is progressive¬– and later, from left to right. For instance, if the first Figure appears at Number 7 of the Diagram, you should start the interpretation in 6, 5, 4, et cetera, and later, 8, 9, 10, et cetera.
Second horizontal row prevails; first row reveals chances; third row, results.
Diagram 2 – Jupiter’s Spread
 THIRD MARS’ SPREAD – Diagram 3
Used for things referred to war, fights, quarrels, examinations.
Place eight cards of this Spread in 4 horizontal rows 1, 2, 3, et cetera, as in Diagram; later, you get the card related to power. Combinations have the same interpretation preeminence.
First horizontal row reveals the yesterday.
Second row, the today.
Third row, the now.
Fourth row, the tomorrow.
Place successively the power card on the right of rows, which for the time being are then three cards. When you interpret each row, the highest value belongs to the card that is in the middle, later it belongs to the card that is on the right, which ever is the power card, and finally, it belongs to the card that is on the left.
Diagram 3 – Mars’ Spread
Power Card
Used for love matters, pleasures, and in connection with marriages.
Take twenty-eight cards and place them as in Diagram. In this Spread do not take power card, but combinations contain the usual interpretation preeminence.
First horizontal row refers to active love, outside us.
Second row refers to passive love.
These two rows refer to yesterday, to the past.
Third and fourth row reveal the tomorrow.
Diagram 4 – Venus’ Spread
 MERCURY’ SPREAD – Diagram 5
Used for matters related to study, wisdom, understanding, spiritual life.
It contains thirty-three cards successively placed and ordered as follows according to Diagram 5: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, et cetera, up to 12; later, up to 18, A, 19, 20, et cetera, up to 27; and, finally, C, 28, 29 and 30.
Do not take power card; combinations keep their usual preeminence. But cards A, B and C, are the principal; the highest value belongs to A, later to B, and finally to C.
The outer circle, Numbers 1 to 12, refers to material things.
Intermediate circle, from Numbers 13 to 24, refers to mental things.
The inner circle, Numbers 25 to 30, refers to spiritual matters.
Diagram 5 – Mercury’s Spread
 SIXTH SPREAD OF LIFE – Diagram 6
Take at random forty-nine cards and place them horizontally, as in Diagram. Do not take power card.
If you wish study things referred to certain life, the first card will refer to the first year, the second card to the second year, and so on.
You can relate this Spread to certain period of time; for instance, between the age of 21 and 69; in this case, the card 1 will refer to the age of 21; so, successively up to the age of 69.
If you wish to study Life for a year, then each card will correspond to a week, in its order. To determine the three last weeks, divide the number of cards, that is, 49, by 52; this gives the quotient 0,9807. So, card 9 corresponds to 50th week, card 8 to 51st week, and card 7 to 52nd week.
If your inquiry refers to a week, first horizontal row refers to the first day, and successive inquiries to the rest, respectively.
Diagram 6 – Spread of Life
 Teaching 16: Tarot Key
You can use the Tarot not only at random, because through certain operations you can use its Figures and Cards to reveal future and secret events.
So, the operator must know three numbers that are fundamental in whatever game or spread.
In diagram you see the order of Figures and Suit Cards, using conventional letters to name and situate them.
First fundamental number, TX: it has to be the result of the power number to use, related to the matter at issue.
Second fundamental number, TX1: refers to the object at issue, reduced to express a number and in relation to the aim of your quest.
Third fundamental number, TX2: determined by a number, or combination of similar numbers, or characteristic numbers of the operator.
These three numbers correspond to respective Figures placed and ordered as in Diagram: TX is ever on the right; TX1, upside-down; and TX2, upright.
If you determine the number of whatever Figures and the result is 22 or less, place the Figure corresponding to the number that you got; if the number is higher than 22, add the absolute values of their numbers, and place the Figure corresponding to this addition.
Hypothesis: if the number that you got is 27, add 2 and 7 = 9. So, 9 will be the Figure to place.
Take notice: likewise it occurs with Suit cards. If you determine the number and the result is 14, place the corresponding card. If the number is higher, repeat the operation as above.
Hypothesis: if the number is 19, add 1 and 9 = 10. So, 10 will be the card to place.
After you determine the three Figures, that is, TX1, TX and TX2, you must find three basic numbers, that is, X, X1 and X2, which are not located in the Diagram because they do not correspond to any Figure or card. So, you get:
X1 = TX x TX1 x TX2.
You should reduce this product, by adding absolute values of its numbers, as in the following hypothesis:
If TX1 x TX x TX2 = 365,
you should add 3 and 6 and 5 = 14.
In which case X1 = 14.
Analogically, to determine the value of X:
X = TX x TX. Hypothetically, if TX = 9,
so, 9 x 9 = 81.
Also you should reduce by adding its absolute numbers:
8 and 1 = 9;
so, X = 9.
Finally, X2 = TX1 x TX2. You should reduce this product as above:
If TX1 x TX2 = 132,
then 1 and 3 and 2 = 6.
So, X2 = 6.
In short:
X1 = TX1 x TX x TX2;
X = TX x TX;
X2 = TX1 x TX2,
by reducing products as explained above.
As much TX1 as TX and TX2 must be different. For instance, if TX2 is equal in value to TX, then you should add one unit. If TX is 8, and TX2 is also 8, you should add one to this number, in which case TX2 = 9. If X is 5, and X2 is also 5, you should add one unit, that is, 5 and 1 = 6.
Once you get the three Figures and three basic numbers, proceed to place twelve Suit cards as in Diagram, according to the following rules:
First determine the fundamental Suit, which will be that belonging to card A.
.So, keep in mind the following diagram:
4. Diamonds |
1. Hearts |
3. Spades |
2. Clubs |
To determine the Suit corresponding to A, add basic numbers X1, X and X2 and later add absolute numbers of the said addition.
If the result of the last addition is 4, or less, it will correspond to the Suit according to the graphic. So, if the addition is hypothetically:
X1 and X and X2 = 10,
1 and 0 = 1.
So, Hearts will be Suit of A.
If the result of the addition is higher than 4, you will divide the product by two; If the quotient even is higher than 4, you will divide it again by two, up to this result: 4, or less. If the result of this division (or of these divisions) is a quotient with decimals, then the Suit number will be by approximation.
Hypothetically, if X1 and X and X2 = 25, we will have 2 and 5 = 7. 7 divided by 2 = 3,50; 3 will be the number to determine the Suit, in this case, Spades.
In short, Suit of A is equal to X1 + X + X2, by reducing absolute values of the product of additions in the above-mentioned way.
To determine the number of A, add TX1 and TX and TX2, by reducing values of the product of the addition to a number that will not be higher than 14.
The Suit of B will be equal to that of A, except that its number is equal to that of A, in which case it will have the following Suit, in the above-established order of the graphic. For instance, if the Suit of A is Hearts, and its number is equal to that of A. then it will be Clubs; if A is Diamonds, in the same case would be Hearts.
To determine the number of B: B = A + TX1 + TX + TX2.
The Suit of C will be equal to that of B, except that it has the same number; in which case, and always in accordance with the order of the graphic, it would be the following.
Likewise this rule is applicable to all subsequent cards.
Number of C is equal to A + B.
Number D is equal to B + C.
Number of E is equal to B + C + D.
Number of F is equal to A + B + C + D + E.
Number of G is equal to TX1 + TX + TX2; as above, add absolute values of products of the addition, with the usual reduction; you determine the Suit as above. If cards of the number are already places in those four Suits, then put the number immediately higher than the corresponding Suit.
You get the card number:
H = TX1 + TX + TX2 + G
If the quotient is higher than 2, then divide it successively by this number until you get a quotient lower that 2 and higher than the unit. If the result is 1,75, then you will place the number 2; if the quotient is lower than 1,75, then you will put the Ace.
I = G + H
Likewise, to determine H. If the quotient is 1,75, then place 2; if it is lower, than an Ace.
J = G + H + 1
K = G + H + I + J
L SG + H + I + J + K
In these cases proceed as above to determine the number of G until getting a number higher that 1 and lower than 2, by dividing by 2.
The card A, even or odd, should be upright. If A is even, all cards of even number will be upright, and all cards of odd numbers will be upside-down. On the contrary, if A is odd, all odd cards will be upright and all even cards will be upside-down.
To get the number of Resume card, that is, R, add the twelve cards A-L. If the product of this addition is higher than 14, then divide by 2, successively, until getting the quotient of 14, or less; if the result is a decimal fraction, then it will correspond by approximation. If this resulting card is already placed, then put the immediate higher. The Suit will be the result of applying the above-explained rules.
You get S1, S2, S3 and S4 by adding respectively: A, C, E; B, D, F; G, I, K; and H, J.L. If the result of every one of these additions is more than 14, then you will reduce according to above-mentioned rules. The same occurs to determine its suit. CONTENTS:
Teaching 1: The Tarot Source
Teaching 2: Egyptian Tarot Figures
Teaching 3: Both French and Italian Tarot Figures
Teaching 4: First to Fifth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 5: Sixth to Tenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 6: Eleventh to Sixteenth Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 7: Seventeenth to Twentieth-second Tarot Figures: Their Interpretation
Teaching 8: Suits
Teaching 9: Heart-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 10: Club-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 11: Spade-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 12: Diamond-Card Suit Meaning
Teaching 13: Key Words to Tarot Figures
Teaching 14: Tarot-Figure Combined
Teaching 15: Tarot Spreads
Teaching 16: Tarot Key |