Teaching 1: Life
Teaching 2: Atomic Physiology
Teaching 3: The Living Cell
Teaching 4: Blood
Teaching 5: Tissues
Teaching 6: Nutrition and Blood
Teaching 7: Pelvic Cavity
Teaching 8: Abdomen
Teaching 9: Heart and Lungs
Teaching:10: Larynx
Teaching 11: Hypothalamic Area
Teaching 12: Superior Extremities
Teaching 13: Eyes
Teaching 14: Kidneys
Teaching 15: Balance of Atoms
Teaching 16: Exercises to Keep Atoms Balanced
Teaching 1: Life
The Spirit manifests in the Universe by means of Life.
Man is the prototype of Live on Earth.
Life is always Mind, Energy and Matter. This Law can be observed as much in Macrocosm as in microcosm, as much in a man as in an atom.
Universal life, daughter of the Soul of the Cosmos, is the great body of the Spirit of the Universe.
This vast universal body has inseparable parts, although seemingly independent from each other, in planetary chains. At a time, planetary chains have their material parts in different planets: and the physical bodies of all men on Earth, are a part of the physical body of the latter. So, it is also molecular and atomic Life.
Atoms keeping life of man on Earth are:
1.- Ponderable atoms. They give material Life and attract each other constantly.
2.- Imponderable atoms. They keep mental Life and repel each other.
3.- Dynamic atoms. Alternatively, they are ponderable and imponderable; and keep energetic Life.
Atoms sustain each other by tension, relaxation and balance.
In every atom prevails certain aspect of Life, but all other aspects are potentially in it.
Constitutive atoms of life of man are:
1.- Solid atoms. Their form is square.
2.- Liquid atoms. Their form is semi-lunar inverted.
3.- Luminous atoms. Their form is triangular.
These belong to the group of ponderable atoms.
4.- Gaseous atoms. Their form is spiral.
5.- Magnetic atoms. Their form is circular.
6.- Radioactive atoms.
These belong to the group of dynamic atoms.
7.- Mental atoms.
The superman could count with:
8.- Mental atoms of long wave, or Will.
9.- Mental atoms of short wave, or Consciousness.
Mental atoms, mental atoms of long way and mental atoms of short wave belong to the group of imponderable atoms.
All atoms mentioned in this Teaching are of subtle matter, still unknown to biologists, for they cannot be discovered by present physical and chemical procedures.
All these atoms can be called atoms X, to differentiate them from those atoms known, named atoms H.
Atoms X are generated by other atoms, of subtler nature, called atoms X2.
Teaching 2: Atomic Physiology
The activity of the human organism depends on the mutual harmony of the diverse atomic groups.
The elements for the formation and organization of ponderable atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether by means of food.
The elements for the formation and organization of the dynamic atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether in its energetic aspect; and those that form and organize imponderable atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether in itself, through Centers of force, or Ethereal Wheels.
Medieval alchemists and physicists called “salt” to these imponderable atoms; “sulphur” to dynamic atoms, and “mercury” to imponderable atoms.
The elimination of ponderable atoms enriches the Earth and its fauna; that of dynamic atoms enriches the air, climate and flora; and that of imponderable atoms, enriches the aura of the Earth, elemental forces of Nature and life of group-souls.
We need to have sufficiently into account on what part of the body, of the organism several atomic groups act, to know, subsequently, the origin of several diseases.
Solid ponderable atoms endow the organism with diverse minerals; main minerals among these are phosphorus and calcium, although all of them exist in it.
Scientists know about the existence of several minerals in the organism, although not all of them, since some minerals are in infinitesimal proportions.
Ponderable atoms influence the skeleton, muscular tissues and growth. They give vitality to the organism.
In great quantity, they are eliminated by the sperm; or are reabsorbed by blood.
In the Astral World, they have square form; and correspond to the Fundamental Wheel.
Liquid ponderable atoms endow the organism with water, which contributes to a third part of the total weight of the human body.
Water is in all liquid element of the organism, in combination or crystallization.
These atoms intervene in producing hydrates of carbon and in forming several sugars: glucose, dextrose and saccharose, as well as proteins.
Especially they influence organs of vegetative life: stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen, and prevail noticeably in developing several stages of the existence, which gradually decreases as we become old. They give flexibility to the organism.
Its elimination is made through the kidneys by urine; and through the skin, by sweat.
In the Astral World, they have form of crescent moon inverted; they correspond to the Splenic Wheel.
Ponderable luminous atoms endow the organism with greases, glicerydes, lipids and soaps.
They constitute fatty sheaths of the nerves, are within nervous cells and influence especially the sympathetic system.
They give heat to the organism and, through the pancreatic juice, form diverse combinations, to be absorbed; they maintain in good condition the nervous system by generating energy that keep the endurance, by adapting the organism to life.
Their elimination is made by transformation in the chyle, by excrements, by ossification and by inner combustion.
In the Astral World, they have a triangular form, and correspond to the Solar Wheel.
Dynamic gaseous atoms endow the organism with three fundamental movements: respiratory, circulatory and peristaltic of the digestive system.
These atoms influence lungs, blood and gastric juice.
They form especially oxygen, which almost exists in any organic substance. They are in blood, in form of colorant matter, like constituents of haemoglobin in red cells.
Also they form hydrogen, which is in every process of organic decay.
They bring the organism into motion, and put it in contact with the outer atmosphere.
These atoms are in the composition of ferments and toxins, and are eliminated by the latter.
In the Astral World, they have spiral form; and correspond to the Heart Wheel.
Dynamic magnetic atoms endow the organism with acid substances; esterids, aromatic, uric and biliary; and with alcoholic substances.
The proportion of these substances depends on the magnetic charge, which will give health or illness to the organism. They influence different magnetic currents running through them by means of blood and of both nervous systems.
They endow the organism with magnetic lymph and give it energy.
They are eliminated through blood.
In the Astral World they have circular form; and correspond to the Larynx Wheel.
Radioactive dynamic atoms endow the organism with the glandular system.
They circulate through magnetic threads tended through diverse glands, maintained alternatively in action and in rest.
A good glandular activity depends on the perfection of this rhythm.
They endow the organism with diverse necessary emotions to life and give inner serenity through endocrine movement.
Their elimination is by external secretion of emunctory glands; they correspond to the Visual Wheel.
Mental imponderable atoms endow the organism with three cerebral masses: brain –with spinal medulla–, cerebellum and solar brain.
Their centers of power dwell in the pineal gland, which is the contact point with the Spiritual Entity of the being.
They endow the brain with the necessary charge to discriminate.
Their elimination is through overabundant mental waves; they correspond to the Crown Wheel.
Teaching 3. The Living Cell
Originally, an organism presents a cellular form.
Originally, human cells have not any spontaneous form but an evolutive form, from the union of atoms of matter to the formation of an ordinary cell.
To realize this process of a human cell, from subtle matter to gross matter, it is necessary to know the theory of descent of monads, from Higher Worlds to the Physical World.
When a being dies, he get rids of his physical body; this body disintegrates, but preserves the original cell that gave him life. But this cell is selected by the physical experience of its last life.
As the ego gets rid of the ethereal body during the first forty days after death, this cell experiences a transformation; from cell H becomes cell X. For forty subsequent days, cell X becomes cell X2.
Now, the original X2 cannot be joined together by a tie that is a mental wave and, at a time, is tied to physical remains by a magnetic wave.
Notice that cells H, X and X2 are formed, respectively, by atoms of the same name.
When the ego has to descend to the Physical World, and it is time to go down, the cell X2 is getting, though its mental wave, messages and shocks, which transform its usual rhythm, X2, into its grosser rhythm.
And when the ego, covered by the astral body that would accompany it to the Physical World, forms the ethereal body that will make him fit to live with a physical body, the cell X2 becomes cell X.
The mental wave that unites the ego and his covers with the cell that will give life is of short extension.
An example: all original cells X are on the same physical vibration when it is time to reincarnate; you should imagine there are millions of them that correspond to certain ego; if these cell cannot be transformed, for a period of time on which the ego comes near the covers, in cell H, it undergoes then a shock that repels it, and it becomes again cell X2.
But if it is a suitable physical wave, the cell X becomes cell H.
The cell H cannot undergo a transformation without a physical contribution.
During the sexual act, at the moment that in ovaries there are chemical elements to form the cell H, then the ego can join to the most subtle cell, X; by such contact, this cell X becomes definitely cell H, starting the formation of a man in the mother womb.
All atoms are potentially in an original human cell.
The cell H, or human, is composed of five parts:
1.– Membrane of the cell.
2.– Content of the cell, or protoplasm.
3.– Nucleus, or spherical corpuscle.
4.– Other secondary nuclei, propellers of irritability, or multiplication.
5.– Secondary nuclei of super-irritability, or destroyers.
Cells present every form that, as seen in the Astral Body, accompany diverse atoms, from the square atom of a flat cell to the circular atom referred to the spherical cell.
In a perfect organism, there are 39 x 1 (to the nth power) cells.
They increase from 27 x 10 (to the nth power) up to 39 x 10 (to the eth power).
But gradually these cells are dying.
This numeric transformation of cells is called cell metabolism.
The cell metabolism is ponderable, dynamic and imponderable.
The ponderable metabolism is evolutive, progressive and constructive; it wants to endow the organism with a perfect number of cells.
The dynamic cell metabolism keeps cells alive by digestion, breath and reproduction.
The imponderable cell metabolism is regressive, degrading and destructive.
Decrepitude derives from a loss of cells.
There are organisms of higher vitality that know how to reproduce cells when they die. This occurs in a live lived naturally.
A decrease if irritability in a cell creates a favorable field for a super-irritability, which destroys it completely.
Teaching 4: Blood
Blood is composed of liquid inter-cellular substances, with white and red cells are contained in blood vessels.
By its passage through channels of different kind, blood goes across two capillary systems; that of lungs and that of other organs at large.
Blood has a direct current that enters veins; and another indirect current that goes across walls of capillaries and is absorbed by lymphatic vessels.
Lymph is blood filtered and charged with especial energetic currents.
Intestinal lymphatic vessels absorb the intestinal chyle and pour it on the blood through the system of the portal vein
Blood that is the main source of life in the organism determines not only the life in a substance, but also the harmony of its circulatory movement.
Solid ponderable atoms keep the harmony of this circulation, which should be neither excessively quick nor excessively slow; and its good condition is known by the harmony between acid and alkaline elements in blood; blood acidity is certain great concentration of atoms of hydrogen that are dissociated in it; alkalinity, in a lesser concentration.
So, not only ordinary and known causes may bring a trouble, but also moral causes that influence the said equilibrium; sexual excess, psychical disturbances caused by fear. This disturbing influence manifests during seven hours after meals, and the most intense are during the first hours and quarters, decreasing noticeably later.
Liquid ponderable atoms keep weight and volume in blood, through a control of circulation; this is verified by the heart rate.
Besides its heart cause, a lack of harmony in quantity has another cause, that is, glandular and nervous systems.
The function of luminous ponderable atoms is to keep a normal proportion between red cells and white cells.
A sedentary, excessively comfortable, can bring a higher or lower leukocitosis. Luminous ponderable atoms also control this proportion by means of circulation speed, by which the old red cells are conveniently removed, and even those white cells that became useless.
If a haemorrhage occurs, produced by a violent traumatism, the subsequent circulatory activation compensates a loss of these atoms; so, in certain cases, a bleeding becomes harmful, especially in adults, by absence of this compensation
Gaseous dynamic atoms influence blood by regulating the speed of the circulatory movement; it accelerates it, delays it or moves it from one to another.
This process indicates a good oxygenation of haemoglobin, which is the hematic pigment that grasps the oxygen in lungs and releases it in tissues. Instead, a bad condition indicates increased stroma in red cells and by a deficient oxygenation of haemoglobin.
A circulatory movement of this kind depends on the respiratory rhythm.
Magnetic dynamic atoms maintain the equilibrium between lymph and blood; and lymph, at a time, is the control between cells and tissues.
Balance between lymph and blood must be perfect, takes place after a series of decreasing oscillations, and eventually reaches the level.
Blood coagulation is faster than lymph because this operation is ruled by a plasmatic current of atoms H that directly influence nuclei, also of atoms H, of red cells, by arranging and piling them up for the production of a correct coagulation.
Lymph has a slower coagulation, because corresponds to an alternate current of atoms X. When this lymphatic current moves to blood, it brings an unbalance in its coagulation, which can be deadly; like in certain diseases that produce haemorrhages.
This abnormal passage of the lymphatic current to blood takes place because lymph, of toxic properties, which change according to diverse areas of the body and organs, causes the resistance to the passage from the one to the other to become less thick; and when the toxic discharge of lymph decreases, lymph reaches the larynx area and establishes an alteration of thyroid secretions and, mainly, of parathyroid secretions.
Before this unbalance, an alteration of the normal passage of atoms X-lymphatic-atoms H takes place, because these atoms move more quickly to blood.
Some of these abnormalities remain latent in mothers, to become effective in off-springs.
Radioactive dynamic atoms lead the passage of arterial blood to venous blood.
The composition of arterial blood is uniform in the entire system; as it moves to veins, there are certain valves of atoms X ruled by radioactive dynamic atoms and let blood change from arterial blood to venous; the composition of the latter varies according to the organ from which it derives.
But these valves rule not only over the transformation of arterial blood into venous blood, but also watch over and impede the access of foreign toxic substances of any kind.
Also, as a property, if these toxic substances were injected into blood in certain infinitesimal dose, they will transform blood into ordinary toxic substances, which will be fit to immunize the organism.
Mental imponderable atoms regulate the production of white and red cells in bony medullae.
Teaching 5: Tissues
Tissues are divided into three categories: superficial epithelial, deep epithelial and connective.
Superficial epithelial tissues are totally renewed and removed quickly; new cells replace and push the old ones, which separate from the organism,
Since deep epithelial tissues are placed in the depth of the organism and their external communications are indirect by means of blood and superficial epithelial tissues, they have to be removed in form of liquid and very tenuous particles. Form remains apparently the same, but substance changes continuously.
Epithelial, superficial and deep tissues are linked by connective tissue.
This is the support of the organism. It covers deep coated tissues of the epithelium, presenting two kinds of cavities; the ones get deep elements, muscular fibers and nervous cells; the other are like inner lakes, in which nutritional juice and their by-products circulate.
Dynamic atoms influence nurture and chemical properties of the connective tissues. We could say through superficial epithelial tissues they get energy from outside and convey it to deep tissues; and vice versa they convey inner energy outward; all this without any intervention of the brain.
Superficial epithelial tissues are composed of one or more layers of epithelial cells, applied on a vascular connective tissue.
When there is only one layer of cells, the epithelium is called simple: when cells form several layers, it is called stratified epithelium.
Epithelial cells are united each other by a substance called cement.
Atoms that influence them are the imponderable. So, these tissues attract constantly and agglomerate organic cells, while they impede external atomic vibrations to enter the organism without transformation.
This is why superficial epithelial tissues have diverse form and resistance, depending on their exposition to the action of external agents. Sometimes they become steadily defensive, like in fingernails and hair; they let pass vibrations of luminous rays directly to the physical system, and that is why they are characteristically elastic and transparent.
Deep epithelial tissues respond to the action of imponderable atoms, considering the muscular tissue among these deep tissues.
Consistency of a muscular tissue varies, according to conditions of the muscle, from very hard to very soft. By its especial consistency it is rent easily, thence it is protected by other tissues.
Muscular elasticity is extraordinary, but to its ordinary functions it would be useless if it had not the sensibility given by the nervous tissue.
Specific imponderable atoms of muscles establish, in the latter, a very short wave, which is mainly controlled by atoms X2.
Nutrition of a muscular tissue is very active and its contraction is voluntary and reflex.
A last union of the above-described tissues forms the nervous tissue.
Ponderable, imponderable and dynamic atoms act together in it.
Nervous tissues have three kinds of substances that rule the nervous movement: grey substance, white substance and myelin.
The grey substance is in dregs of medulla, cerebellum and brain, in those of peripheral nerves and in those of the great sympathetic; the latter differentiate from the former by a lack of protective sheath of the third fatty substance, called myelin.
Nervous elements are connected by atomic groups through electric and magnetic threads that create a field, wave or magnetic way; through it imponderable atoms pass, which vitalize the ponderable by means of the dynamic, and this way they give its own excitability to the nervous system.
Teaching 6: Nutrition and Blood
Blood is the center of all phenomena of nutrition.
Any element constituted by ponderable, dynamic and imponderable atoms is absorbed by blood, which assimilate, elaborates, subtilizes and expels them.
Absorption is made in three modes: by digestive mode, by secretion of inner glands and by respiratory mode.
After being used, these elements again are expelled by blood as a residual element; water, soluble substances and gases, especially carbon dioxide.
But the most extraordinary labor of blood is that of changes of its own elaboration, so insufficiently known yet, and that are the true producers of all phenomena already studied in the organism.
Blood is mainly composed of atoms X2; these atoms are in it in higher number than other atoms already described, belonging to a thicker category, formed by atoms X and H.
Blood has over-abundant atoms X2, with a co-relative decrease of subtler atoms, that is, atoms X3, and those successively higher ones, until astral atoms.
We can hold blood is the only physical element containing astral atoms free of union with physical atoms, although in a very little number.
Through these astral atoms, a being can contact astral and higher worlds.
Glands that are fit to certain supra-physical functions would be unable to perform them without a contribution of these astral atoms.
Purity of blood in the product of reproduction is very important, because there is atomic, astral, qualitative and quantitative difference among diverse races and between one individual and another.
These atoms increase in blood along with the spiritual progress of the individual and race. Also, they are true producers of atoms X and H, by means of elements reaching the blood.
We know that blood attracts and assimilates these elements, through epithelial tissues, connective and deep, and their expulsion is convenient in the same proportion of their absorption.
Sometimes, the inner blood elaboration is slow; it expels less and less quantity, or in a deficient proportion, leaving in those issues traces that were not eliminated; this is a cause of every organic disturbance, disease, ageing and death.
When astral atoms increase in blood, you get more life and normal rhythm; therefore, to the student, it is vitally important keep his blood pure and to know how to increase astral atoms.
These atoms are eliminated through the fundamental plexus and the reproductive function; they are distributed in blood according to little differences of temperature in it, controlled by the spleen and splenic plexus; they increase by right respiratory exercise, through the solar plexus; they multiply by means of the blood circulation, checked by the heart plexus and their number increases by absorption of astral elements deposited in the spinal medulla, checked by the larynx plexus.
When the number of these astral atoms is high in case of exceptional beings, mental atoms are deposited in blood; these atoms take a man near his Spiritual Liberation, although while he is still alive on Earth.
Teaching 7: Pelvic cavity
The pelvic cavity is a blind bottom closing the lower part of the trunk; it is composed of a skeletal waist, formed by the sacrum-coccyx column and iliac bones.
In a man, it contains colons, bladder, pelvic portion of the urethra, seminal vesicles, different ducts, prostate, sacrum plexus and its nerves; in a woman, it contains besides colons, bladder, part of the urethra and sacrum plexus, ovaries, tubes, uterus and higher part of the vagina.
On its higher part, the pelvic area is determined by an imaginary line that goes through both front-higher iliac spines; and on its rear part, through the higher edge of iliac bones,
The deposit of the Cosmic Ether is in the coccyx.
Different atomic groups are formed and organized there, and distributed in secondary centers of this area.
The Cosmic Ether vitalizes every center, primary and secondary, of a human body.
The coccyx area has seven secondary centers according to the following sites:
1. In the rear insertion of the scrotum, or rear beginning of the vulva. Its function is to strengthen the organism and to give it a young aspect.
2. In the anal orifice; its property is to remove diseases, and manifests in secretion of anal glands.
3. In glans or in clitoris; it enables to attract beings of opposite sex.
4. In the lower end of cavernous bodies; it stimulates ejaculation and sexual pleasure.
5. In pubic symphysis; it stops ejaculations and sexual pleasure.
6. In the higher part of the albuginia of the right testicle, or higher part of the left ovarium; it determines the dose of maleness in a being.
7. In the lower part of the albuginia of the left testicle, or lower part of the right ovarium; it determines the dose of femaleness in a being.
All these secondary centers have specific, almost autonomous functions.
At a time, the sacrum area has almost seven own secondary centers.
1. In the central portion of deferent ducts or, in a woman, in Bertolinus’ glands; it enables to reject or to expel what is inconvenient to sexual nature of a being.
2. In the spermatic channel of prostate or in the neck of the uterus; it enables the organism to be integrally renewed, every seven years.
3. In rear perineum, that is, between anus and rear insertion of the scrotum.
4. In the inter-gluteal groove, between anus and coccyx; it enables the communication with the corresponding medullar center, to strengthen its vibration.
5. In seminal vesicles or uterine ducts; it enables to preserve sexual power in both sexes.
6. In the end of deferent ducts or, in a woman, in round ligaments; it intervenes in the sensorial aspect of members, in relation to sexuality.
7. In bladder; it regulates continence, especially that of vesicular sphincter.
Also, between bones and pelvic periosteum, there are other seven secondary centers:
1. On the basis of the sacrum bone.
2 On right iliac fossa.
3. On left iliac fossa.
4. On right acetabulum.
5. On left acetabulum.
6. On pubic symphisis.
7. On schions; this grants the power of clairvoyance to perceive chemical elements of Earth.
Teaching 8: Abdomen
The abdomen is an area of the trunk, which is between thorax and pelvic cavity.
Superficially, the abdomen is divided into six parts:
1. Epigastrium.
2. Mesogastrium.
3. Hipogastrium.
4. Hypochondria –right and left.
5. Sides –right and left.
6. Iliac fossae –right and left.
In epigastrium there are: stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and solar plexus; the latter is formed by two semi-lunar ganglia and minor ganglia.
This area corresponds to the Cosmic Ether of the Solar Wheel and has small secondary, but quite important centers disseminated there.
Besides, the epigastrium contains liver and bile ways, which are subject to the influence of the Splenic Wheel.
In the pancreas there are centers of personal magnetism.
On the head of the pancreas the negative magnetic center is; wrath and fieriness that wear away energies of this center, and the individual being quickly loses magnetism. On the tail is the positive center; the movement of this center increases physical, psychical and moral power of the individual being. And in the body of the pancreas there is the regulating magnetic center; an excessive use of the two centers brings disease and death.
In case of excessive wrath, the negative center of the pancreas excretes substances that act by hormonal way on kidneys, generating toxins; this produces a concomitant increase of urea. Instead, an excessive work of the positive center, which occurs in case of pride haughtiness and pride, gives rise to pancreatic diabetes, by action of this center on the pancreas as a whole.
The stomach has 72 secondary centers distributed on the mucous membrane, every one of which has a characteristic property in secreting gastric juice. The latter is not always of the same composition, but varies according to foods eaten.
Many of these centers do not come into motion, with the subsequent damage for the organism.
Nothing can be better to move these centers than to eat without gluttony, eating a variety of foods, in small quantity of every one.
Many centers do not work because the man has almost entirely removed hard foods from his diet.
The duodenum has three secondary centers: the one on the bulb or entrance; the other in the middle portion; and a third center in the distal end.
Characteristic functions of these centers are to keep the duodenum ever free of substance; when the center in the middle does not work properly, serious digestive disturbances occur by stagnation of food in it.
Also, food has the greatest power of the Cosmic Ether corresponding to the Wheel.
The liver has seven secondary centers corresponding to the Cosmic Ether of the Splenic Wheel, chose manifestations are insufficiently known.
One of these centers is on the right hepatic lobule, which rules the defense against microorganisms that invade the body, by whatever way.
Microbes can be carried to the liver: living, dead, dead but with generating portions alive, disintegrated, or reabsorbed after a previous disintegration.
In all the above-mentioned conditions, they are disintegrated; and this right lobule forms foods and vaccines with their materials.
When this hepatic function does not work with normality, microbes invade the organism by producing infectious diseases; and, on its side, the right lobule undergoes a disordered hypertrophy in its cells, what finally brings death.
Other of the secondary hepatic centers is in the left lobule. It is like a customs officer in the organism, for it rules the absorption and rejection of substances rejected. In all beings, this center is altered, mainly because of preserved foods eaten.
The Spiegel’s lobule has a characteristic center very important, for by its vibration it gives continuously life and strength to right and left lobules, aiming at alleviating their overwhelming work. The Splenic Ether coming to this center is pervaded by the remaining centers, not in a combined form, but in a separate form, with every one of their respective characteristics.
The square lobule has another center. It also gets separate electric vibrations; and reinforces the action of the Spiegel’s center
The essential labor of these two centers is to vitalize right and left centers, to enable them to humanize vegetal and animal substances incorporated.
The fifth center is the minor epiploon. The vibration of this center reflects and conveys to the astral body what is occurring in the physical body of a man.
The round ligament has a center, sex, which conveys astral vitality from a man to a woman at the moment of sexual union; and from a woman to the foetus during the whole course of pregnancy. The splenic vein vibrates simultaneously.
The seventh center is on the bile ways; it has a vibration that produces bile.
The mesogastrium and hipogastrium contain the small intestine.
The small intestine has 72,000 secondary centers. Every one of these centers produces a different chemical element, a part of them destined to assimilate foods, and the remaining centers to facilitate excretion.
Also, there are groups of them that, in state of fast, extract certain foods from blood, elaborate them in the intestine to reincorporate a part of them to the blood current, transformed in foods; and to excrete the surplus.
These centers correspond to the Cosmic Ether of the Solar Wheel.
Right and left hypochondria contain the liver and bile ways, spleen, kidneys, ductless glands and colons; they correspond to the Cosmic Ether of the Splenic Wheel.
The spleen has a principal center, of great importance, which regulates any entry and way-out of astral forces of the organism. When in the organism there are many astral atoms, it contracts; when they are scarce, it expands. When the spleen is extirpated, a being is lacking control.
The ductless glands have three secondary centers: intermediate, medullar and cortical.
The center of the intermediate tissue intervenes in coloring the skin; by making circulate this center in certain way, a man would be able to change the color of his skin. Also, it has an important function in the metabolism of proteins and hydrocarbons.
The medullar center, which is deeper, intervenes in the flexibility and softness of the skin; this center stops early to work and they the skin become wrinkly and flexible.
The cause of this is excessive emotions in life, which pours to much adrenaline –there produced– on the blood, and this adrenaline is not burnt out in due proportion.
Also, this glandular area intervenes in producing androgens and estrogens and, through it, in secondary sexual characters; also, in psychism in considerable proportion.
This function is subject to a right operation of energetic centers of deferent ducts, in men; and of those of round ligaments, in women; with the exception of the suprarenal secretion, which intervenes in the psychic aspect.
The cortical center produces higher hardiness or resistance in the skin.
Besides it is a principal part in the ionic balance, especially to sustain proportions of sodium, potassium, phosphorous and calcium.
Right and left sides contain ascending and descending colons respectively. The ascending colon has seven centers of retentive kind, which are the last barriers before the expulsion of faecal matter. Preferably, these centers absorb mineral elements. Every one of these centers absorbs substances of one of the mineral groups.
When there is intestinal putrefaction, these centers work with difficulty, and as the result of it, weaken intestinal walls; this fosters parasitic and bacterial infections.
The faculty of the descending colon is to expel faeces and, to such purpose, has seven centers.
Iliac fossae, right and left, contain: the first, caecum, appendix and principal part of ileum; and the second, sigmoid colon.
The caecum has three secondary centers: one in the ileum-caecum valve; other, in the beginning of the appendix; and the third, in caecum itself.
The function of the latter is to separate, analyze and form its own elements with those there isolated, to absorb them in its wall, where a classification of that is harmful and what is acceptable for the organism by expelling the former.
The function of the center of the ileum-caecum valve, called “the inverter”, is to take in a backward current to the ileum substances accepted by the caecum center; these substances have, among other missions that of immunizing the organism against toxic substances ingested or produced in the intestinal tract.
The function of the appendix center is to register and alarm the other centers, as to the presence of harmful substances carried to the caecum.
The sigmoid center has several mobile secondary centers that serve to expel faeces.
Teaching 9: Heart and Lungs
Heart and lung correspond to the Heart Wheel.
The heart, principal organ of the circulatory system, which plays the part of a suction and impulsion pump, has very important secondary centers.
It has a center that rules 49 negative centers that govern the blood vessels.
Also, the heart has other secondary centers scattered in the pericardium, which rule any emotion of instinctive and mental nature, when thought becomes emotion, or vice versa.
When the thought becomes emotion, these centers, individually and collectively, make vibrate a center that is in the aortic orifice; consequently, blood pressure rises, first because of nervous influence, an later because of hormonal influence.
When the emotion becomes thought, these centers make vibrate another center that is in the orifice of the lung artery, with repercussion on respiratory rhythm and oxygenation of blood; then, pressure goes down.
When a being gets or transmits emotions of astral kind, these emotions have repercussion on the 34 secondary centers placed in the mitral orifice.
The heart has 16 secondary centers, distributed like this: four centers in every one of its cavities.
The four centers of the right auricle are purifiers of the blood; they secrete certain characteristic hormones that give peculiar subtlety, luminosity and purity to the running blood, being purified as a result of it.
Hormones secreted by these four centers are of a materialized ethereal substance of simple mineral nature; one of these materials is an isotope of potassium; another, of radium; and the third, of magnesium.
The right ventricle has four centers that give other characteristics to blood, by enrichment, with hormonal substances formed by sodium combined with proteins and carbohydrates.
Without this purification and enrichment, neither lung oxygenation could be produced
nor a release of carbon monoxide in lungs.
The left auricle has four centers, which give its particular characteristic of cardiac blood to blood.
The four centers of the left ventricle put an end to this transformation, by which this blood is different from blood that circulates through the rest of the organism.
Lungs are related to secondary centers that intervene in oxygenation and exchange of gases.
Their important centers are five: three in right lung and two in left lung.
Three lung centers attract respectively: the lower center, atoms of the ethereal air; the mean center, atoms of astral air; and the superior center, atoms of cosmic air, which is above the stratosphere.
By these three centers, a man makes contact with material emanations of the Universe. A deficient activity of the lower center produces asthma.
In animals, the lower center is the only one active; in man, the superior center works better when it is on high regions.
The two centers of the left lung are related to the inner air of the organism. The superior center maintains the air dissolved in humors, and this way it avoids physical troubles; and the lower center blocks the access of heavy atoms of aerial toxicity produced inside the Earth.
The right lung has a more evolved function and is stronger to endure lung diseases.
Also in bronchial tubes there are secondary centers, destined to block the access of pathogenic organisms, by transforming their toxins.
Teaching 10: Larynx
The laryinx area corresponds to the Larynx Wheel. It has very numerous secondary centers difficult to enumerate, but we can know those of higher value.
Higher vocal chords have four centers; two of them intervene in the activity of the epiglottis, to open it and to close it properly. The other two regulate the secretion of salivary glands.
When these centers are very developed, by means of certain exercises and constant practice of Meditation, those glands secrete substances with delicious taste. When their activity is deficient, they produce saliva with bitter and unpleasant taste.
Buddhists say to some person who is amazed and open-mouthed: “Close your mouth, so no evil spirit will enter it, because they have bad taste”. Seemingly, these centers do not work properly as a result of this act of amazement.
Lower vocal chords have 23 centers; every one of them produces a different vibrational vocal scale. In a man, seven of those centers are active, because if all of them worked, he could quite easily learn languages and emit sounds of Nature.
Through auras of famous singers, it has been observed that even fourteen of those centers are working in them.
The larynx has six important centers, and its property is to act opening it, by means of its muscles, helping expel gases derived from lungs.
Of them, two control and purify of certain gases the air breathed in by mouth; other two do the same with the air breathed in by nose; and the remaining two are guardians of gases that could enter otherwise.
In the infra-glottis area, there is a center of high importance that gets an aerial astral vibration entering there. When this center is highly developed, you can hear astral sounds.
The oesophagus has three centers, every one of them in three physiological straits. The first, in the cervical strait, controls quantity in the sense that, by variation of it, generates nausea; this center, in persons with long fast, secretes a very white, nutritive mucus, called “Manna” or “Bread from Heaven” in Mystique; and the third center, in the diaphragm strait, controls volume, producing nausea and discomfort; it is a relic, produced by the evolution of the animal center of the first stomach.
All these centers are related to the thyroid gland, where the principal center is. In the covering membrane of this gland there are other secondary centers, fifteen in all, especially related to the heat of the organism. Some centers, likely a half of them, rule the metabolism and production of iodine in the body. One of these centers is in contact with atoms X2, which provide with the soul of iodine. This center just works when the organism is not recharged with fatty substances of any kind, mainly sterids. If this center worked properly, a man would never suffer of cancer.
The parathyroid glands have individually three secondary centers; one influences birth and metabolism of the calcium in the economy; another, birth and metabolism of phosphorus; and the third one, birth and metabolism of ethereal alcohol, which determines the longevity of the individual.
These centers are equal in both parathyroid glands; moreover, to work efficiently, the two groups must work at the same rate. They are closely related to sex centers, in case of a perfect activity, which does not occur even in a normal contemporary man, the testosterone and foliculine would be at the same proportion in every human being.
In present men, the right and left groups of these centers work alternately by prevailing one over another; eventually they invert this situation every seven years.
Teaching 11: Hypothalamic Area
All nuclei at the base of the brain, protuberance, cerebral peduncles, and cerebellum with its peduncles, correspond to the Visual Wheel.
The brain, with its cortical substances, white and grey, corresponds to the Crown Wheel.
The hypophysis rules over all glands of inner secretion; at a time, the Visual Wheel rules over all above-mentioned secondary centers.
In the sphenoid bone, there are small centers that, quantitatively and qualitatively, correspond to every one of the secondary centers above enunciated. They remain in latent state until a time when their particular activity becomes necessary because a disease or an accident affects relative visceral centers.
The hypophysis gland has many secondary centers.
The front lobule has fifteen centers acting on the other glands of inner secretion.
The first of these centers influences female psyche.
The second center influences male psyche.
The third center intervenes in growth.
The fourth center excites and graduates development and stability of base nuclei, according to age.
The fifth center determines mental vegetative development.
The sixth center develops the ancestral amnesiac reserve in the organism.
The seventh center prepares nuclei destined to perfect a more complete mind in the brain.
The eight act on libido.
The ninth acts on instinct of procreation and preservation of the species.
The tenth center controls the somatic configuration according to sex.
The eleventh center acts on thyroid and parathyroid glands.
The twelfth acts on metabolism of fats and hydrocarbons.
The thirteenth center intervenes in the activity of the ductless glands and pancreas.
The fourteenth center excites male gonads, and voice.
The fifteenth center excites feminine gonads, mammal gonads, and voice.
These two last centers intervene in hair development.
Centers above-mentioned stimulate or stop secretions in those organs enumerated, according to a vibrational frequency.
The rear lobule has fifteen centers too.
The first center acts on metabolism mainly that of proteins and on contraction of smooth muscles in intestinal and vascular walls.
The second center acts on the nervous system as a whole, by enabling it to get the astral part of the said system, and graduates the removal of water through kidneys.
The third center acts on physical and astral compounds of the blood.
The fourth center permits the descent of an individual that needs to come into being in certain physical body.
The fifth center comes into action at death, and enables to leave quickly the physical body.
The sixth center determines normal uterine contractions in labor, and those of the childbirth.
The seventh center works when we are asleep, watching over the separation of the astral body.
The eight controls the rise of a being toward the mental world, in dream state or ecstasy. It does not act on states of insanity.
The tenth center makes the contact of an individual mind with the cosmic mind. If it vibrated continuously, a man would possess all human sciences and would speak all languages.
The eleventh center produces states of clairvoyance as to past lives.
The twelfth center causes a being to feel in harmony with certain groups of similar beings, by establishing also the grade and category to which they belong.
The thirteenth center vibrates when a Solar Initiate is near. This is True Communion.
The fourteenth center establishes clairvoyance about events at present time.
The fifteenth center is on the limit between the intermediate part and the rear lobule; it gives clairvoyance of the future, which is Divine Clairvoyance.
Through the black mass, or tuber cinereum, all energetic currents coming from the pineal gland flow; but there, all spiritual powers of the Cosmos, filtered through infinite centers of the pineal gland, enter the human universe.
In small mineral concretions of the pineal gland there are, potentially, one thousand centers destined to get a complete development after the sixth Root-Race.
Base nuclei of the brain, or thalamic area, contain infinite energetic living centers co-related to their harmonic cosmic centers. Every center is the image of an orb, and every group, the image of certain constellation of planetary system. They form a true microcosm, where there would be knowledge of human nature and its relation to the whole Creation.
Teaching 12: Superior Extremities
In superior extremities there are many secondary centers.
A hand has 16 important secondary centers.
The first of these is in the center of the palm and rules the sense of tact at large, being an astral deposit, or center, of the air.
Both palm centers are rule by seven brain centers of the tact, which mark a cycle of 52,43 minutes, according to Solar Tattva, during which they alternate their positive and negative activity, for a period of time of 4,43 minutes. This alternation rules for all centers studied.
In every phalanx there is a secondary center, subordinated to the palm center; these centers have a characteristic astral sensibility.
The thumb center contacts a being with the Visual Wheel of the Astral body; thence it denotes character and will when is sufficiently developed.
The forefinger center corresponds to the Larynx Wheel; it gives extraordinary sensibility to spatial orientation.
The middle-finger center corresponds to the Heart Wheel; its proper development gives the faculty to attract and magnetize beings.
The ring-finger center corresponds to the Solar Wheel and gives understanding, mental clarity, meditation and knowledge.
The little-finger center corresponds to the Splenic Wheel; it prevents from dangers, when it is properly developed; and at the hour of death, it is the first to lose sensibility. The Moon influences this center.
Each second phalanx has also a center; they develop the sense of the Etheric Body.
Its proper development favors the intellect.
A proper development of the center corresponding to the proximal thumb phalanx, enables to impose our will and command.
The center of the second phalanx of the fore-finger especially gives skill to explorers, travelers, aviators and shooters.
The middle-finger center gives sense of love and that of healing.
The ring-finger center gives sense of economy, financial success and wellbeing in loneliness.
The little-finger center gives the sense of communication with beings that passed away and are wandering in lower planes.
The center of the proximal forefinger phalanx, if it is properly developed, denotes attachment to earthly possessions.
The middle-finger center denotes lust.
The ring-finger center denotes superstition and greed.
The little-finger center denotes to be prone to violent death and accidents.
On the thenar eminence there is a center that, when is properly developed, establishes contact with the outer world, astral or physical.
On the wrist there are three secondary centers, vertically arranged in the mean part.
The distal center rules not only movements of the hand and forearm, but also denotes the state of both nervous systems.
It proper development is denoted by the first transversal groove properly marked. It acts on the brain-spine system up to the age of 30. The second groove indicates the same from 30 to 60 years old; and the third groove, from 60 to 90 years old. Respectively, they indicate good memory for the same periods of time.
On the front superior third of the forearm there are three main secondary centers, transversally placed.
The outer center contacts a being by means of astral benefic vibrations.
The middle center does by means of mental benefic vibrations.
The inner center does by means of cosmic mental vibrations.
On the front part of the elbow joint there is a center that gets malefic astral vibrations, in very sensible beings. They cause the joint to hurt, and usually this is mistaken for rheumatic joint.
On the rear elbow area there is a center regulating the astral heat, with seven auxiliary centers around, which start proportions of astral calories.
On the armpits there are secondary centers related to physiologic experiences of past lives. When one of these precedent states acts again with violence on a being, these centers alert by secreting a sweat of characteristic smell. On every armpit there are 777 centers of this kind.
On the superior and external are of the shoulder there are many centers related to a future development, but now it is inappropriate to speak of them.
Teaching 13: Eyes
For esoteric teachings, the eye bottom is very significant. Through atomic physical vibrations already considered, it gets from the interior of the organism, negative potential vibrations, which reflect the vital state of it.
It gets positive vibrations from sunlight. Vibrations that may be useful to the physical body are grasped by a magnetic field.
All positive vibrations collide with each other on the retina; those vibrations that are useless fall away. Useful vibrations collide with negative vibration in the entire eye bottom, producing a characteristic coloring on this area. According to color, form and intensity of their radiation, one can know the condition of the organism.
Secondary eye centers are on the major circumferences of the orbits and their number is enormous; represented by tiny glands so far unknown, if developed, may secrete an especial liquid that vivifies the retina and prepares it to get luminous rays beyond both ends of the spectrum. Those centers with shorter wave would let see ethereal radiation; those with longer wave, a grosser physical world.
On the front chamber, especially before and behind the iris, there are introspective secondary centers. They are like small centers, or reflectors, which let see the inner physical body, especially when one of its arts is affected.
This confirms the old motto: “The eyes of the soul see any disease”.
This inner and subconscious vision becomes very intense, in normal beings, in case of serious disease of certain organ, to the point that it makes vibrate intensely the corresponding center, the visual point affected, producing a local disturbance, almost imperceptible, like a soft ache.
This symptom also announces the imminent final outcome of a disease. Also it announces particularly the incubation of infectious diseases.
On the cornea there are 72 visual centers.
According to their operation, an individual can distinguish one object from another and assign to it its corresponding exact color.
When vibration decreases in the 18 superior centers of the cornea, an individual becomes short-sighted.
When vibration decreases in the 18 lower centers, an individual becomes long-sighted.
When the nine lateral secondary centers work improperly, astigmatism takes place.
On the major circumference of the iris, there are secondary centers that grasp cosmic, astral-pranic waves.
Behind the macula there is a center that sums up the activity of all above-described centers.
When a being is in high contemplation, these centers vibrate in an extraordinary way, and when the individual comes to his normal state, they cause him to have intuition and skill to translate his experience.
Teaching 14: Kidneys
Kidneys are in charge of secreting and excreting urine.
In this research we have to consider the rhythmic labor of kidneys quite important.
This rhythm is changed in certain persons; and often, just one of them is working, despite both are apparently healthy. The cause of this is the absence of a balanced breath, for kidneys respond to the vibration of the breath.
When kidneys are in good condition, they work, alternately, for two hour forty five minutes. This cycle starts from a lunation and from sunrise. During the first three days, the left kidney starts its work; during the following three days, the right lung does, and so on. Every kidney responds to the lung vibration of the opposite side.
The right kidney removes excessive male hormones; the left kidney, excessive feminine hormones.
The most important secondary centers are in the peri-renal cell. There are there four small centers corresponding to the sacrum plexus, placed in quadrilateral form. These centers are used after coition to expel those hormones, so far unknown, formed in that moment, which would be harmful if they entered the blood current.
Around these centers, there are other five centers corresponding to the splenic plexus, which serve to expel those hormones formed by fear produced by a compelling situation.
Around the latter there are small centers corresponding to the solar plexus, which remove toxins produced by excessive food and drink. When these centers are too much demanded, then the lumbar plexus weakens, giving rise to lumbago and sciatic.
Inside kidney there are secondary centers of several kinds. Glomerulate centers are twelve for every kidney and correspond to the hear plexus; they respond to the heart rate. When a man is about to die, these centers continue to work until they exhaust vibrations of the heart plexus.
Also, they remove hormones and toxins produced by violent actions.
In uriniferous tubes, there are 16 secondary centers corresponding to the larynx center; their functions are not exactly known, but seemingly they are of those of astral kind.
In renal pelvis, we know 100 secondary centers corresponding to hypophisial and pineal glands; seemingly they are even more numerous. Their functions are those of astral and mental kind.
In ureters there are secondary centers, corresponding to the sacrum plexus, which work when a man defecates or urinates.
Teaching 15: Balance of Atoms
To keep the organism healthy and to cure sickness when its vital balance has been lost, it is indispensable to restore the harmony among the different atomic groups.
This harmony should ever exist according to the ancient motto: “Medici tibi fiant haec tria: mens laeta, requiens, moderata diaeta”.
Ponderable atoms have polyhedral forms in the physical world; when they prevail, if we could observe them, their image would be that of a quadrilateral field.
Since they influence skeleton, muscles and conjunctive tissue in a being, when their number is abnormal, tend to harden joints, to remove elasticity in the organism and to produce arteriosclerosis.
Also, in prevailing ponderable atoms on the rest, they gain power and are reproduced more easily; to reduce their influence, it is necessary to control nutrition.
Usually, at the age of 40 an individual eats as if he were 20 years old.
Calcium, main auxiliary of ponderable atoms, which in adolescence is indispensable, becomes an enemy since the age of 40.
Something similar occurs also with the rest of elements, producing several diseases.
To restore the balance you should not reduce the diet in all but to alternate it, for instance: for a year, meat is suspended; during the following year, hydrocarbons are reduced; and during subsequent years, fats are reduced.
Dynamic atoms have spheroid form and their number is constant; a right human breath keeps this favorable rhythm that can be spontaneous or acquired.
When dynamic atoms are numerically unbalanced in regard to the rest, a man does not reach a normal term of life.
Imponderable atoms have several and variable forms; their number is not stable in the present man..
In certain types of the sixth sub-race a considerable progress in this numeric stability is perceived.
If a man could harmonize his constitutive atoms, he would be a true god on the Earth; a free and happy being; he would not know disease or old age, and would be able to overcome death and move to higher world with full consciousness. He would unite pleasure with pain in a way that neither pain would reach the point of despair, nor pleasure the point of paroxysm.
These two forces, instead of colliding with each other, by a divine antinomy would harmonize in a way that, before the absence of excessive pain or pleasure, would give the individual being continuous stable peace and happiness.
Teaching 16: Exercises to Keep Atoms Balanced
The first advisable exercise increases the number of ponderable atoms in case of disease.
The practitioner, seated with his back to the sun, and legs and arms crossed, fixes his sight at the level of his shade, imagining he is surrounded by a golden halo; then he will move, slowly and alternately, hands and feet of the same side, and will try to breath rhythmically and slowly through both nasal cavities at the same time. After ten or twelve breath, he will start breathing deeply through right nasal cavity, with the same precedent rate, counting mentally to 333.
Soon afterwards he will close his eyes and will remain motionless for seven minutes and then the golden square of ponderable atoms will emerge in his mind.
We may notice this exercise is beneficial to those who suffer of blood hypertension,
The second exercise serves to increase the number of dynamic atoms.
Preferably, it will be practiced at moon night. It is used in case or nervous or glandular disease.
On practices it being seated, looking at the moon or at a star, motionless, with the eyes fixed on the point chosen; you will deeply breathe through both nasal cavities, imagining you are submerged in water. As you feel you are choking start breathing through the left nasal cavity, with all your strength, counting slowly to 280. Then close your eyes and imagine that you see an immense silver sea. Then, stand up and try to walk about 50 meters quickly, checking your breath if possible.
If weather is warm, it is good to practice this exercise barefooted, on humid tiles.
This exercise is good for hyper-tense people.
The third exercise refers to imponderable atoms.
Preferably it is practiced lying down, in supine position, with a black cloth covering the eyes, not pressing them and imagining that you see a black and formless void.
Shortly afterwards you will breath ten times by he right nasal cavity and later ten times by the left nasal cavity, at the rate of the tick made by a clock. Later you block both nasal cavities, after you breathe in, as long as possible.
This exercise has achieved its purpose when the practitioner has seen a lot of little points, luminous and multicolored.
It is excellent for mental relax, to restore memory and to recover strength worn away by an exhausting study, in order to be able to re-start it.
Teaching 1: Life
Teaching 2: Atomic Physiology
Teaching 3: The Living Cell
Teaching 4: Blood
Teaching 5: Tissues
Teaching 6: Nutrition and Blood
Teaching 7: Pelvic Cavity
Teaching 8: Abdomen
Teaching 9: Heart and Lungs
Teaching:10: Larynx
Teaching 11: Hypothalamic Area
Teaching 12: Superior Extremities
Teaching 13: Eyes
Teaching 14: Kidneys
Teaching 15: Balance of Atoms
Teaching 16: Exercises to Keep Atoms Balanced |